I was in the process of hailing a cab in Bangsar when three motorcycles stopped abruptly in front of me and five people alighted. I knew I was in trouble coz they were wearing full faced helmets but before I could do anything, one of them punched me in the stomach and pulled out a knife.
I knew I was fucked – five people, three armed with edged weapons and me, totally unarmed and alone. One of them demanded my cell phone and wallet and tried to physically get it from my pocket. I could see they were kinda nervous – I think they’re still newbies to the whole mugging scene. 😉
That, and the area is actually pretty well lit and it’s along a main road. I knew it would be a really bad idea to set a precedence by allowing him to get into my pants (no pun intended) since I’m likely to lose everything if that happens so I brushed his hands away. He didn’t really like that so he grabbed me by the collar and pointed his knife and me while shouting miscellaneous threats detrimental to my general well being.
I quickly got my cell phone out and passed it to him, and got my wallet out and threw it on the ground before walking (at a very rapid pace, which some people might describe as more as “running“) to the shops behind me.
I didn’t want them to get my dSLR – which they probably didn’t see as they didn’t surround me – they came from the front and the bag was slung around my back. Thus, by throwing the wallet on the ground, I can make a hasty retreat in the opposite direction.
Oh well, at least I wasn’t stabbed or beaten up before being relieved of my belongings. I think that’s a combination of good luck, amateur muggers, and being at a relatively well lit street. It was an opportunistic crime, me thinks – I was alone and thus an easy target. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I hailed two other cabs after that who won’t take me home when I told them I’ve just been robbed and can only pay them after I go up to my condo and come back down. I just kept mum the third time and only after reaching the condo did I tell the cabbie that I had to go up to get the money to pay him. He was quite unhappy about all that, but I told him to trust me and I give him RM 10 extra.
Thank God for cash reserves at home. I actually have to thank Zoe for that, coz she was indirectly was responsible for said cash reserves. I spilled her soup all over some RM 50 notes and laid them out to dry on the breakfast bar.
I lodged a police report at the station after that and went back home and realized that my power has been disconnected due to outstanding issues with the previous tenant (which I thought had been resolved and the bill paid!). It’s like Murphy’s Law, anything that could go wrong will. The HTC hasn’t been charged since I got it, and the battery died when I used it to go to Google Maps via EDGE.
I woke up this morning and went to Maybank first thing to get a new ATM card. I only had a couple of hundred in the house and I needed to pay TNB so I could get power reconnected. I need to have power to get some work done over the weekend in time for Monday and I needed the Internet for research.
I went back home and realized that I couldn’t call anyone at work to tell them I have to take emergency leave – all the contacts are in my cell phone! I couldn’t get online to type in the company’s website to get the number or MSN my coworkers coz my house does not have power (and thus no WiFi). I knew I had the business card of the boss somewhere from the interview so I searched for that and called him to tell him that I was mugged and needed to take a day off to resolve everything.
I should have drove to the office instead, it would have been much faster, but I was so stressed out at the thought of getting lost in PJ and KL that the thought never occurred to me!
Good things:
I still have my RM 3,800 Sony alpha 350
I still have the RM 3k + HTC Pocket PC which isn’t even mine
Bad things:
I lost my MyKad, driving license, credit card, debit card cum ATM card the first two of which will take AGES to replace.
I lost ALL the contacts in my cell phone and I haven’t backed it up for a long time.
I had to take Friday off so I could get all my stuff sorted out. The worst thing was, all the contacts for work was in my cell phone so I didn’t have the office number.
I got lost all over PJ and KL since I didn’t have a cell phone and couldn’t call to ask for directions.
I even got so lost I had to resort to paying a taxi RM 14 to guide me back home by driving in front of me!
Thanks Suanie! Appreciate you giving me directions to TNB and letting me into the office to use Google Maps.
I just got my SIM card back from DiGi Center in SS2. I need everyone who knows me to text 016 888 2069 with your name so I can repopulate my contacts list. I just got a replacement SIM card. It’s a good thing I have a HTC Touch passed to me by a friend so I can use that for the time being while I hold off on purchasing a cell phone until next month.
I am really broke this month, and I can’t buy a new phone until next month at least.
Anyway, thanks for all your concern, I’m fine and I still consider myself lucky coz I got away with the dSLR and the Pocket PC. I do not relish the thought of losing RM 7k + in gear.
Count the little blessings. 🙂

woah. next time be more careful wor!
Yes, blessed art thou.
well..at least yr safe =)
haiz….so unlucky laaa…
luckly the DSLR n pocket pc still with u.
luckily u didn’t get hurt 🙂
On another note, have you tried looking at your site by just loading up … http://sixthseal.com? …. css problems?
whoa.. lucky you weren’t hurt lo!!
and you still have your dslr and pocket pc..
so lucky and unlucky at the same time..
be more careful!! 😉
i feel sooooo sorry and responsible for ur lost.
only the next morning i realized that nikki could have gotten u home because you, me and rachel live in about the same area (and to go to rachel’s place from where i live, nikki had to pass by ur place first, and nikki didn’t know about this)
i’m sorry yeah.
next time i belanja u food and drinks okay.
we go yamcha
whoa.. lucky you weren’t hurt lo!!
and you still have your dslr and pocket pc..
so lucky and unlucky at the same time..
be more careful!! 😉
whoa.. lucky you weren’t hurt lo!!
and you still have your dslr and pocket pc..
so lucky and unlucky at the same time..
be more careful!! 😉
Glad they didn’t get your camera, that area is notorious for rempits – it’s a real hotspot.
It’s happened to a LOT of people there.
YL: Yeah, wrong place, wrong time. 🙂
Juice: Yalor, if they had taken the gear, I would have been seriously fucked. Good thing they didn’t chase me. Haha!
JOY ♥: Yup, but I was more concerned about the dSLR coz I swear, if I lose ANOTHER digicam this year…I’m gonna just kill myself. 😉
Kun: Yup, count the little blessings. 🙂
vincent: Yeah, I’m alright. 🙂
lowks: Hmm…looks fine to me. What’s the problem?
Jen: Yup, I was lucky coz I threw the wallet on the ground so either they pick it up or they chase me, and they chose to pick it up. I didn’t want to lose the dSLR and the HTC.
Firdauz takes 5: Don’t be, it’s no one’s fault, could happen to anyone. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. No worries mate! 🙂
Jen: Will do, will be more careful next time and DRIVE even though I would get lost, which was why I didn’t want to drive in the first place.
ShaolinTiger: Yeah, count the blessings – they approached from my front so they probably didn’t see it and I threw my wallet on the ground (which would make me lose my MyKad and other stuff, but at least that’s better than losing the dSLR) which gave me time to escape with RM7k worth of gear.
I think it’s better to call them Lucky and Not so Lucky instead of Good things and Bad things, because being mugged is understood to be a bad thing already. It’s my opinion though, it’s your call bro.
I think it’s better to call them Lucky and Not so Lucky instead of Good things and Bad things, because being mugged is understood to be a bad thing already. It’s my opinion though, it’s your call bro.
I think it’s better to call them Lucky and Not so Lucky instead of Good things and Bad things, because being mugged is understood to be a bad thing already. It’s my opinion though, it’s your call bro.
wow ! what a terrified experience…
You better watch up when you are alone next time !
Next time carry less gear ahaha.
Eh remember the thing I told you about the bag alright?
Just get a nondescript sling bag then you’re alright already.
Oh wait, no photos of the actual event itself? 😛
Wah lau eh dude, I’m not that hardcore. Haha! I was glad to escape with the gear, actually taking the dSLR out to TAKE PHOTOS would achieve the opposite effect and likely get me into hospital. 😉
Going out for dinner, reply all the comments later.
wow, that sucks. let me know if you decide to form a vigilante group to go in search of justice….
Oooh noo, its near my hse…thats scary! :X
Hello Huai Bin, sorry to hear about the robbery. It’s a really bad idea to wait for a taxi at a quiet place in Klang Valley. I’d rather drive. I get lost all the time because I mostly only rely on the signboards. Even pulling over at the side of the road is a bad idea. Something was about to happen to me the last time I did that! Take care.
hey HB.. ur pretty lucky to hv gotten away unhurt and having good frens around u 🙂 sorry to hear bout all ur losses pal.. the last time my house was burglarised, i lost my brand new laptop, my mobile, my wallet, my digicam too.. so I know how ‘lost’ it must’ve been.. take it easy k..
do your family know about it?
Aiyo, so terrible. 🙁
Hope your drought of bad luck ends soon.
Hi Huai Bin – So sorry to hear about your recent misfortunes. I know good things will happen to you. It’s like the rainbow after the storm. God bless you HB!!! Hehe~
Regarding your comment on my blog, I’d be honored to help in anyway I can though I think you are a fabulous writer – enclosed is my reply comment~
[Sure Huai Bin – just send your stuff to my email: lisalee7117@gmail.com and I’ll send it back to you all ‘cleaned and pressed ya!” 🙂 Hehe~]
Dude, good to know you’re OK. Drive the next time!
Hey, so sorry to hear about it. Was so shocked when you called me yesterday. If you do need help, just let me know k? Glad you’re safe & ok. Hugs.
That’s why we need to spend RM90 million to send a tourist into space, so he can ideas on how to keep us safe without rehauling the police force or hiring more officers.
hello hb sorry to hear bout ur mis fortune in bangsar…now dat scares me to going ther next time,gotta b careful….hey dude(eric) dats not so nice to say sometin like dat to someone…tsk tsk
Glad that you’re okay man, it sux to be in such an ordeal! Take care n may better luck comes to u soon 😉
Not ‘dude’, Tz. ‘DUNCE’.
Hey! Sorry to hear that.. I can’t imagine if it happened to me.. I thought Bangsar should be a rather crowded place and the muggers would think twice before robbing anyone.. guess I was wrong.
At least you didn’t lose your newly bought dSLR.. and you’re fine.. I gotta be more careful now if I am outside at night, esp if I am alone
sigh, seeing how unlucky you are makes me count my blessings even more. would u be okay if i said that whatever happens to you will be a good lesson for me and others to appreciate the good things we have in life?
bad luck. rather pathetic and troublesome doing all the documents for the bank and identity cards.
take care ^^
where exactly in bangsar did this incident take place?
Sorry to hear about your bad luck in Bangsar. I felt relieved when I knew your dSLR was spared from the robbery.
Hope everything gets settled quickly.
Never liked KL for that reason. Almost everyone i know in KL has been mugged at least once! No sense of security.
Bangsar is like my second home and this thing actually happened to you there. Ah well, we all blame it on Malaysia’s terrible safety -__-”
But glad you didnt get injured: )
Hope you get your things settled soon!
Times like that you wish you were a martial arts expert. I can see it now.. you throw the wallet on the ground.. he bends down..you strike first kicking him in the face..all hell breaks loose.. fists of fury explode, left right and centre..POW! take that you thugs! Dont mess with HB. And to add insult to injury you escape on one of their bikes (which you later dump in the river)
Damn, that’s awful! I couldn’t imagine being in your condition! I’d probably freak out and had a heart attack before I could even hand over my belongings[Typical of me!]
Do you think it might have been a great idea to fake your death in front of the robbers? Maybe just to ‘scare’ them? 😉
Jeff: why did you leave out the part where, when he sped off on the bike, one of the girls in the gang was still on it.
“You better hang on tight, girl. You’re going on a ride on the road to redemption from this badness,” HB says as he grabbed the girls hands to put them to the front of his waist.
The girl hugged him tight from behind, and tears starts welling up. “OK. I’ll leave with you. Where have you bin all this time I was on this path to self-destruction? Huai have you not rescued me earlier?” she shouted into his ear over the screeching of tires as HB ran the engine through the gears.
(the next commenter must continue the story, or HB will get robbed again)
Whie the girl put her arms around his waist, she felt this thinggy wih pretty good sized girth…”Hmmm…” she though ( but we faithful sixthseal’s readers know that is not what you pervs think, it’s the telescopic lens of the brand new $3800 Sony Alpha 350 DSLR )
next person continue please
Look on the bright side.At least this will be a great conversation piece during parties or during social events with your friends.
I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate indident, HB. Really glad they didnt’t hurt you. *hug*
Will give you my contact information later.
WTF~!!! i just came back from bangsar~!!!
shit..will never go back there wtf..
Sucks to be you! LOL, what a coincidence. My bag got stolen too. Ah-ha-ha-ha >;(
It was a blessing in disguise, knew it from the start when you spilled on it. 😛
*trying to sound like a psychic which i really am*
I also have a feeling yu’re gonna get a LOT of prank calls.
Look at the brightside, you are save and saved your DSLR.
Now u able to get new IC,license with new pictures~ ;p
Well done, my friend! All the actions taken were exactly as you should have done under the circumstances IMHO (as an ex-security specialist!) and you saved the most important stuff by smart thinking. I am always in a bit of a quandary in the event of something similar happening to me, as I am naturally very aggressive, and instead of the cellphone out comes the pepper spray (and I have been know, allegedly, to carry a particularly sharp and lethal switchblade as well) but 2 people, and I will deploy what I know I can do, and am trained for. 5, and I would have done exactly as you did.
Sorry for your losses – very grateful for your ultimate safety.
Actually, you can get your driving license replaced within a day. MyKad takes a week or two.
“I lost my MyKad, driving license, credit card, debit card cum ATM card the first two of which will take AGES to replace.”
i was just i bangsar yesterday…. scary shit… good thing u r ok
terrible!Next time must becareful.
Sorry about what happened mate..
Public safety is a big issue now. It’s in alarming stage.My brother and his friend were threatened by a group of gangster/bad guys to get out their cash cards and supply them the passwords.
My brother cash card was drew rm2800 while his friend rm 3000(that time max a day is rm 3000, my brother drew rm200 prior to that). That happened in the first year my bro studied in KL while they were shopping in a mall.
So, crime can happen anytime, anyplace. I wonder what the authority has done about crime fighting all this while??
God bless you, Malaysia is really getting unsafe.
I am scare!
I taught u’re an assassin. Hahaha.
Anyway, God blessed you ;]
ohh a hitman got mugged??? u should instead go twisted their necks & had a good kick on their bad assssss
wow! how scary is that?
erm.. think twice before I’m heading to Bangsar
thank gawd ayou are ok.
scary wehh…. it’s not safe anymore… i used to think it’s unsafe for girls to be alone, late at night.. but i guess, now, they don’t care, they attack everyone.. the police force should be doing something.. siGh.. i heard that in Singapore, it’s so safe that you can walk alone at 3am in the morning and not worry bout safety…
anyway, glad to hear that you are not injured… well, at least you get to have a new myKad with your latest picture and touch n go facility in it!
cheer up~ ^^
Thanks for all the support everyone!
Appreciate all the calls and text messages and all the concern! I’m fine, will be okay after I get my new phone and my new documents back. Cheers!
I’m sorry I can’t reply all the text messages, but I saved all the numbers. Thanks for helping me repopulate my contact list.
Again, I really appreciate the show of concern in different ways from everyone. You all = da man. 😉
Chucking the wallet down and scarpering was a good move. Hope I won’t have to use it, but I’ll remember it.
glad u still have the camera with u. hope tat all the bad luck gone for now.
hey man, i got ROBBED on the SAME DAY!! but i believe that its by different people! well, after reading ur case, i believe im much more luckier but my whole progress was darn scary and it took at least half an hour! Anyway, the story is written in http://www.bubblyvene.com under the title of : he says can i snatch your belongings and i replied smartly!
i wish that everyone who reads your blog will go into my blog site to read about the robbery case because its a totally different type of story and i wish that everyone could be alert of all the tactics that they are using!!
Spread the news people and make everyone to be more alert!
julian: Yeah, thought just dropping it would do, throwing it like a baseball will probably cause them to chase after you. 😉
Myhorng: Yeah mate, hope that my streak of bad luck is done.
bubblyvene: I read your post. I’m sorry to hear about your experience, hope everything goes well for you. Cheers!
Aww.. 5 ppl, how scary! But the most important thing is that you are fine now. Take care. xx
Take care Huai Bin
Thank God you’re alright! I’ve replied your mail with my contacts and take care bro!
Shit that is scary. I’ve taken cabs from Bangsar! I can’t imagine what it would be to lose a camera, too. 😮
driving license doesnt take ages to replace…in fact it takes within the day….no need police report…just go to the nearest JPJ….have picture ready.
Unfortunately, my experience was a little different. They were not quite efficient, I didn’t have my photos (thought they would have upgraded to MyKad style digicams) and I had to rush to NRID to get my MyKad back (or else I won’t be able to travel for the next month and CNY is coming up). There was a long queue so they said they’ll call me and I can only pick it up this afternoon. JPJ…hmm. The NRID people were MUCH more efficient. It takes a month to replace, not two weeks, for MyKad.
The hassle of going to reapply all those cards. At least you’re not hurt physically.
oh.. i’d got attempted mugging on me few year back.. its kinda drive by thingy.. two Chinese youngster bump the rear of me car.. then i find it weird when only side passenger come neg with me while driver still on the wheels.. after awhile the side passenger i was talking to ask me to go back into my car and give him a namecard/contact which i refuse, he seems unease and walk back to the driver which pass him a gun.. and deem i hand over all money.. judging the posture he held the gun and his size.. em guessing its a fake and EYE’ing him.. and assessing my next best move(pondering a steering lock rod in me car good enuf to whack him) after a min without both making anymore move he walk back to his passenger seat.. i tot he’s leaving but instead he took out a parang.. sigh.. at than i dint have any money with me just a few ringgit to buy panadol form 7/11 nearby.. so i told him what i have.. than they just took off.. i got off with a lil rear bumper dent.. :p
oh.. i’d got attempted mugging on me few year back.. its kinda drive by thingy.. two Chinese youngster bump the rear of me car.. then i find it weird when only side passenger come neg with me while driver still on the wheels.. after awhile the side passenger i was talking to ask me to go back into my car and give him a namecard/contact which i refuse, he seems unease and walk back to the driver which pass him a gun.. and deem i hand over all money.. judging the posture he held the gun and his size.. em guessing its a fake and EYE’ing him.. and assessing my next best move(pondering a steering lock rod in me car good enuf to whack him) after a min without both making anymore move he walk back to his passenger seat.. i tot he’s leaving but instead he took out a parang.. sigh.. at than i dint have any money with me just a few ringgit to buy panadol form 7/11 nearby.. so i told him what i have.. than they just took off.. i got off with a lil rear bumper dent.. :p
oh.. i’d got attempted mugging on me few year back.. its kinda drive by thingy.. two Chinese youngster bump the rear of me car.. then i find it weird when only side passenger come neg with me while driver still on the wheels.. after awhile the side passenger i was talking to ask me to go back into my car and give him a namecard/contact which i refuse, he seems unease and walk back to the driver which pass him a gun.. and deem i hand over all money.. judging the posture he held the gun and his size.. em guessing its a fake and EYE’ing him.. and assessing my next best move(pondering a steering lock rod in me car good enuf to whack him) after a min without both making anymore move he walk back to his passenger seat.. i tot he’s leaving but instead he took out a parang.. sigh.. at than i dint have any money with me just a few ringgit to buy panadol form 7/11 nearby.. so i told him what i have.. than they just took off.. i got off with a lil rear bumper dent.. :p
You should praise The Lord. Things might have been a whole lot worse. Whatever you lost we’re material possessions which can be easily replaced. I know it pisses people off to lose their expensive personal belongings but hey shit happens. Whats most important is that you were not physically harmed in any way. That would have been a whole new ball game. You would have come out of the whole experience emotionally and psychologically wounded. It seems to me in this material world we live in people seem to attach a high importance to material possessions. You should just close your eyes and thank The Lord that you were not physically injured. It’s just not bangsar, this shit happens in every corner of the world. Wrong place wrong time. Or issit wrong place right time (for the robbers). I was recently mugged abroad and had to spend 2 months in hospital with my jaw wired drinking thru a straw (they broke my jaw, nose, eye sockets and cheekbones) all for a mere rm 800 (equivalent). I could not work for 7 months and I would have gladly given them the rm 800 if they had asked me for it. So yeah you should count your blessings.