Libertas is a South African Cabernet Sauvignon bottled at the West
Cape. I have been taking advantage of the new 5-day work week
implemented by our company to chill out on a Saturday afternoon after
sleeping in late.
Melody brought some KFC over to my house and we ate the
X-Meals (is is just me, or has KFC burgers shrunk over the past
decade?) while I opened up the bottle of wine. I have now acquired the
discipline of keeping liquor around the house without the temptation of
consuming it immediately, which my addiction counselor would term as Progress (TM). ๐
Libertas is Latin for liberty, and the title of the post is made popular by Patrick Henry. Anyway, a 5-day work week may be the norm in KL and other parts of the country, but over here in Sarawak, it’s cause for celebration! =D

5 day week? So nice! Poor me, have to work weekends! So you drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney? LOL!
5 day week? So nice! Poor me, have to work weekends! So you drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney? LOL!
5 day week? So nice! Poor me, have to work weekends! So you drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney? LOL!
I am sorry to say this but Cabernet Sauvigon is for pork or beef. If I had on hand White Zinfandel would goes nicely with chickens dishes or some perfer Chardonnay which had citus flavor if your dish is bite spicy.
With chicken I would pair it Chardonnay or Sauvigon Blanc which is great with oysters or scallops dishes too. Everybody know Merlot is for red meats so Cabernet Sauvigon. Pinot Noir is with duck, lamb and salmon.
Man dude, This is bad guys must know their wines pairing now. Women know it well and like guys on date to know so they can check them out see what they are made of. I do know enough when going out dining. Cabernet Sauvigon so tragic with KFC and it also chicken too.
My word with that wine you drank with chicken. It plain shocking. Living in California near Wine Country Napa there no way Cabernet Sauvigon 2005 goes with chicken. Sauvigon Blanc or Chardonnay pair well. I have a wine rack and keep select wines in special temperture area for entertaining. Some wines I would chill a few hours before guests come for dinners which the wine is pair with. Desserts with dessert wine which I serve.
Dude, I’ll get you some fine California wine when I visit again or you still prefer the hard stuff ? I still owe you a double barrel JD..and $100 if you ever make it 26.2!
Amy, Vic, Mike, Erica…Sarawak still need sometime in wine appreciation but it’s getting there. You guys ever had Chenin Blanc from Milat ( Excellent blend, estate wine. Refreshing floral Like lychee, not as sweet as muscato. I get half a dozen every year.
Mike, all guys need to know their beer! like Racer 5 IPA or Hoppy Firestone’s Union Jack.
Cheni Blanc is dry and crisp wine. I aways serve it for dessert. Taste it not like lychee but it depend where it came from due to soil and weather. It is excellent party wine. Good taste.
Pineau de la Loire or Chenin Blanc most people known it as from Loire, France. Is has an acidity dry taste. Not really lychee taste. People serve for after dinner with dessert is excellent.
There time for beers and time to act refine for dates. Time at the bars drinking beers with the guys is fine. But with a nice lady friend I would go with wines and pick one that pair with meal for her. I do agree.
My parents told me there a time a young man must grow up. And reading this subject regarding wines made me think it true. Knowing beers is not for when there is an social events you are attending to. With a date it is proper to order wine not beer. Acting refine on a date all women will respect in a guy not some redneck dude which I am also like that when chilling with my dude friends.
All women will agree on a date or else where they like a guy that is a gentleman type. Many guys forgotten it or never learn it at all. Refine and charming in a man or woman. Was taught in school because my family from Asia. You might say charm school.
Good! cut down the drinking. No point substituting illegal drugs for a legal drug…end of the day they are all drugs!
Manโฆwine with KFC? The only wine worthy of a meal like that would be a cask of goon or the supermarkets finest $4 a bottle.
move to KL then! ๐
seriously man, pair this, pair that..
sometimes, ppl just want to eat and drink without the pretentious air!
KFC with sauvignon? fillet mignon with tiger beer? bring it on!
If I cooked someone a meal and they were rude enough to opine that the wine I had chosen was ‘wrong’ I wouldn’t make them drink it. No, I’d drink the wine and they could have a nice glass of water which goes with everything.
i was wondering the same thing. but mcD has obviously shrunk.
it’s either that we have grown up,thus the bigger hands/smaller burgers. or we r not imagining things, that they are smaller… :/
btw, one out of topic questione,
did u appear in da newspaper recently regarding the taiko drums fr. japan?
and another: where is the peppino pizza located? i know it’s along pedada rd but there got so many shops and the road is damn long.
thanks in advance
beer is okay for ur health as it contains only 5% alcohol. so live a tiger life!
Hmm…the 5-day work week may cause a weekend of excess. I’m going to sleep now. I think I’ve been drinking too much this weekend. I’ll reply all the comments tomorrow.
thomas: Hmm…I don’t even know how to answer this…but I guess everyone knows by now anyway. Yeah, that’s me. I was in the papers last week as well, in a different capacity.
No comments about where I work, please. Cheers!
People do grow up . Different stage in life like plants also in growing. You can’t stay the same forever. Not sure but those bloggers try to say There a time to be proper and time to be casual depend on social agenda. There many things to learn in life and some people chose not to care.
Henry should not see person as rude but suggesting. I would learn from it and not be angry at them.
Well, How do guys treat a woman a date or casual dining? How much do you like to see her happy on date or casual get together? Some those guys seem not caring type. Sorry.
Hey there, lol.
About the food & wine pairing, I’m feeling too lazy to write it myself, so I’m going to quote:
ยซRule One: Drink red wine with meat, and white wine with fish and poultry. Rule Two: Forget about Rule One and marry any food with any wine you wish; when it comes to personal preferences, there are no rights and wrongs.ยป
See… I don’t like white wine (like sauvignon blanc and chardonnay, now that they have been mentioned) and my girlfriend loves chicken. Oh, what a tragedy… if red couldn’t work well with that. Simple workaround: when the thing is served a bit spicier, almost any young, intense red with marked acidity will do. When the chicken is soft (with creamy sauces, mushrooms, roasted with herbs…) on the palate, almost any good well-rounded – and a bit woody! – red will be fine.
I doubt a ยซdeservingยป date would judge a guy for his eventually poor harmonisation.
Yet, with KFC I’d drink beer. With or without a date.
Now I really don’t get what the fluke can something to be described as ยซmatters of taste: freedom versus prejudiceยป have to do with love&care…
But perhaps it’s just me. Anyway, HB, it was a success, wasn’t it? Good, then.
eh, really? I still can’t finish one burger myself ๐
suituapui: My friend, your working hours are heaven compared to mine. You work 3 days a week! ๐
Amy: I’m actually not a big fan of white wines. I find it to acidic and it gives me gastric. Seriously.
Vickie: Well, we didn’t really care about pairing it right since it’s a casual lunch at my place, take away, eating on the floor, just hanging out and cuddling after doing our thing. ๐
Jordan: KFC has fish options over here. My gf got the Alaskan Fish Burger for me. It’s not a big deal, just a lazy Saturday relaxing with a loved one.
MICHALE: Well, it depends a lot on the situation really. If it’s a fine dining restaurant, I agree, the pairing of wines is essential to the experience. But for a picnic in my bedroom? ๐
Erica: We’re pretty casual about the stuff we drink at home. There are times for table wine and there are times for vintage wines. ๐
e: OMG! Thanks buddy! ๐ I want the JD Double Barrel (and the California wine). Hey, I’m running the 26.2 but in Penang. The KK one clashes with my schedule so I’m going for this:
I’ll be doing the half marathon and then staying for a day before flying back. I’ll film myself and there’s another blogger doing the run with me so she can verify that I finished. =D
Cheers buddy!
Alicia: Hmm…we have a lot of wine connoisseurs over here.
Thomas: Yeah, I second that. There’s a time and place for everything. ๐
Nick Chow: Well, it depends on the girl you’re dating. There’s not a lot of places that serves good wine over here, but there is a wine specialty shop that has an amazing variety of wine. I think KL would be a better place for wine:
Janet: Charm school…I probably shouldn’t attend that. My psychiatrist told me I’m “charming and persuasive” enough already which is why I get away with a lot of things. ๐
Tom: I don’t want to fill myself up with beer. It’s very uncomfortable to be intimate when there’s liquid sloshing around inside you. ๐
Plus, all the beer will result in you having to pee every 5 minutes, a bit potong stim while doing it. ๐
KY: My friend, I am planning to. ๐
rojakWine: Hey, sometimes I even drink RM 5 liquor, locally made and distilled in Sibu at 40-50%. ๐
You’re talking to someone who drinks to get drunk. I totally relate, buddy.
henry the thirst: Haha! I love your dry wit and sarcasm. Very, very nice, my friend. ๐
Cheers for that!
naeboo: Yeah, the Big Macs aren’t so big anymore. You have an interesting theory there, it could be right…we’ve grown up, with bigger hands, larger appetites and thus everything seems smaller. But I recall McDonald’s and KFC having huge burgers just a couple of years ago…
thomas: Yeah, that’s me. Which paper did you see me in?
Peppino’s Pizza is located at Pedada near Delta Mall and the SugarBun there. Just drive around in a large loop (keeping within the confined of the commercial area) and you’ll see the neon sign.
Cheers buddy!
Edward: Yes, opinions are always welcome at – but I do love Henry’s dry wit and sarcasm though. I’ve known him for a few years and he’s someone I look up to. ๐
Nathan: Well, there’s a fine line between trying too hard and just being nice. I’m always a gentleman, and I don’t try to hard to impress dates. I guess my psychiatrist is right after tall. ๐
My gf is happy whenever we’re together, which is great. I make her happy, not the wine. ๐
j..: Thanks for the crash course in wine pairing, my friend. Yeah, I know all the rules and general guidelines, I just don’t follow them, since it’s just a take away in my bedroom on a Saturday afternoon. We’re basically just hanging out and I don’t like white wine. She’s my gf, and we’re comfortable together, so it’s always a great “pairing”, if you catch my drift. ๐
Cheers buddy!
jane: I’ll help you eat, but you always pretend not to see my comments asking you out. ๐
Dude, the bet is only valid upon your completion of a FULL 26.2 mile Marathon…take it like a real man, fisnish the whole 26.2 mile and the $100 is your. It’s all in the head.
I bet you’ll enjoy the body ache, and leg cramp the next day.
e: Hmm…it’s very tempting, but I joined the half marathon coz my friend is doing the half marathon as well. I want to make the 3 hour time so I can get a completion medal.
Besides, I’ll like to see if my kidneys are fine for the half marathon before I do the full one. I don’t want to do another dialysis. ๐
Toxins accumulate during exertion, and my kidneys are not what they used to be after my overdose.