This is a tragic tale of why you shouldn’t gamble on vacations. T_T
I didn’t spend a lot – most of it was on meals, beer and stuff for people so I still had a lot of pound sterling left. It got to a point where I had to put my wallet in my coat instead of my pants pocket coz it was bulging so badly I couldn’t stuff it in.
The GBP 200 win
I was about to have lunch on Sunday when I noticed that everywhere was closed coz the eating establishments open from 12 pm onwards and I had an hour to kill.
I went into a sbobet mobile – it’s a very small operation with 3 roulette tables and 2 blackjack tables plus a couple of slot machines. I went in and got 400 pounds worth of chips as my buy in. The interesting thing about their roulette tables is that it’s yellow and black instead of red and black.
I thought that was interesting and put down 200 pounds (the maximum bet limit) on yellow. Lo and behold, around and round the ball it goes and what number it drops on I do not know but it’s a yellow number. =D
I snapped a picture of the GBP 200 pound win and cashed out 600 pounds (400 pounds was my original buy in). w00t! *pops champagne bottle and pours a bubbly for everyone and all that
I thought this 200 pound (RM 1,000) would be nice to pay for my excess baggage home.
The GBP 1,100 loss
Anyway, just a couple of hours ago I got off a bus at Victoria Coach Station and said goodbye to a friend. I had two options – go back and pack (it was dark and I was really tired) and head to the airport for Amsterdam…
Go to the lucky William Hill betting place where I won my GBP 100 for the lousy exchange rate I got the first day.
This was a losing streak so bad I embarrass myself recounting it. The roulette machine’s maximum bet limit was GBP 100 – I went in with a decision that I’ll bet 100 pounds on Black on the first spin and then 100 pounds on Odd on the second spin.
I figured this extra 200 pounds will help offset the exchange rate deficit since I’m going to be exchanging at least 1,300 pounds when I get back.
Well, I had to wait behind this dude who was playing 20 pence roulette so it took a while for him to finish. After he’s done I went and put 200 pound into the machine. I wanted to go for red since there was a bit of a red dragon going on but I remembered the Black-Odd routine and did that instead.
I lost. I went for Odd and lost again. T_T
I fed in another GBP 400 into the machine (for a 600 pound total now) and lost 4 times in a row.
It would be damn hard to get up from a 600 pound loss so I had a choice of walking away or hoping for a very unlikely last minute rally. I chose the latter and put in another 300 pounds into the machine.
The cashier at William Hill had to stop me coz the notes compartment was full and he took out the cash and rebooted the machine. Sigh. That was my money.
Anyway, with 300 pounds I had to go for numbers. I went for 10 numbers with 10 pounds each round (max bet limit) so the odds are slightly better than ¼ for a 36 times return. I swear Lady Luck was against me coz I thought I pressed 33 but apparently I didn’t. It came out 29, which I also didn’t put despite it being one of my favorite numbers (my age).
The next round was a savior round, if I had taken it. I didn’t pick 29 this time but 10 other random numbers coz I figured it won’t come out twice in a row. That was my lifeline, given by The Lord but I didn’t take it. T_T
29 came out TWICE in a row. Arrrghhhhh!
I’m down to my last 100 pounds and again I did not listen to the voice of God, resigning myself to fate and pressing random numbers. The result was a 6. A fucking 6 which I always get but didn’t in the last round coz I expected to lose.
I walked out with the tail between my legs having lost 900 pounds. That’s more than RM 4,500.
Anyway, I was walking home, dejected when I saw another William Hill and though hmm…why not? I’ve already lost so much anyway.
I went in, asked what the quickest race was (it was a dog race) and quickly bet 100 pounds on some random canine. He didn’t even place. T_T
I decided to split my bets for the second round since this is not an even payout – the odds can be as high as 16 times so I can easily recoup my losses from a 50 pound bet.
I bet 50 on one horse and 50 on another – one a favorite to win and one a long shot with a high payout.
Both of my dogs didn’t even get into the top 3. T_T
Total loss: GBP 1,100 in about 20 minutes. That’s over a RM 5,000 loss (more if you factor in the loss in currency conversion).
What you can do with RM 5,000:
Buy a nice d-SLR
Go on an exotic holiday to Egypt
Buy a new notebook
I could have used that RM 5,000 to squeeze in another trip to Iran before the end of the year. 🙁
Third time is not the charm. I should have just gone home instead of trying to win a measly 200 pounds and losing 1,100 pounds in the process. It was a mistake to head in when I still had one leg of my vacation to go. Oh well.
I stopped betting coz I only had 1,000 pounds left and I needed to change that to Euros to go to Amsterdam. Now I’m here at the airport. I just paid 20 pounds to store my excess luggage for two days while I fly to Amsterdam and I’m starving but I don’t want to eat until I’m in Amsterdam coz the things here are so expensive.
I’m even too cheap to pay GBP 9.95 for 24 hour Internet access at the airport so I’m going to post this when I’m in Amsterdam.
I go die now. Kthxbai.
Written: 4:35 am London time (GMT 0)
Posted: 11:42 am Amsterdam time (GMT +1)

Huaibinnnn it’s timeeee to stoppppppppp! *Pats Huaibin*
I know! I stopped dy. Grrr…
Oh well, I’m still going to enjoy the rest of the vacation in Amsterdam!
yaa lah… the time has come… miahahahah (can pat oso ah?…eheheh)
Heh! Yeah, it’s not meant to be. Alas. I still had fun on my vacation though. 🙂
propecia =-[[
Oh my god!!!!
I know. T_T
You can have truckloads of Chessy 6 pizzas with that money.
Oh my, and there are casinos in Amsterdam too 🙁
Yup, but I didn’t go to casinos in Amsterdam. Was busy doing…other stuff. 🙂
Money better spent too. There’s this t-shirt I love:
Cannabis leaf image: Euro 5
Magic mushrooms image: Euro 15
Image of a woman spread eagled: Euro 50
Gamblers will never change.They will fight all the way out.But at least you can say to yourself ” At Least I Tried The Legal Way”
And i fought a war and earn it my way
Heh! Well, I wasn’t very sober then too so that could be part of it as well. 🙂
I didn’t gamble in Amsterdam, Amsterdam is way too fun already. Too many sins to do. 😉
so sorry to hear that. Oh well, you’re the daredevil and be prepared to live with the end results! haha
Yup, you live, you learn. Or maybe not, but at least you live with it. 🙂
It was fun and I can always work hard to earn that money back. It was a waste and just reminded me how fast casinos can swallow your money.
Good reminder. 🙂
*cough* *cough* .. .. *dramatic pause*
Gee! Have you not learn ?
Hmm…I don’t mind a little wager every now and then, this one got a little out of hand but no harm, no foul, I still have enough to go back home. 🙂
…and to save for a bit before my next trip!
next trip eh ? Wow! Boy…. Wow!
Dude, that’s all life is about…. Enjoy single life!
Amen brother! Life on the fast lane, when both of us die we can say we have honestly led a very adventurous life, taking all life has to offer. 🙂
*ouccccchh* that’s a lot of money lost! =S
Yup, it’s a routine. T_T
Now is the time for me to save again and go all frugal and stop spending on unnecessary stuff and eat cheaper meals and all that.
HB, I hope you did’nt played roulette ? My late great grandfather was a casino owner in China during the early days which is reason why next generation do not care for it. Heard some people had their legs and arm broken for not able to pay back maybe that why. When he left for San Francisco he started a casino in Chinatown which did well for a while when he was alive.
Interesting life, your grandfather! Yup, I play roulette but usually on even payouts at roughly 50 % odds. Nah, I never get into debt, I only gamble what I have and leave a margin for survival. 🙂
Thanks for your concern!
tsk tsk tsk *shake head*
I know. *hangs head
This loss of about 5000 RM + 35000 RM (reported (Genting)) earlier this year adds up to about the yearly income of a Malaysian SW engineer, doesn’t it? If these calculations are correct I’m surprised to see that you continously seem to be able to travel, eat at luxury hotels etc. Either you must come from a very wealthy family, or you are some local mafia boss ? 😉
He has side income from nuffnang remember?
Do you (really) think that a nuffnang income would be significant when you talk about a loss of RM 40000 + in about 6 months?
One advert could earn up to 3-4 figures I guess, just count how many advert he did for the past 6 months.
Negerkung + Mkkt Bkkt: Well, it is one of my side incomes but it’s not as much as most people think it is. 🙂
I just wait for windfalls from Sibu. It happens maybe 4 times a year, maybe 6 maybe none. It’s a very unstable investment but when it comes in, it’s fucking solid money. 🙂
Heh! I’m not a software engineer mate, and the good ones my age in that line earns 5 figure salaries minimum.
I could have had that if I had stayed in the software engineering line but I didn’t like programming so I switched to be happier instead of richer.
Software engineering is a very well paid job, especially at managerial level.
I’m not with the Mafia and my family is only middle income. 🙂
We make do and I’ve never taken any money from my parents, have always given them before even I started working (long story, was rebellious back then and wanted financial independance).
However, I do have side income from Sibu. I can’t really explain it except that it’s unreliable but if it comes in, it’s quite a windfall. 🙂
What kind of side income is that?I would like to know more about it
It’s gaming and loans related. It’s a partnership with me having a miniscule share so it’s nothing to shout about.
Would prefer not to go into details since I’m not operations, I’m just an investor, I don’t know what they do, and I don’t want to know as long as there are returns.
It’s ok lah.You are rich,got money to burn anyways. 🙂
Keep going…
I’m not rich la…now I have to eat bread and all that. You pay for you mistakes, I’m paying for mine. I don’t have any regrets though. I had fun and I’m still having fun in Amsterdam. 🙂
I should refrain from judging, but seriously mate, you’re an idjit
I would be inclined to agree mate. 🙂
u do remind me of myself going crazy with gambling..lady luck has never ever been with me though…else i wd have been the richest man in the earth by now..
Bro, I got a chance of a lifetime to win back Euro 1,400 but I didn’t take it. 🙁
Thought the 35k incident would have taught you good, obviously not 😛
Gambling is a mugs game mate!
Sigh…we’ve been hearing HB said that many times already…
Yup and I nearly won Euro 1,400 yesterday. Ish. Didn’t take the chance. Went in casino at airport with Euro 40 only.
Oh well, it’s all in good fun! A bit of punting now and then can be quite exciting. 🙂
Yes, odds are against you, but if you’re having fun, who cares? =D
aiyo… genting didn’t teach u enough issit…. dude… stopppp!!!!
I’m stopping! 🙂
Small bets only. Seriously. I went into Amsterdam airport casino with just Euro 40 and could have won Euro 1,400. I won Euro 175 instead. Sigh.
waaa…. you should refrain yourself from gambling laa…..
I don’t do it that often to be honest. 🙂
After the huge loss in Genting this is the first time I’ve hit the tables. 🙂
good time comes after the bad. perhaps ur lady luck awaits u at those casinos in RL district. dont go flying dutchman. haha
Bro!!!!! You are so right!!!! I nearly won Euro 1,400 at the airport on roulette (single number – 29) with Euro 40 but I didn’t put the entire wager in coz I was too mellow. T_T
Hey…I’m in the land of Robin Hood.. if you want..I can be your tour guide and show you some places…rather than you just ended up in casino and bookies.. 😛
Hey there! Thanks for the offer but I’m back in Malaysia. It’s a good place to visit though – lots more places I haven’t been to. I’ll be back! =D
well… send me an email.. and we will take it from there.. 🙂
Is it your first trip to Europe? Have fun, in any case! Amsterdam is a very nice city. Tried the genever? They’ll fill the glasses until they (almost) flow over..
Yup it’s my first trip ever. 🙂 Amsterdam is fucking awesome. I stayed in the heart of the RLD with all the coffeeshops and all that. Man, you can smell it when you walk on the streets. 🙂
Oh bugger! ):
Yeah. 🙁
that’s some serious gambling addiction there buddy…..time to control gambling if you must…
I haven’t hit a casino since the 35k loss so it’s been a while mate. 🙂
Loser (pun intended)!
I agree. T_T
don’t show off
Thrift on necessities but no qualms on gambling away hard earned (i presumed) money. WTF!? Champion la you.
This one was a mistake, I must admit. The Amsterdam one had more discipline to it. However, I never stay long. I’m in and out 20 minutes, 30 max. 🙂
I’m there for a vacation!
I’m not, I’m just giving a report of the catastrophe that happened when I just wanted to win 200 pounds. :S
Wow! I had no idea you weighed so much,, but congratulation on the weight loss. 😉 waa. they don’t use euros in UK?
It was a bit disastrous. Never trust machines. I’ll rather go to a proper casino (where I won twice) than a machine.
Nope, Amsterdam and all other EU countries use Euros but England is sticking to the pound sterling. 🙂
Ok, time to stop, right? The first step would be to stop calling it “life in the fast lane” ..
How about “being a prostitute for mega-rich casino moguls” ?
Very apt my friend, very apt. 🙂
I should be a William Hill instead of a William Hill patron. 😉
love the blog man
Thanks mate! 🙂
good one. here is news, when betting ( with your own money ) if you break even or win a bit, walk. right then. and count yourself luckey. no you are not gonna be able to double it. bitter experience. but I play often and win some times, lose somtimes for funzies. ( no money involved). no problem for me. I aint gonna lose my house or car on the roll of the dice or on a dog or horse, ( or for that matter, a chicken, sports team or electronic or mechanical device). house wins, every time. especially the lottery. ( state sponsored all the benifits go to education… yeah right…) nothing inherently bad, hope springs eternal… gladiators rolleded dice at the foot of the cross, but at least they had a pay off, one in five. lottery is about 1 in 250, 000. you should know better. and once in a while I play at a native american cassino. for fun. or bingo. and send back the publishers clearing house or readers digest thing. 50 cent stamp vs 5 million?!!! . and thats ok. fun. win some and double down if you want, but the odds are against you. best bet is to walk.
Indeed. That’s very wise advice my friend. 🙂
Yeah, it’s a losing game, I didn’t intend to double it I didn’t think I would lose so many times in a row too. I should know better, losing more than 10 times in a row more than once a couple of years ago.
in the venaculular, never bet more than you or those depending on you can lose. pretty conservsative sounding, I know. I have bet the outhouse a few times, but never the whole farm. won and lost a few times. thats ok, an out house is just a pit. but I never bet the whole farm. nor should you. be careful.
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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Admin of Past Life Reading
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Posted by Laura Lauren
Webmaster of Who Will I Marry
Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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Jeff Starr#7
The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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Daniel, yea I can see what you probably did there. I actually appreciated that part, but hehe I am not that harsh like my dad with these things. He always tells me loopy stories back in the day and calls me a loser. I guess it’s time I transfer out of my dad and mom’ basement LOL. Aaanyways, what about you? what does your dad assume xD” Anyway, in my language, there are not much good supply like this.
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My concern is with Android as a gaming platform. Yes, Angry Birds plays well – but I bought Reckless Racing on both my iPhone 4 and Nexus One specifically to test out performance and I’m sad to report that where the iPhone is fast and fluid the Nexus One is sometimes slow and choppy. I even overclocked the Nexus but I didn’t notice a big difference. This being Sony I’m sure they’ll have their own store with games specific to their hardware so hopefully it’ll be a better experience than on my Nexus One. I would still prefer a proper slide out keyboard with alternate gaming buttons (think BlackBerry number keys over the letters).
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I find all of these studies based on Maslow Windows very interesting. I’ve always thought that the study of history, generally, benefits from a long perspective so that cycles can be identified. The cyclical nature of most things is, well, undeniable really.
I do have a two questions. First, what does MEP stand for? It appears in the third paragraph of this post. I’m sure I’ll say “da” when I find out but, I just can’t figure it out — “Maslow Economic Peak,” maybe.
Second, is it assumed that one of the areas of focus during a Maslow Window period is exploration, and in our era, exploration of space?
The reason I ask is because it seems that in the next couple of decades we will be faced with several challenges that will focus our attentions nearer to home–one important one being the end of cheap energy, around which moder, industrial society is built. Then again, perhaps the efforts to deal with this shift will be yet another impetus to explore…
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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
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