Oreo Twist Lick Dunk


Oreo is the world’s favorite biscuit and the famous cream filled chocolate sandwich cookies have been “emulated”, shall we say, by a lot of local biscuits manufacturers. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all that aside, nothing beats the original Oreo in taste – the others lag a very distant second, and most of them are quite…well, crappy to be honest.

I’m a big fan of Oreo cookies and have been known to single-handedly consume several tubes of the stuff when I have the munchies back in Australia. I have committed most of the 7 Deadly Sins, gluttony being no exception, and the method I use to eat it is to stuff several of the cookies into my mouth and wash it down with milk. I know, I’m an animal. πŸ˜‰

oreo milo

Oreo has been emphasizing on the Twist Lick Dunk methodology as the proper method of eating Oreo cookies and I have been learning to eat Oreo biscuits with the latest decree. I won’t say that it tastes better this way, since I still prefer the stuff-my-mouth-full-of-Oreo-cookies-and-wash-down-with-milk consumption angle, but at least I’m not packing on the pounds by eating Oreo cookies one by one.


What would you do for an Oreo cookie?

little sister

The sharable Oreo tube packing also allows for easily portability when out window shopping with your little sister.


Oreo is the perfect snack for those OT sessions. You don’t actually have to stop working, and it can be passed around easily for cubicle slaves like us. It won’t even make your hands sticky, unlike some other chocolate biscuits.

byo dessert

BYO dessert. The petrol price hike is affecting everyone. Instead of complaining about it, certain cost cutting measures can be taken to maintain the same quality of life. With the constant global increase in fuel prices, we may stand witness to a trend of diners bringing their own Oreo cookies to share with friends after dinner. πŸ˜‰

loved one

Oreo memories – Sharing a pack of Oreo sandwich cookies over a mug of hot Milo on a rainy Saturday afternoon with a loved one.


This being the Year of the Rat and all, I figured the happy rodent should get his fair share of The Good Stuff. Sharing is caring.

Oreo Twist Lick Dunk

You will need:
Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies

oreo doublestuf

Step 1: Take one (1) Oreo cookie. I prefer the Oreo DoubleStuf filling.


Step 2: Twist the cookie by holding on to both ends while applying pressure in a clockwise direction. This separates one cookie from the other, with the filling sticking on to one side. I love this bit about Oreo cookies. It doesn’t disintegrate, it doesn’t have half the filling sticking to both sides, and it just twists to form a perfect plain cookie on one side and a cookie with TWICE the filling on the other.


Step 3: Lick the cream stuffing on the side with the creamy filling. You can either then reassemble the cookie or just dunk the other (or both) ends.


Step 4: Dunking is not just for donuts. You can dunk Oreo cookies in cold milk too. The proper time required for the dunking varies according to personal preference but generally, it should be saturated with milk, but not too soggy.


Step 5: Consume the dunked Oreo. The best thing about Oreo cookies is that it allows for a large margin of error in the dunking process. The Oreo won’t completely disintegrate (unless you zone out for an hour, and I’m not even sure it will disintegrate then) even if you dunk it in for longer than you anticipated.


Step 6: Wash down with milk. I just can’t get over this habit. I’m sorry, I know it’s not in the official Oreo Bible as part of orthodox dogma but I just like doing it.

Oreo – Twist and Dunk Video Guide
This is a video guide for the readers who prefer to watch rather than appreciate the written word. πŸ˜‰

Oreo is indeed a world favorite and very versatile biscuit to boot. It’s also available as wafer rolls and with double fillings like Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cream. Mmm…

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54 thoughts on “Oreo Twist Lick Dunk”

  1. I’m not that fond of Oreo except Oreo Cheesecake, the Queen of Calories. But I do enjoy Julie’s Peanut Butter cream cracker, dunk in black Indocafe, sluurrppss and munchy. *Sigh.

  2. Oreo?… Give me five Cokelatrawkz!!! I’m not a fan of Oreo but there is an exception which is the Oreo Cheese cake!! Lol….Because it kinda sweet if you just eat it…but I had no idea why I like it in cheese cake.

  3. Eh dude, the way you’re holding onto the Oreo while with your sister gives the impression that you walk around with one, all the time ahahaa.
    Look so casual there!

  4. LOL Nice review HB. I am not an Oreo fan neither, although it is one of the best selling item of Kraft. Maybe I should forward this post to the staffs in Kraft and tell them someone is doing free promo for them. πŸ˜‰ You did better than the some of their commercials here. Shhh…
    Well, they have different marketing strategy across the main regions. Oreo in U.S. will taste different than the one in Southern America or Asia or Europe. They formulate the cookies according to local preference. πŸ˜‰ They have more than 40 kinds of varities and packaging here alone. They use oreo in all kinds of dessert. Oreo crust as ice cream topping, oreo cookies milkshake, oreo pudding blah blah blah… You name it, they have it.

  5. You dunk ur cookies too? Me too…a few at a time, and that explains my shape – round!!! LOL!!! I love oreo cheesecake too…and there’s oreo in icecream too!!!

  6. i heart oreo!!!
    the way i do it is…
    1. eat the cookie
    2. drink milk
    trust me..it tastes much better..and the whole licking idea thingy is crap.

  7. That’s way too much… LOL..You have OREO in hand everywhere u GO~ OMG! Very fattening laar.. I can’t afford to have anymore choco/sweet stuff!!! T__T

  8. Ya wassup with the blue shirt uniform? πŸ˜‰
    I’m no fan of Oreos myself, but seeing as I don’t take milk, they do have the advantage that they contain no dairy products…

  9. good thing you heart oreos… not stereo… we had someone use up our monthly food allowance for the office by buying stereos instead of oreos… but man… it pales in comparison. in the end, oso habis dimakan when food supplies run low towards end of the month.

  10. LOL, I do it slightly differently.
    I just take the cream part and just stuff it in my mouth before dunking the cookies (biscuits) and slowly enjoying them. Ah, the vanilla, chocolate milk mixtures. Makes me orgasm.

  11. looking good, huai πŸ™‚ and oreo post = cheap excuse for licking photo! hehe. dammit. your blog always gives me seriously inconvenient cravings. oreos…..mm.

  12. I havent eat oreo for ages.. but taste good also with the new flavour of peanut. But of course original is still the best πŸ™‚ Your sister in the picture look so familiar. and the girl with hairband, how come no face shown? Too ugly izzit? (I bet so!) πŸ˜›

  13. this is so ‘my’ thing!
    I love full cream milk to go with Orea — 101% awesomeness!
    speaking of which, me and Kian just ‘some’ oreo cookies after tea last night. But, I can’t really twist the cookie mainly because of the very cold weather here, the icey-sugar filling has been tuffer than usual. still, it’s just bloody awesome! πŸ˜‰

  14. me not really a big fan of oreo, too sweet for my liking. i love sweet girls, not sweet cookies.. hahaha! but damn, the way you put up the post and with that video, who can resist an oreo now?? πŸ˜›
    i had mcdonald mcflurry oreo that day.. noiceeee!!

  15. Roland: No, we don’t. We just happened to wear the same colored shirt that day. πŸ™‚
    kongkay: The content in the “Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!” category are all advertorials. It’s a reference to a Nirvana DVD/VHS (their first) back when doing a video was considered “selling out”. πŸ˜‰
    Cokelatrawkz: Yeah, I’ve had some really good Oreo Cheesecake as well. Mars Cheesecake is even more sinful, they have it at Tao in Kuching. πŸ™‚
    nkwai: The Oreo cheesecake is very popular. I love it too. I like the Coffee Bean version. It’s really creamy.
    Dr. Tan: Haha! That’s not my sister. I don’t have a younger sister. There’s only two children in my family and the other one is my older sister who’s working in NZ. She’s getting married soon – ceremony in NZ, KL and then Sibu.
    fish fish: Er…they kinda paid me already. πŸ˜‰ This is an advertorial for Nuffnang. There’s a special category for advertorials called “Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!”.
    Thank you for the kind comments! πŸ™‚
    Perhaps I should consider a career in advertising. Heh!
    I noticed that the Oreo here tastes different from the ones from Australia too. Interesting huh?
    xin: Yeah it’s easier to go down when it’s all soggy with milk. πŸ™‚
    Licking off the cream in Oreo biscuits was a thing I used to do until I started doing the stuff-a-couple-in-my-mouth trick and then wash down with milk.
    jessy: Boy, would the client be glad to hear that. πŸ˜‰
    Cheesie: Hmm…now I’m wondering what cheese would taste like with Oreo. I shall attempt!
    suituapui: Haha! I can eat the entire tube in a single sitting within probably 5 minutes. I was a huge eater when I was in Melbourne. Probably coz the portions of food over there is on the large side.
    Oreo ice cream? Where in Sibu?
    Tom: Thank you, my friend.
    xiang: Yeah, that’s how I always used to eat it too. We’re kindred souls! πŸ™‚
    miumiu: Heh! I don’t do that in real life la. It’s an advertorial for Oreo. Hmm…true, but it beats eating Mars bars. I used to eat a lot of Mars bars. Now, THAT made me really fat.
    Julian: It’s not our uniform. We don’t have uniforms. Just happened to be wearing the same colored shirt that day. Interesting! Oreo does not contain dairy products? Not even for the cream? No butter for the cookie? This is interesting, I gotta check. πŸ™‚
    howshouse: Haha! I got a REALLY funny story to share about Oreo and Stereo. I’ll post it up sometime this week. It’s gonna crack you up for sure. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, I know what you mean, I don’t really like instant coffee but when I don’t have the proper stuff I drink the office Nescafe too.
    Cokelatrawkz: Mr. Ho Fine Foods? Is that what the place is called? There are Oreo cheesecakes at Coffee Bean too at the Sarawak Plaza outlet.
    bb: Hmm…or just drink Kokoberry drink. πŸ˜‰
    They have an Oreo drink too. I was running around trying to get Oreo when this came out. The ship was delayed so I had to get Oreo sent in from KL.
    p-t: Yeah,it’s Nivea body UV Protection Lotion. I use it for my hands coz they crack with the constant air conditioning that I’m exposed to at work and when I sleep at night.
    Ying Yang: I’ve seen another way of eating it. My friend takes the DoubleStuf Oreo and twists it, eats the half without the filling on it first and then eats the other half with twice the filling. πŸ™‚
    ;): Eh, this post is an advertorial la. I don’t even have a younger sister. That’s not my younger sister, I don’t have a younger sister. I didn’t shoplift as well in the first photo, it’s a posed photo. Most of the photos here are scripted and then acted for the advertorial. πŸ™‚
    Jolyn: Well, then the ad campaign is working pretty well. πŸ˜‰
    Lainie: Thanks Lains! πŸ™‚
    Oh, I gotta email you before the end of this month. Got something to tell you that I can’t say on the blog.
    Note to self: Email Lainie.
    nkwai: Hmm…I would love to check out your Oreo cheesecake then. πŸ™‚
    melanie: Cheers mate! πŸ™‚
    goolooloo: Yeah, the half peanut half chocolate one is good huh? My “sister” is your worker of course familiar to you la. Motorola t-shirt some more. πŸ˜‰
    The girl with the hairband is very beautiful but unfortunately, all of the photos that came out was blurry (coz of the lighting) so this was the least blurry one so I used it.
    Thanks again for all your help, Mary! πŸ™‚
    cynthia: Yeah! I know what you mean! That’s why I never bothered to twist them too.
    Another interesting thing about Australia is that there are no ants in winter. Only in summer. I found that quite funny.
    bongkersz: Oreo is sweet? Tim Tams are even sweeter. Especially the caramel ones. It almost tastes like Mars. πŸ™‚
    I had an Oreo McFlurry that day too, but did not post it up coz there’s no Oreo sign at McDonald’s that day.

  16. Love the peanut + chocolate version. I still like to stuff my mouth with a cookie then sip a bit of milo/coffee and munch slowly.
    Just posted my kokoberry post. Read it when free.

  17. “Chocolate isnt good for dogs, but you can have my milk”
    they woudlnt have the oreo add over there but do u rem it from aus/nz?

  18. Well, it’s Kraft’s loss not to sign you up as the spokesperson for Oreo. While it’s right to say many local manufacturers have “emulated” Oreo, some of these imitations do taste good at a fraction of the price of Oreo! Well, it’s always good that these imitations of Oreo produced by local manufacturers get a piece of Oreo’s market share because only then the money flows within the country.

  19. willchua: Yeah, it’s fun to soak it all in hot Milo and then eat the sludge as well. Delicious! πŸ™‚
    Tom: Yeah, we can watch commercials from the rest of the world thanks to the Net. Chocolate is bad for dogs, there were warnings going out every Easter to not feed your dogs chocolate coz they can’t process the theobromine (?) and will die (even though they love eating chocolate).
    (=’.’=): Where can you get ice cream Oreo?
    Yuhhui: Yeah, the Oreo McFlurry is the only one I would eat at McDonalds. πŸ™‚
    eiling: Well, they kinda paid me already. This is an advertorial. The posts in Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! are advertorials. πŸ™‚
    I haven’t had the emulated Oreo, I don’t like the taste of local chocolate. It’s the cocoa over here…kinda acidic.

  20. Primrose: Ya lor. Can give the cream to me what. I love the creamy part. πŸ™‚
    Secret Admire: …is the way you want me to lick you izzit? πŸ˜‰

  21. I see. That’s fine. My first time reading your blog. It’s great! Yeah you’re right. Cocoa in Malaysia does have a lil acidity taste, a lil sharp note to the tongue.

  22. I’d have to give carte blanche with you on this. Which is not something I typically do! I really like reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to speak my mind!


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