The good

I am pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to join the core group of Project Petaling Street
[]. I’m delighted by the invitation, to say the
least. πŸ™‚ The other members are established bloggers with good content,
and I’m not sure I really fit in, but it’s an honor to join the group.
The core members of the group are:

Aizuddin Danian (
Dinesh Nair (
Ditesh Kumar (
Jeff Ooi (
Mohan Raj (
NSalleh (
Najah Nasseri (
Poh Huai Bin (
TechnoLAHgy (
TV Smith (

I’m excited by this project and what it’s going to do. It was kept
under wraps until today, so click on the link and see what it’s all

Anyway, I just got back from campus, this is the first part of a
three post series about my day that unfortunately gets worse. I will
write the rest after I take care of some unfinished business.

Coming up:

The bad
I missed my interview today…by 35 minutes! It’s worth 30% What happens now?

The ugly
Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, Hypnodorm, “date rape drug”), Clobazam
(Frisium). Wtf? This isn’t a veritas post? (No) What’s going on here?

Stay tuned…

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