Heineken UEFA Champions League – Be Prepared!


Heineken is running an online contest on the UEFA Champions League. However, this is not your standard run-off-the-mill contest where you fill in your particulars and tick a few easy to answer questions. Heineken Be Prepared is actually a fully interactive online Flash game!


The Heineken Be Prepared game has three stages/games – I’ve just completed the first game (Beer Delivery) and found out that I need two other players to complete the remaining stages. I must applaud Heineken for this campaign – it’s very interactive and social, the next wave of online content. The game even has a nice ending video clip to reward you!


The Be Prepared games are not about football (soccer) so you don’t need to be a football fan to enjoy it. There are three games – Beer Delivery, Mexican Wave and Beer Slide, which are all arcade style games. I played Beer Delivery, which required me to memorize a map and then guide a Heineken beer truck to the supermarket.

I’m not good with memorizing stuff so I need someone who can do that as a team partner. Heineken Be Prepared requires three (3) people to play so I need two more players.


The second game is described as Mexican Wave, where someone who is good in DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) type games would come in handy here.

I will be playing the third stage/game – Beer Slide, since it requires a steady hand and fast reflexes, both qualities that I possess (though not at the same time ;)).

I need two others players to complete the games. The fastest combined time wins and the prize is three (3 – so all of us gets to go) tickets to Heineken Star Final, an exclusive UEFA Champions League final viewing experience on an exotic tropical island (!).

All right, in order to do this, the first two comments (please leave a valid email address in the comment itself) will get a chance to play the game with me for the prize. Please leave your email address in the comment and an indication that you want to (seriously!) join the sixthseal.com team for this endeavor.

I’m very keen on winning the grand prize. I mean, just look at it – three (3 – so all of us get to go) tickets to the UEFA Champions League Final viewing party on an exotic tropical island!


Please, refrain from drinking while playing the game, since we do need the fastest time to win.

Three friends. Three games. One Prize.


Off to the exotic tropical island! =D

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82 thoughts on “Heineken UEFA Champions League – Be Prepared!”

  1. Hi – Just read your latest blog and wound up clicking through to Heineken’s game site. I was prompted with the following, “You must be above 18 years of age and non-Muslim to enter this website. Please verify that you are 18 and above & a non-Muslim.”
    I must admit that I am stumped on why one would have to be non-Muslim to access the site. I’m not Muslim, but I felt guilty even clicking through due to it being exclusionary.
    Can you shed some light on this?

  2. Jo in Cardiff: Hello Jo! Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country and Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol. The age verification is pretty standard and I see it on the US sites as well. It’s the Muslim part that’s exclusive to us and certain other states where Islam is the predominant religion.
    suituapui: You have to put in your email address in the comment itself, but I’ll count you first. 🙂

  3. Have a question. My friend is Chinese Muslim and is over 18 also he drink is he still forbidden to play this game? It look like a lot fun.

  4. I am sad of the exculusionary. I guese females also. I grew up playing basketball, baseball, football ect. Was on tennis and basketball team in high school. Won many trophies. Just asking only is this game for guys or could everyone play?
    I guess I am a tomboy by nature due to dad and brothers into sports.

  5. HB, I am sad of the exculusionary. I grew up playing in many sports. Hockey, swiming, basketball, baseball, football. In high school was tennis and basketball team . Won many trophies also take wu shu class now. Just asking if women not allow also in this game?
    Guess been a tomboy due to dad and brothers into all kind of sports.

  6. suituapui and kelvinsse is in.
    Details on Monday night. Practice on the website first okay?
    I gotta rush to the airport now. Flying off to KL. Cheers all! 🙂

  7. Shit! Celcom broadband trying to be funny again. In case my previous comment doesn’t appear, just wanna say I’m forfeiting my place to the next person to comment after this comment with NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS inside the comment! Over to you, Huai Bin!

  8. Dear STP & HB,
    Hehe I just checked my rankings and I am 4th now! Sorry it was typo on KY’s site, I did the 1st game in 33 secs (though my personal best is 32secs). The 2nd and 3rd game at 15 and 16 secs respectively. That team who did it in 54 secs in total is crazy!

  9. kelvinsse: Okay, we do it tomorrow night after work. I will email you when I get back from work later on. We just do it within hours of each other and try to beat their time. 🙂
    Michale: Hmm…I wouldn’t touch that question with a 10 foot pole. 😉
    Sally: Anyone can play. It’s an online Flash game, it’s not about football (soccer) at all.
    calvin: I’m a big fan of beer as well, but have been getting a beer belly as of late. Will be switching to wine or spirits. 😉
    suituapui: No worries mate. You’re in. We play tomorrow okay? Will send an email to you after work.
    KY: Yeah, I wish I had gone to the event. Hmph.
    suituapui: This very same contest – they had two going on – one live at the launch event and the other open to public.
    Yiling: How can you do it in 32 seconds??? What route did you take? I thought I had optimized mine. 🙁
    Hmm…so 54 seconds is the time to beat. We shall prevail! 🙂

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  29. Because of innumerable cultural, social, and religious reasons, a game that looks perfectly fine in one country might be disregarded as unacceptable once released in a new territory. Such issues highlight why video game localization – contrary to mere translation- is a must for video games.

    But I’ve often been wondering: when does the “localization” of content stop being “localization” and turn into full-on “censorship”? Should gamers accept this?

    Let’s take a recent example, let’s see how Yakuza 3 on PS3 was adapted for the US territory. The game was heavily criticized by gamers who suspect the localizerd edited or removed significant game elements.

    Now the question is: do all of these elements actually required to be changed? Isn’t that just based on a stereotype that American gamers tend to be more religious and concerned about nudity and violence? It was certainly a disappointment for gamers who expected to have the same game as the Japanese one after reading reviews and news in video game magazines or forums.

    Most of gamers are reasonable adults who just want to enjoy the game as it is, instead of playing an edited, censored version of it. So please, developers, think of gamers first when you are localizing your games.

    Game localization shall always be respectful of gamers.

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