Greetings from Frankfurt!

warsteiner beer

I just had a great German beer called Warsteiner Premium Verum on the flight here. I’m flying Business Class on Lufthansa Air – they have seats which converts into beds. It would be a sin not to sleep. Heh.

lufthansa business class

I managed to charge all my gadgets with the electricity port beside the seat while I slept. There’s even a USB charger!


(and a rather promising looking Ethernet port)


The next leg of the journey will be from Frankfurt to Dresden. Catch you on the flipside!

P/S – I’ll be updating more on my other social media sites so check out the Facebook page and my Twitter account for more! πŸ˜€

Posted: 11:30 am Frankfurt time (GMT +2)

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16 thoughts on “Greetings from Frankfurt!”

    • I just had some awesome pork knuckles – it’s a very different style from the Bavarian ones we get in Malaysia.

      I’m currently in Dresden.

      Cheers mate! πŸ™‚

  1. Wah, they really provide alcohol on board?! Can’t help but wonder if they serve Chardonnay too. Have fun vacationing in Berlin over plates after plates of sauerkraut and pork knuckles and in Dresden! =D

    • Yeah, all international flights provides alcohol on board, even on Economy. I have been known to partake with abandon in the past. πŸ˜‰

      I flew Business Class all the way this time, had a great 18 year old Glenlivet. They have all sorts of wine too, including champagne and chardonnay.

      Thanks Ciana!

      Have an awesome week yourself! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, it was the the site of a major Allied bombing during World War II.

      They’re still rebuilding, and it’s a beautiful place for a stroll coz of the cool weather and long daylight. It’s summer now and it only got (kinda) dark at 10 pm. πŸ™‚

    • Heh! I’ll try my best!

      I’ll be posting more frequently, I’m still a bit jet lagged so I’m still awake. 😑

      Thanks Constance! πŸ˜€


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