I’m doing this on my phone

bangsar ticket

Got this ticket while I was picking up my replacement credit card – Swipe keeps wanting to change replacement with transcendent which is ironic. Heh.

Anyway, that spot is technically not a parking space but people park along a row anyway.

Unfortunately, being this close to Raya, the police are extra vigilant. Just hope they don’t have increased rates like during CNY.

I don’t even know if this will post due to my setup but let’s try and see. πŸ™‚

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10 thoughts on “I’m doing this on my phone”

    • Haha! It took me a while to do that, not quite practical since I have to FTP the images and then manually type in the HTML code, which is why I required so many apps instead of just one. πŸ™‚

  1. hopefully it’s from MBPJ etc and not police, and those if you don’t pay … it doesn’t stop you from renewing license/roadtax etc.. just saying. :X

    • Unfortunately, it’s a PDRM ticket.

      The ones from MPPJ/DBKL has a bit of color on it while tickets from the police is white and visible from quite a distance so I knew it was a police ticket before I reached. 😑

    • Yeah, it’s always that way, at the major festive occasions – CNY, Raya etc. 😑

      Places to go and people to eat and all that.

      Have an awesome long weekend, you! πŸ˜€


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