Last day at work

brave new world

Today is my last day at work and I must say that I have mixed feelings about moving to KL. I am excited at the prospect of working at the new company but I will miss all my colleagues and the familiarity (comfort zone?) of working in this company for 11 months.

E, you have been a great mentor and I couldn’t have asked for more from a superior. Always willing to give more than receive, generous with advice from your experience and above all, going beyond the call of duty and being a friend to me instead of a boss. You have a great sense of humor and you accepted me despite all my piercings and tattoos and am able to look below the surface to see what I don’t even see myself – as a talented and gifted person. You have made me more confident about myself and my abilities and for that, I am forever indebted to you. I love you as a bro, heterosexually speaking, of course. You will be missed. Thanks for all the good memories.

J, thank you for your kind offer. It takes a great leader to be able to talk to his employees as a friend and to genuinely care. You will be in my thoughts always.

A, I was surprised that you are such a humble person despite your wealth of knowledge. Always unassuming and quick to smile, your imposing stature which made me think of you as unfriendly in the beginning has quickly changed to one of respect. I will miss your comments about politics and general life. I will miss the good conversation and your easy going nature.

J, thanks for being the first one to approach and befriend me. In spite of all that has happened, I still appreciate that you included me in your social circle when I just started work.

A, thank you for the ride home…and dreams come true. πŸ˜‰

To my two teammates S and S, thanks for everything, we work as a team and nothing can break that. Esprit de corps!

…off to a brave new world!

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25 thoughts on “Last day at work”

  1. Welcome to KL!!! It really is something! i’ve been here for three years now.Hopefully I’ll bump into you sometime considering how often you patron OU! I totally love your blog!! have been reading it since I was in yr10 and I’m graduating from uni in six months! xoxo

  2. my last day at my current job is in 2.5 weeks time. I’m going to miss everyone.
    Kev (my preceptor) asked me to do my own thing — like a proper licensed pharmer. The moment he said that to me, I cried like a baby!
    I am not sure if I’m ready to go for it — u know, flagging your license and do everything. Or I just miss everyone πŸ™

  3. HB, It wonderful you moving up to better things in life. It also hard to say goodbye to old friends. KL will be like an adventure for you in new way. Please have a cyber space house warming party.

  4. Many things to get use to in new place , job, people at work where to eat for lunch. I had to time myself how long it take me to get to work if it new home and public transit or is there parking space for my car.
    Must be lot more great hang out too in KL now you are city dude.

  5. Best of luck. hope it works out well for you..make new friends in KL.. will be great…looking foward to reading about your KL adventures on your blog. πŸ™‚

  6. Take care there and be good! Sometimes, life in the big city can get you down…but u can just hop on the next flight home where everybody loves you! Everyone can fly! Book ahead for weekends – you may get free airfares.

  7. Your entry makes me sad and I’m touched. If were your colleagues, I have cried a bucket. lol
    HB, take a good care of yourself dear. Living in KL is very tempting so you better watch out who are you befriending with.
    yes, now i speak like an aunty.. hahahahah..
    bon voyage and au revoir!~

  8. Wishing you all the best and I’ll be welcoming you with your Absolut 100. Sorry can’t get those limited edition ones at Dubai and I only manage to get the 100. Hope it’s not that disappointing!

  9. hb. if not mistaken, are u staying at kelana jaya? at the back of kelana medical centre?? The swimming pool looks so familiar… i used to tumpang there last time when my friend was renting a condo there. πŸ™‚
    Enjoy yr life in KL. Don’t over spent ya… hahaa

  10. That’s Kelana Puteri! The one next to Kelana Square!
    Anyways, you wanna know a secret?
    Kelana Jaya has no soul.
    It’s a nesting ground for hapless corporate lackeys who are – either through circumstance or choice – bent on sacrificing anything and everything to win the rat race.
    24/7 traffic jams, nondescript shops, deathly sombre housing areas (because everyone’s too tired from working), a severe lack of greenery, grumpy people…hell, even its animals look depressed.
    The upside? It’s reasonably near places with just a bit more personality, like TTDI and Bangsar – so respite is never too far off πŸ˜‰
    Oh by the way, welcome to KL!

  11. Hi Huai Bin,
    Hope you know what you are doing moving to KL.
    It’s really not a nice city anymore.
    I agree with Mike. The LDP is a road made by the Devil!
    Although TTDI and Bangsar is nice, it is expensive. And Kelana Puteri ain’t all that cheap too, yah.
    The opposite area of SS4, SS5 with all those single storey houses are cheaper. But the plus point with Kelana Puteri would be, you will get tonnes of college girls living there who are studying in UNITAR opposite ;P


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