Glenfiddich Solera Reserve 15 year old

glenfiddich solera reserve

Glenfiddich is one of the most common single malt Scotch whisky there is out there. I believe I read somewhere that every 1 in 3 bottles of single malt sold is a Glenfiddich. However, just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it automatically isn’t good.

I *struggled* to choke that sentence out. I’m a huge Macallan fan, quite loyal to it since it was my very first single malt Scotch and I had it at a very special time.

glenfiddich 15 solera reserve gift box

Glenfiddich Solera Reserve can be had for around RM 245 – 285. There’s this promotional gift box that comes with a 700 ml bottle, a 30 ml miniature and a tumbler. The 15 year old is generally accepted to be a benchmark of sorts and has one of the best price-performance ratios. I first had it in 2006 and wrote about the Glenfiddich Solera Reserve which I got to celebrate a pay raise.

whisky durian

Oh, I nearly forgot this photo.


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14 thoughts on “Glenfiddich Solera Reserve 15 year old”

    • HAHAHA

      Seriously, eating durians and drinking whisky is fine. πŸ˜€

      Sorry, wasn’t meant for you. πŸ™‚

      Have an awesome week Michelle!

      Damn where are the trolls when you’re fishing?

  1. bro perhaps its time you do another review of some of the more popular fireworks available in sibu now.

    back in sibu for cny first time in 10 years and the only firework i remember is jin she pu bu or loosely translated as golden waterfall? and i am not even sure if they still exist. so if you are up for it, a post about those big big blocks of fireworks, so close to chinese new year, would be perfect!

    • Sure thing bro! πŸ™‚

      I do that every year. You’re talking about “Colored Peony” I reckon?

      Anyway, I’m waiting for tomorrow – if the government lifts the ban, one of two things would happen:

      1. The prices will drop
      The smaller ones would start selling and create a more competitive market

      2. The prices will increase
      The existing stock will be withheld, impossible to get new stock in time, more people would buy, causing the closed market to artificially increase in price

      Either way, I’m alright. I already have firecrackers and fireworks, just want to buy more. See how the announcement goes tomorrow and review at the usual time k bro? πŸ˜€

      Welcome back and happy CNY bro!

  2. HB, people in San Francisco drink scotch whiskey with no ice or (on the rock). They like the smooth taste of it . I prefer Black Label Jonnnie Walker most popular here.

    • Hello Mike! πŸ™‚

      That’s how people drink it over here too. πŸ˜€

      It’s either neat or on the rocks. I had mine on the rocks coz it was damn hot in the afternoon and the central air conditioning wasn’t on.

      I prefer single malt whisky to blended whiskeys – not being a snob here, it just tastes better, well worth the price premium. πŸ™‚

  3. is the fan trying its hardest to cool you down? the durian and whisky is certainly safe to be consumed together but i remember feeling kinda warm (almost hot) when we ate this by the poolside for my birthday do.

    • The fan wasn’t even on. -_-

      Someone shut off the central air conditioning coz there’s always a lot of people pre-CNY – aunts helping out, people fixing stuff etc etc.

      I heard this dude on the previous post say that I did it wrong. I drank beer with durian in my previous post so now I’m doing whisky…even though I’ve done it before.

      I thought it would be a funny picture. πŸ˜‰

      I don’t feel hot though – maybe it’s coz of the whisky instead of the durian?

      Happy CNY! πŸ˜€

    • HAHA! I wasn’t alone, there were family with me. πŸ˜€

      I *try* to only go out at night so I can spend time with my family. πŸ™‚

      …but yeah, it’s relaxing!

      Happy CNY! πŸ˜€

    • Yup, I’ve been doing that *forever* – even had a video and still people believe that eating durians and drinking will kill you. 😑

      It’s been well documented by others too. πŸ˜€


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