I would imagine that any red-blooded male would have played fantasy football at some point in their lives. It’s practically a religion over here with the Premier League, UEFA Cup, and World Cup as the Holy Trinity of sports. π
I’ve seen the banner ads for Tiger FC Fantasy League for this season and signed up subversively at work. I have been nefariously building my team during office hours and it’s doing relatively well for this season.
Anyway, for people unfamiliar with the concept of fantasy football, it’s a game where you assemble a team based on real life players. The fun in this is that the scores you get are actually based on the real life performance of the players during that season. This is like building your dream team and watching how it plays out during the league. π
You can start playing anytime during the season and get ranked with other player’s teams. It’s quite fun and addictive even if you’re not a football fan since it’s like managing a football team. I’m sure some management skills can be gleaned from the game. π
My current best player is Emmanuel Adebayor. My team (Team SixthSeal.com) has scored 7 goals and conceded 6 goals thus far. You get to transfer players at scheduled times and the first one that’s getting the boot (pun intended) from my team is John Terry. He’s not carrying his weight in the defender position. π
The Tiger FC Fantasy League also allows you to create a mini-league(s) to challenge other players. The Nuffnang bloggers are joining a league together – you can challenge our player lineup if you think you’re better than us. The login details are:
League Name: nuffleague
Password: tigerfc
The Tiger FC Fantasy League is surprisingly addictive. I’ve found myself checking the papers in the morning to see the scores and then logging on at work to see how my team is doing.
I’ve even taken to logging on with a Pocket PC while dining out just to check on how my team is doing.
You can get some of the action too by signing up. You think you’re better than Team SixthSeal.com? Prove it! π

Hey HB, are you on facebook? Have you tried the game “Mob Wars”… thats addictive too!!!
The Bull: I have yet to create a Facebook account. I’m serious. I’m so out of date, I should be ashamed of myself. I’ve seen a friend of mine play Mob Wars, she’s ranked really high, and yeah, from the way I see her play it seems quite addictive, she was telling me when to jump in and all that. I think she’s in the top ranked mob, not sure which one though.
Where are the players? Why only their pants and jerseys on the field? :):)
Pixeldoll: It’s fantasy football. Join us. π
I’m ranked 320th at the moment.
I am a 49 ner fan in San Francisco and been one for many years. I did’nt know you’re into football too. I also like Seattle Sea Harks. In Ice Hockey the San Jose Sharks. Are you into baseball too?
I never fansty football but am a football fan. I for Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49 niner. Too bad last games Raiders to Buffalo Bills 23 to 24. Yes football season has began again. Played some football. I wanted quarterback but made halfback. Just for fun.
this is football as in soccer, not american football.
i played fantasy league last season, but can’t be bothered this season. go arsenal! π
Interesting you say fantasy football is soccer. I played soccer and basketball in high school and football too. Now just fan. Football is very rough sport .
We have this in Australia, had it for a few years, its called Dream team however and runs in exactly the same way except with AFL.
I donno, ive never played it, maybe its because i gave up on football this year because my team is doing soo badly (Melbourne Demons), dead last on the ladder and have only won like 2 matches haha.
I will pwn youuuuuuuu π
@Tom: i saw a few of my mates actually playin that with the AFL teams. Melbourne Demons are just… sigh…
Well but i do occasionally watch Carlton plays on tv.
i see that u didn’t pick Liverpool player…WHY? WHY? WHY?
saw ur photo in borneo post n eastern times today. hehe.
(selected posts from the sixthseal.com archive)
Roberts Hall annual photo
Our halls (campus accomodations in the Melbourne uni I was in) annual photo – I didn’t even know it was on until my roommate told me. Thus, being the slob that I am, I couldn’t find my coat, and just went dressed sloppily. Oh well, at least I went. :p
Mid-Autumn Dinner
Mid Autumn Dinner with a bunch of friends in Melbourne, Australia. A group of overseas Chinese students making the best of the festival.
Jelly Coconut !
I love this stuff – it’s coconut juice with the flesh set in jelly and comes complete in a the original coconut. It’s a very interesting concept, and I’ve only seen it in a convenience store in KL.
Sarawak’s Own
Proof that my XX Chromosome entries are not ethnically biased. :p
La Bodega, Bangsar
Celebrating my blog award prize of RM 2,500 at La Bodega in Bangsar. Look at how skinny I was back then! OMG!
Cool HB,
Yah glad you deleted that old post on the pity party thing, I kinda got out there in the comment about the pay bathrooms.
Football/Soccer is really cool and thanks for sharing the link on the Premier League. Unfortunately on local California Television you have to pay extra to get the English Premier Leagues. When I went to England in March 2004 I tried to see a MANCITY (Manchester City) game, because that is kind of our family team from my grandpa watching them at turn of century 1900 +, or at least 1908 +.
It was a bummer though because my relatives were wishy washy on joining me, and so I bought it from these Scandinavian scalpers and was late for picking up ticket, so lost like US$180 and didn’t see the match.
So really don’t know much about the league now…but your article has piqued my interest for an update.
Yah the Mob apps are up in MySpace too as well as maybe 5 others, that is TOTALLY addictive so I haven’t even ventured…a bit more healthy doing the turn based fantasy leagues based on real stats. Cool.
Oh, and don’t see any Man City players either, gotta pick the dark horse out fast from the gate!
1 Arsenal 4 0 1
2 Chelsea 3 2 0
3 Liverpool 3 2 0
4 Aston Villa 3 1 1
5 Man City 3 0 2
6 West Ham 3 0 2
7 Hull 2 2 1
8 Sunderland 2 1 2
9 Everton 2 1 2
10 Blackburn 2 1 2
11 Fulham 2 0 2
12 Middlesbrough 2 0 3
13 Portsmouth 2 0 3
15 Man Utd 1 2 1
20 Tottenham 0 2 3
OK, it’s early in the Season, but I think Tutnam has jet lag!
Oh, last season I played on Tiger FC Fantasy League and Fantasy Premier League by Budweiser (http://fantasy.premierleague.com/) but this season I am playing only on the latter one. Yes, quite addictive haha! I love it very much. I am using many Arsenal players as well (max 4 players). Damn fun!
(selected posts from the sixthseal.com archive)
The famous chocolate dipped chocolates at Suria KLCC and the ancient Aztec drink tchocolat1 with complete photos of the drinking ceremony.
Abandon all hope, all ye who enters here…
The time I flew from Sibu to meet up with Rene from Singapore in JB before heading off to Genting for some R&R…and didn’t remember anything from the trip.
Rene from Singapore
She was so pissed off with me for my amnesia. π We still keep in touch and she’s a great friend. I was just talking to her the other day about working in Singapore.
Mandarin Oriental Hotel, KL
I stayed at the MO thanks to MAC who sponsored my entire trip there to receive an award for the Red Ribbon Media Awards.
Red Ribbon Gala 2004
Best of sixthseal.com for sure! I won an award on a HIV awareness post that was presented by Marina Mahathir and attended by Mahathir and Badawi at a media and celebrity filled dinner. I snagged the Main Award for Non-Traditional Media (Blogs).
aiya bro…..really want to join. but so damn busy nowadays, got no time even to piss. damn!!!
aiya bro…..really want to join. but so damn busy nowadays, got no time even to piss. damn!!!
Amy: This is soccer, which we call football over here. It’s different from (American) football. There’s not much of a baseball culture here, so no. π
Helen: I understand (somewhat) the rules for American Football and watch the Superbowl final but that’s about it. π
Alex: Well, it’s fun to play against others. The best part is in the mini-league. π
Nancy: Yeah football as in the US reference is like rugby over here.
Tom: Aussie rules, another different kind of football. π
I watched a match once when I was in Melbourne with some uni mates.
KY: I will pwn you back. =D
owllow: I’m not a big fan of Liverpool. π
butterscotch: Yeah, been doing some charity work last week. π
Bill: Hello there! It’s good to hear from you again. π
It would be fun to watch a live match in England or the World Cup. It’s definately on my bucket list, along with the Olympics, which I thought could happen this year but rehab crushed those plans. So it’s 2012 in London, probably do both at the same time. π
Cheers mate, and be well.
Thanks for the tips! π
bongkersz: Buddy, join Tiger FC, we’ll set up a mini-league together. π
Calvin “Rainman” Soo: Yeah me too. I’m replying comments from about a week ago – that’s how busy I’ve been this week. I need to log on and check the status of my players.
I was seeking a post like this. Thanks a lot.
sublime account you’ve take