I went to the city this morning to update my plane ticket. Just
three more days till I leave Melbourne for good. I went on a photo
shoot around the CBD area and got most of the landmarks. Memories.
Unfortunately, today’s weather was bad for photography. It was cloudy
and drizzling constantly. I had to keep on wiping the lens to avoid
droplets of water getting into the frame but the foggy weather still
made photos blurry at the horizon. Surprisingly, I saw another person
taking photos at Federation Square (the relatively new weird looking
building opposite Flinders Street Station). She saw me before I saw her
though, and grinned. It is funny, quite coincidental to have two people
taking photos while it’s drizzling at Federation Square. Dedication. 😉

I’ll gear this review to two varieties of people: current Zune owners who definitely are considering upgrading, the ones wanting to decide between a Zune and a music player. (There are more players worth taking into consideration around, just like the Sony Walkman X, but I am hoping this provides you with you adequate info to create a thought out decision in the Zune vs players aside from ipod and iphone line also.)
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