The Tempura King Prawn platter is the latest addition to the Ocean Treasure series of Pizza Hut offerings. The tagline goes The king on the platter joins the ocean treasure and it’s a side dish for the Ocean Treasure pizza series.
The flagship of the Ocean Treasure series is the Ocean Treasure
Pizza, which has prawns, calamari, crab sticks and other seafood as the
topping of the pizza.
I’ve always liked the Ocean Treasure Pizza – there’s nothing like baked crab sticks…it just has this delicious texture to it.
The Tempura King Prawn platter is described as “a delicious bundle
of crispy golden bites made up of crunchy Tempura King Prawns,
irresistible Tempura Calamari Rings and tasty Criss Cut Fries with Cool
Lime Mayonnaise”.
It’s good – the tempura king prawns are great and the dip is nice
and creamy, but I found the fries to be the best thing on this side
At least it’s not crinkle fries. π