ICT 2004: Day 3 – Kodak girl

kodak models
The three Kodak models at a pre-shoot session

me kodak models
…and this is the one with me.

There was a photo shooting competition with the theme “Kodak Girl”
today. Basically, there were three models, no post production
(immediate CF Card submission) and the best three will get digital
cameras as a prize. I did not enter to win, so I politely refused to
submit the whole set of photos, like the others. I like retaining the
copyrights to my photos, and submitting it would transfer my
intellectual property to them. Here are some of the photos I took. I
can’t put up the whole series coz it would take up too much space.

kodak shot

I think I submitted this one. I’m not sure, but if I did, I’m an idiot coz this is not the best one from the series.

model two

This is the second model, got her to pose for a “camera tag” shot.

model three

This is the third model.

models interacting

Here’s one with the models interacting but since the theme seems to
be singular i.e. Kodal girl vs Kodak girls, I did not put this one in,
though it’s a good one, IMHO. Hmm…come to think of it, can you really
use “IMHO” in the context of your own work?

kodak like

Here’s the photo that I really like – I did not submit this though,
coz I realized her left hand obscured the Kodak top. Her name is
Shirley. If you think she looks familiar, you would be right. She was
at BTS 2004 too and she remembered me from that expo. You can see as
the SlideHide model here [sixthseal.com]. I talked to her after the session, more about that later.

shirley dark

This is another one I like – the image came out with a mysterious
aura. I mainly worked with Shirley coz she’s a good model i.e. she’s
responsive to the photographer. It takes good photographer-model
interaction to create good shots.

me shirley

Anyway, I talked to her after all that, she’s really friendly like I
mentioned previously, I pitched the pengsan.com advertisement concept
to her, told her it would involve drugs and I would need to have a
model release form signed upon completion of the assignment. I like to
work with her but I was apprehensive coz she said she was a college
student at first, but it turns out that it’s not a college here, so I
guess that’s okay. I do not want to jeopardize the academic prospects
of anyone on the account of the controversial pengsan.com ad I’m going
to push out.

She said she will be leaving Kuching next week, so the photo shoot
needs to be done early next week if it’s going to be with her, but
regardless, she told me she’ll hook me up with her other model friends
if I can’t do it early next week. I’m not sure, I could if it’s at
night, but night shots doesn’t have the effect that I want. I got her
number and I told her to think about it, we’ll be meeting tomorrow

Oh, and before I forget…

This is today’s ICT 2004 video:

ict04 day3

Download: ICT 2004, Day 3 [sixthseal.com]

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