Teow Chew Meng @ Sunway Mas

teow chew meng

Teow Chew Meng is a Teo Chew eating establishment located at Sunway Mas. I would not be surprised if the proprietor’s name is Meng and people call him Teow Chew Meng, but that’s not the case. The owner goes by the name Steven and there are photos of him adorning the entrance of the place with various local and regional celebrities like Jack Neo (the Singapore director).

meng octopus

The boiled octopus (RM 12) came highly recommended so we ordered that for the appetizer. It’s just boiled baby octopus but involves no small amount of effort and skills to make it come out slightly crunchy (!). It pairs well with the spicy peanut sauce served alongside it. It’s nothing to write home about though – perhaps a lot of that has to do with being overshadowed by the superb Shark’s Fin Mee Sua Tow.

meng apple beancurd

We also ordered the Apple Beancurd (RM 10) which is an unusual combination of deep fried tofu with sauce and prawns. There are finely shredded green apples topping this dish and the texture and taste contrast between the tofu, chilli sauce, green apples and prawns gives a tantalizingly palate-confusing yet delicious experience.

meng salted egg

The other side dish we ordered is the Seafood Roll (RM 10) which is stuffed with prawns, fish, vegetables and salted egg. It’s another one of the house specialties, the salted egg yolk is supposed to add another dimension to this classic (and usually meat stuffed) dish. Teow Chew Meng is a big fan of substituting meat with seafood. The salted egg is like a surprise in the seafood roll – there’s a burst of flavor on your palate when you bite into it, which increases your appetite exponentially. πŸ™‚

meng shark fin

The flagship dish of Teow Chew Meng is their excellent Shark Fin’s Mee Sua Tow. It’s similar to their popular Mee Sua Tow (all aquatic creatures are intact) except this version includes an added premium ingredient – Shark’s Fin. The strands of shark’s fin are sprinkled liberally on top of the dish. It costs about RM 11 per person, which is actually quite cheap considering a bowl for four (4) allows everyone second helpings with leftovers to boot.

meng mee sua tow

Teow Chew Meng does not skimp on the seafood either – marine biologists would have a field day identifying the large chunks of fish, clams, squid, prawns, oysters, crab sticks, fish maw, and cuttlefish inside. I love the mee sua over here. It has the consistency of porridge (not congee, porridge) but the starch and abundance of seafood and gravy makes it go down really well. It’s slippery in a good way.

meng shark fin mee sua tow

The Shark’s Fin Mee Sua Tow tastes great with seafood. This is the distinguishing feature of Teow Chew Meng – they use various creatures of the deep which unleashes (not infuse, it literally lets loose) a plethora of delicious seafood flavors into the mee sua. Nom nom nom. I ate three helpings.

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Teow Chew Meng is located at Aman Suria and it’s surprisingly free from the usual office lunch crowd. I think we were the only ones there. Parking can be a problem during lunch, so car pool if you plan to go. The bill came up to about RM 160 for 9 people. I highly recommend going in a group and getting the Shark’s Fin Mee Sua Tow.

You’ll thank me for it, it’s awesome! Just thinking back makes me drool…

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85 thoughts on “Teow Chew Meng @ Sunway Mas”

  1. I am a 3/4 Teo Chew descendant πŸ™‚ and have never eaten such dishes before. Not quite sure if they are teo chew dishes.
    BTW, is this restaurant next to Famous Seremban Food that serves kick-ass char siew?

  2. Anthea: …and I’ll personally bring you there since it’s quite near to where I live. In fact, it’s almost exactly at where I live. πŸ˜‰
    eiling: Awesome! I shall be waiting. πŸ™‚
    cynthia: Cholestrol? What is that word you speak of? I know nothing of salt, fat, and cholestrol. πŸ˜‰
    anak pak lah: Yup! That’s the place! It’s right next to the char siew place.
    ShaolinTiger: Yeah, I’ve heard great things about the oysters as well. Gotta check it out someday. πŸ™‚
    chefmel: This mee sua tow is out of this world! It’s amazing, the texture, the starch, the seafood infusion. πŸ™‚
    xin: Yeah, this Teow Chew Meng place is a franchise right?
    Simon Seow: 3 taste oyster. Gotta check that one out. πŸ™‚

  3. wahhhh i like the octopus too. esp if it comes with the light drizzle of oil and fried garlic bits! yummy!!!!! wah so luxury ah sharks fin mee sua :p looks like u are overspending lah! or u got yourself some sponsors hehehe :p

  4. ohhhhhh loooks so awesome
    i didnt eat yet… shit… makes me all hungry
    the food looks SOOOO delicious
    btw you noticed that the plate in the first picture looks alot like an aluminum plate you could get somewhere at the highway πŸ˜€

  5. HB, great entry and photos. Shark Fin dishes is now Cruelty to Animals list which make it hard in San Francisco to enjoy much of Asian food. But mom like your food entries and try to make some of the dishes you shown.

  6. If there was any lack of clarity in regard to HB’s stance on abortion, just look at all those octopus fetuses?/feti?/fetusi? he just ate!

  7. YilingL: Haha! No la, it was a farewell thing. I’m still very, very broke. :p
    shadowking: Hmm…it looks like the tin plates they give out in jails too. πŸ™
    At least the old school ones which hasn’t changed to plastic.
    Erica: Yeah, Shark’s Fin, a very delicate subject. Well, I’m not one to believe that if consumerism stops, the killing will too. Look what that did to the “War on Drugs”. Nothing. πŸ™‚
    Demand will ALWAYS be there.
    Pomme-Pomme: Haha! Yeah, zhng my mee sua. It’s very nice eh, the texture. Slippery, I like.
    Trey: It’s baby octopus, dude and it has nothing to do with the price of rice in China. :p
    My stance? I’m pro-choice, I thought it was common knowledge. πŸ™‚
    susan: Well, like I mentioned, it’s just like the War on Drugs, the logic is fundementally flowed. Stop the demand and the supply will stop?
    Case in point: Prohibition in America.
    I’m more of a pragmatist. πŸ™‚
    I do admire and respect your stance though.
    …and the food tastes awesome. πŸ™‚

  8. Economics 101. No Demand will mean no one will be bothered supply. Banning not the same as no demand. What they want to put across think of all the poor finless sharks. Have a heart πŸ˜‰

  9. CT: Yes, but how can you stop demand? πŸ™‚
    It’s EXACTLY like the War on Drugs. People will continue to use drugs and people will continue to eat shark’s fin. You can’t stop demand, so supply continues. Economics 101. πŸ˜‰
    I do have a heart, I just put it to better uses than…animals. πŸ™‚

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