Haha! That’s a good one. π I shouldn’t have told you so many
details of my personal life. You made it so convincing, I’ll give you
credit for that! It’s amazing that you can remember bits and pieces of
my personal life during our conversations (some of them over a year
ago!) and integrate it into the joke. Good thing you had the foresight
to SMS me after posting it so I can do some damage control. :p Sorry to
ruin your April Fool’s Joke, but you’re likely to give my parents a
heart attack. As I’ve told you before, they already suspect I’m you.
To my parents and girlfriend: veritas’s post below is an April Fool’s joke. Don’t worry, we’re two completely separate entities.
To law enforcement officers, investigators or related persons(s):
veritas’s post below is an April Fool’s joke. He’s a guest author on
this blog. I’m the owner of this domain and I do not possess any
illegal substances.
Oh, I already saw a comment and you didn’t manage to fool teddybwear [blogspot.com]. π

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