Seafood Noodles @ SS4, Petaling Jaya

seafood noodle ss4

I am told there’s an undiscovered gem serving awesome Hoi Seen Meen (Seafood Noodles) in SS4, Petaling Jaya. A couple of us went there for lunch. The unassuming place is either called B & Best Restaurant or Restauran Rasa Sayang. I don’t really know which really, since there are two signboards.

seafood noodle stall

The trick is to peek in and find this stall. It’s conveniently labeled Seafood Porridge & Noodle for those of us who have problems with Chinese comprehension. I’m told it serves both clear and spicy broth. There are reports that you can opt to add in abalone as well, but be prepared to fork over the cash for that. I think its RM 68 for abalone. Not that hoi seen noodles are cheap, it’ll set you back at least RM 12 (not RM 11 as the sign says).

seafood noodles fishcake

You can order a side of fish cake (RM 7) to go with your seafood extravaganza. Might as well do the full Monty right?

There are two variants of Seafood Noodle that you can order:

seafood noodles spicy

Spicy Soup Seafood Noodle

seafood noodles dry

Dry Seafood Noodle (the Soup Seafood Noodle looks like this too – just imagine the noodles dumped inside the broth)

seafood noodle end

I had the dry seafood noodle since I’m not a big fan of hot, soupy things…especially in the midday sun, where you’re apt to sweat 2 liters just from attacking the broth.

View SS4 Seafood Noodles in a larger map

It should be noted that all dishes are RM 12 and not RM 11 as the sign states. You can micromanage the type of fish you want too: Choose from garoupa, pomfret, or whatever the catch of the day is. It’s pretty good seafood noodles, filled with aquatic goodness!

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22 thoughts on “Seafood Noodles @ SS4, Petaling Jaya”

  1. Yes, they sell morning till afternoon. Late evening is “tai chau” by different team/restaurant.
    The shop is just 2 roads away from my house. Very delicious but pricey. The deep fried fish cake is very good. Agree with you, overall very delicious!

  2. they all look tasty. now i’m craving for some seafood. the price of the fish cake is a tad too expensive (or is it the price of every dishes nowadays in kl is this expensive?)…
    so i guess you are fully recovered now!? ^__^ good for you.

  3. HB, hope you’re better now and those soup dishes are not bad for you too. Jook is good with duck eggs and pork. Will try to make fried fishcake it looked so good.

  4. Hey HB, I echoe many others. Now I am hungry. MMMMM , prawns in chille sauce, and noodles? MMMm. Be well, HB. Know you have helped me .Several friends also. It is one thing to bet when the only one who loses is yourself. But not when you have kids depending on you. Pass, HB, as do some of my friends. Shit. I hope all the kids appreciate this.

  5. win win, HB’CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA has begun fueling space shuttle Endeavour for its scheduled Saturday morning launch to the international space station.
    Fueling began at 9:52 p.m. Friday evening.
    NASA’s sticking to its forecast that there’s a 90 percent chance of favorable weather for the launch, which is planned for 7:17 a.m. Saturday.
    Endeavour and its crew of seven will deliver the final segment of Japan’s huge space station lab, along with some spare parts for the orbiting outpost and more than 600 pounds of food for the six men living at the orbiting outpost.
    When Endeavour pulls up, there will be 13 people together in orbit for the first time.

  6. Emm.. I love seafood.. Yummy! If the Spicy Soup Seafood Noodle tasted like tomyam.. *drooling* Yeah, I agree too the fish cake so expensive.. What fish they use make it so expensive? 😕

  7. paul: Hello Paul! Thanks for reading! 🙂
    Iriene: Hey, you live pretty near me too. This place is close to where I live too (though your proximity is closer). How is the tai chow at night?
    TL: SS2 eh? Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll go and check it out though I don’t really like driving to SS2 (coz of the narrow roads and the congestion).
    KY: It’s pretty good…I like the abundant seafood. 🙂
    chefmel: Yeah, RM 7 for that is a bit much eh?
    cindy khor: Yup, thanks! 🙂
    I’m much better now.
    I dunno, perhaps it’s just this stall. Come to think of it, fish cake is usually around RM 4.
    ShaolinTiger: Yeah, it’s great stuff, though I won’t go at lunch again, what with the weather nowadays.
    Erica: I’m not a big fan of porridge for some reason, but thanks! 🙂
    eiling: Yup, I’m feeling great now. Thanks Eiling! 🙂
    ahbing: Cheers! 🙂 Haha! I used to vehemently deny that I’m a food blogger. I guess I still don’t think of myself as one, but there sure is a lot of them reviews here. :S
    jrhogan: Me too! I live and work around here too. 🙂
    tom robinson: Cheers mate! 🙂
    YilingL: It’s good stuff. One of my coworkers ordered a lot of fish (and fish only, without clams or prawns) and they’re pretty generous with it. Also RM 12.
    goolooloo: Whoa, where is that?
    edward: HTML? Try w3schools. 😉
    Darren: Yeah, come to think of it, it’s a priced a bit higher than you’ll expect it to be.
    Shirley Snow: It tastes a little bit like tom yam, with the savory soup and tomatos.
    The fish cake? I think it’s mass produced, but I’m told the stall makes their own. It tastes mass produced tho.
    yuetmui: Cheras eh? I’ll keep that in mind. Cheers mate! 🙂


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