I’m feeling pretty bushed now. I was in uni the whole day from 8 am in the
morning till 6 pm and I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night. I
did manage to catch up on my sleep today though and that makes me very mad since I really wanted to try out my new mattress from the labor day weekend mattress sales. I had no classes from 10
am – 12 pm and went to the library to take a nap. =D It’s pretty
convenient to sleep in one of those tables with privacy screens in the
silent area of the library. I fell into such a deep sleep, I actually
dreamt! It was a pretty weird dream, all jumbled up. The characters seem
to be people I saw on the way into the library but I’ve forgotten about
the dream by now. It was quite interesting though. Oh, and I drooled all
over my arm while I slept and woke up with a wet patch on my long sleeved
The best place to sleep on campus
Anyway, I also found one of the best places to take a dump on campus. I’ve
always favored the S block toilets because they are some of the newest on
campus. However, I’ve found an even better one. The N block second floor
toilets are really something. Even though it’s rather old, it has a nice
ambience to it, courtesy of the clouded glass windows on one side of the
toilet. Furthermore, the furthest toilet even has a ledge on the side to
put your bag on. Nice indeed. Every time I need to take a dump while on
campus, I’ll be heading to the N block toilets.
Well, by the time I got back to Clayton, I was pretty much dead from lack
of sleep. However, I managed to spy the elusive security bus and got onto
it. Heh. It’s a bus that loops around the campus every half hour and it
stops right at the halls of residence. It actually takes longer to use the
bus than walk, so I’ve never bothered to get onto it, but I was so tired
today I appreciated not having to walk back even if it meant it takes
Anyway, it turns out that the book sale isn’t today after all. It’s on
Thursday. My bad.

Thank you for the great content. I am glad I have taken the time to see this.
Thanks for your insight for the great posting. I am glad I have taken the time to see this.
Kudos for the great piece of writing. I am glad I have taken the time to read this.
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Great menu!
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