Absolut Pears

absolut pears

I managed to get a 1 liter bottle of Absolut Pears for RM 43 thanks to Charlz. Her friend was in Langkawi and managed to bring back one bottle for me, which she passed to me just now. BTW, the beverage on her desk is guava juice – note that the seal to the Absolut Pears is intact. πŸ˜‰

Charlz, we put it to Good Use (TM). =D

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice that calls to me and speaks my name
…and do I dream again for now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
…and though you turn from me to glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is here
Inside your mind

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12 thoughts on “Absolut Pears”

  1. e: Eddie, j00 the best, my friend! =D
    Absolut New Orleans! πŸ™‚
    The previous package was great, enjoyed every single bottle. Cheers buddy!

  2. Joyce: Yup! πŸ™‚
    No worries, bottle is for you if you want. I also have a lot of other bottles at home.
    Hmm…I shouldn’t have said that on my blog. πŸ˜‰

  3. chefmel: Great! I want to go to Langkawi too! Hey, what are your plans for the May 1st long weekend? Do you have a holiday?
    hyperX: Sharing is caring. Feel free if there’s any left by the time you see me. πŸ˜‰

  4. HB, I have a pear tree in my back yard. Soon it will bloom, along with the apple trees . Thep daffodills are already up, and I am already looking forward to some home grown tomatos this summer. I hope all is well with you. got the cast off yeasterday. Sorry for the weird writting. Ribs are still healing, but commimg along nicely. Connie is bald but well. Take care, and be well, my friend. God Bless;

  5. tom Robison: Hey, it’s great to hear that you’re healing well. Pear trees and apple trees. Nice!
    I wish you well, my friend.
    Send my regards to Connie.

  6. Alas! That’s the best time for me to head north. Oh well, you’re coming down to KL anyway.
    Yeah, feel free to crash at my place, if you don’t mind the mess. πŸ˜‰
    You’ve seen the video. Haha!


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