Penang Special Kueh Tiaw @ Bormill Food Centre

bormill food center

I believe I have just discovered the best fried kueh tiaw in Kuching…it’s located at Bormill Food Center, just a little down the road from where I work. It’s located at the row right after the turning into Central Park – don’t take the turn, go straight and you’ll see the coffee shop.

bormill penang special

The Penang Special stall is the first one you see. They offer fried kueh tiaw, fried bee hoon, fried noodles and fried cha kueh. I was told that they have really good fried kueh tiaw so I ordered fried kueh tiaw special (RM 3.50).

bormill cooking

The person manning the wok seems competent enough – he fries batches of fried kueh tiaw with ease and the turnaround time for food is extremely fast. It’s fried in one of those large flat woks that retain the flavors of everything (that’s usually a good thing with good hawker food).

bormill kueh tiaw

This is the Penang style special fried kueh tiaw. It’s done with the thinner varient of kueh tiaw and it has hidden treasures in the form of clams and large shrimp inside. The kueh tiaw is nicely spicy and packed with flavors. It tasted so good that I scoffed down the small portion in just a couple of minutes and ordered another plate.

The place is always packed during breakfast so you won’t have any problems finding it. It’s the best kueh tiaw I’ve had in Kuching! I’m thinking about eating another plate just from writing this post…


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