My workload this semester is depressing. I’ll even go so far as to say that there’s a shitload
of work this semester. I don’t know the empirical value of a shitload versus a normal load, but
I’ll postulate that a shitload is significantly more than a normal load. One of my subjects even
has a graded exercise starting from Week 2! After my dismal grades last semester, I have decided
that I need to bunker down and study hard this semester if I’m going to do well. Tell you what, I’m
even going to read through one set of lecture notes after this and I’ll sleep early and wake up
early and sync another set of lecture notes to read on the train tomorrow. In fact, I’m even going
to START MY ASSIGNMENT TOMORROW NIGHT! *gasp* There you go. Seriously though, I’ll have to work
harder this semester. It is my final year of university after all. Anyway, I’ll be heading down to
the city tomorrow to pay for my accommodation booking at Mt Buller []. Yeah, I’m heading for the
slopes next weekend. =D I’ll be there for 3 days and 2 nights, which should be heaps of fun,
considering that my trip coincides with the Victorian Uni Championships and the 3rd Quiksilver
Interschools GP. It’s not the Mountain Dew Shredfest, but it’ll be entertaining nevertheless.
I’ll be staying at the
YHA Lodge [], which is probably the cheapest on-mountain accommodation at A$55 per
night. It’s the peak season and I can’t afford anything better. It will be a fun three days up at
Mt Buller and I’m already looking forward to it. Heh.
Images taken from McDonald’s Australia []
Anyway, my friend Adrian came by today to download MP3s and burn some CDs. We headed to
McDonald’s after that and I tried the new Outback burger on their New Tastes Menu
[]. The McDonald’s here has this New Tastes menu, which changes every month to
give a bit of variety. I’ve had the Pavlova Passion before but I couldn’t fit an Outback burger
into my stomach that time, so I’m glad I had that today. Pretty nice, there is an egg in there
too. I love burgers with eggs.
The real thing doesn’t look so vibrant. Outback burger meal with Pavlova Passion dessert.