Rice Bowls Restaurant, Pusat Bandar Damansara

rice bowls chicken rice

Rice Bowls Restaurant is hands down the best halal chicken rice in the world. I happen to hold the Mayorship on foursquare for this place for one simple reason – I eat here almost every day. However, a couple of weeks ago, I got a piece of shocking news – they’re closing down coz the proprietor is moving to Australia.

rice bowls restaurant

I was horrified. It took a couple of hours for the realization to sink in. Where am I going to eat lunch now? There’s nothing remotely as good as this chicken rice place in Pusat Bandar Damansara. It was a shining beacon in the rat race – a sanctuary I look forward to every single day. I’ll have to go hungry and die of starvation. πŸ™

rice bowls chicken rice meal

Dejected, I started eating at other places again until someone told me the good news. Rice Bowls is open! It lives again! It’s the modern resurrection! I could scarcely believe my ears. I had to see it with my own eyes, being the Doubting Thomas that I am.

Behold! It’s true! Rice Bowls is open under new management. Shout it from the hills! It’s back, and so is the chef and the people working there.

rice bowls staff

I always eat the same thing over here so when I walk in the staff will just smile at their regular and go “Biasa?” and prepare my order. It’s apparently more renowned for the roasted chicken but I prefer their steamed chicken. My usual is the drumstick chicken rice with an extra bowl of rice and iced tea. I love the oil and sauce that goes into the steamed chicken and the chilli sauce is fucking awesome as well.

rice bowls chicken rice mine

My routine for eating it is to dump the extra bowl of rice in the plate and pour the chicken + oil + sauce on top. It’s almost like a ritual. I’ll eat 3/4 of the rice + sauce and save the 1/4 virgin chicken rice for eating with chilli sauce. I’ll down the hot soup after that and finish the meal with the iced tea.

rice bowls chicken

It used to cost RM 8.10 for a drumstick with chicken rice and an extra bowl of rice (free) plus iced tea, but under the new management, there is no more free extra rice. It costs RM 9.60 for my regular meal now so that makes an extra bowl of chicken rice RM 1.50.

rice bowls lunch

I don’t mind though. It is indeed the best halal chicken rice in the world and I’m glad to see that it’s back!

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140 thoughts on “Rice Bowls Restaurant, Pusat Bandar Damansara”

  1. kimberlycun: Yeah! I was depressed when it closed. T_T
    It’s a good thing that someone else took over and it’s reborn again (except without the free rice and some other menu items were struck off).
    I don’t mind coz I only eat this. πŸ™‚
    Dylan: Me too! It’s the best halal chicken rice in the world! πŸ™‚
    It’s fast when you go during non peak hours too and they remember what you like (more oil, more sauce, more spring onions). πŸ™‚

  2. When I was a little kid, my parents didn’t allow me to eat chicken rice as it was considered junk. When I started working, I ate with my colleagues and they doused the plate of rice with black sauce. Now, I am a parent and my kid loves his chicken rice with black sauce. It’s yucky. Of different generations, I suppose.
    I’m not a fanatic when it comes to Chicken rice, somehow, I find it weird to add thick black soysauce on the rice. I like looking at your 5th pic. Yeah, that’s to me is Chicken rice. Have a great evening . πŸ˜‰

  3. must be some mindblowing chicken rice if you eat there every day despite the sign – ‘Restoran ini tidak menjual minuman keras’ !hi
    wanna try wanna try wanna try! *bouncebounce*

  4. Yvonne: I like soy sauce on my chicken rice too!
    Chilli sauce is a bit foreign to me as a kid, but I appreciate it now if it’s good.
    I guess it’s how you eat chicken rice when you were growing up…some people eat it with dark soy sauce some with chilli. I can eat it with both. πŸ™‚
    Heh! Yup that’s my chicken rice lunch. πŸ™‚
    fresh: HAHAHA! There is also another consideration – I eat there during lunch. BTW, all of Pusat Bandar Damansara serves halal food, no alcohol unless you want to walk a distance. 7 Eleven does though.
    Come over, we eat chicken rice! πŸ™‚

  5. Jeff: I guess she’s earned enough from the patrons to emigrate over. It’s quite a popular place to eat near my office. πŸ™‚

  6. i luv this place! use to have it for lunch all the time!
    does it still taste just as good as the previous management?
    hey Hb do u know the malay cafe next to rhb bank?
    it serves kick ass nasi goreng kampung + telur dadar!

  7. HB, you made this simple dish look so special that I want some also. I went out and got some at market and made it at home.

  8. chicken rice man. . . . .
    Michael Mike – looks easy but damn diff to cook a proper poached chicken. Do poached it to 75% cook then leave it to cool. the heat will cook the chicken slowly and it will remain moist.
    Soy sauce and chilli sauce – search lor. . .lolz

  9. foodcrazee: Just lower the poaching temperature, you can poach it all day all night, not a problem.
    Michelle Chin: Australia is a kick arse country compared to M’sia. No ISA to start with and no “Cina pulang China” nor “May 13th” every second day. Understand?
    What the Aussie govt doesn’t want is lazy people who comes here to do nothing but live off welfare and there are plenty of those from M’sia. Ugh.
    HB: What’s the go with soy sauce on chook? That just kills off the chook’s natutal flavour.
    As for the bloke who pissed off to Aust, he is selling chook rice for A$12 a plate. Lucky bugger.

  10. Michael (mike): Good for you! πŸ™‚
    Sometimes the homemade ones can be really good as well! πŸ™‚
    foodcrazee: Yeah, the chicken makes or breaks the dish. Some chickens are just tiny and tough while others have an incredible amount of fat and skin and it’s huge to boot. πŸ™‚
    I love the latter, not a huge fan of lean mean.
    Michelle Chin: I didn’t ask…maybe she has relatives there or something. The owner is quite old, maybe she just wants to retire in peace after raking it in. πŸ™‚
    She could open up a chicken rice shop in Autralia too.
    KY: Yeah, and it’s real checkins. Heh! I really eat there almost everyday except when I’m not in the office. πŸ™‚
    Sometimes when my meetings end at 12:30, I still drive back and eat this even though I could eat near client’s place. πŸ™‚
    rocket: It’s not just soy sauce, it’s oil too – that makes it taste amazing. It goes very well with the rice. πŸ™‚
    The owner is a lady – old woman, she sells it for RM 7.40 over here, would do well to sell it at higher prices in Australia. Heh!

  11. headsteadi: It’s quite good actually. One of my coworkers commented the rice has gotten better but it tastes the same to me. πŸ™‚
    Yeah you should go check it out! πŸ™‚
    rocket: Well, this is in a high density office area – people usually charge more for food in places like this. This is about the average for lunch over here. πŸ™‚
    matt: It’s two different kinds! πŸ™‚
    I love the Singapore Chicken Rice in Sibu too, used to eat there often for lunch as well.

  12. Ah yes, Rice Bowls. I seldom eat at PBD nowadays. Last time, always go to Mama’s Kitchen.
    All About Mee also nice. Not sure if its still as nice.

  13. LeiF: Mama’s Kitchen has a really weird charging system – no standardization and I don’t really like the food over there. It kinds sucks. πŸ™
    It doesn’t taste as “fresh” as chap fun should be.
    Yup, All About Mee is pretty alright too but Rice Bowls is THE BEST! =D
    michellezyenn: Yeah it’s a good thing it hasn’t closed down yet! πŸ™‚
    You should drop by on Saturday or something – they’re open Saturdays too, since it’s so far from where you work. πŸ™‚

  14. I am not convinced this could possibly be the best!
    … therefore I will have to go try it myself to verify. Your enthusiasm for this place is only matched by my enthusiasm for Kashmir Cafe (best briyani and CHICKEN MASALA THOSAI).
    Too bad it’s not so accessible to me.

  15. Marcky: Heh! Yeah come over and check it out! It’s the best HALAL nasi lemak around. πŸ™‚
    You have to order the steamed chicken drumstick though. I love this place coz I work around here so it’s my favorite place. πŸ™‚
    Okay, I gotta try the place you mentioned. You sound very passionate about it. πŸ™‚

  16. wooot! two bowls of oily chicken rice is sure to leave you in post lunch coma. the other day i had half portion of chicken rice and felt extremely sleepy after that! but man, chicken rice is my guilty pleasure – after nasi lemak!

  17. chefmel: Heh! I love them both too! Chicken rice and nasi lemak – truly 1Malaysia.
    The trick is to drink coffee after your lunch. No post lunch coma if you do that. πŸ™‚

  18. foodcrazee: I believe you can do it in the oven at very low setting. Then you don’t have to worry about it. Go to work, watch a movie, etc etc and come back to it.

  19. Haha Rice Bowls! Brings back good memories. Seems like it was just yesterday my mates and I ate there.
    It was always Rice Bowls or Ali Maju/Bistro.

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