“Oh no!”, I thought. What have I gotten myself into?!?!?!
I had a moment of panic as I struggled with putting on my custom-made aligners after my orthodontic attachment have been fixed. I imagine having to struggle with slipping them on every day for almost two years but soon the discomfort faded and I found it very easy to take on and off. It’s just like a tongue piercing – the (white and invisible) ligatures makes your teeth feel like there are multiple foreign objects inside and you can feel the Invisalign aligners working in your mouth but the feeling goes away very quickly.
It lasted just a couple of hours for me before I forgot I even had an Invisalign aligner on and ate an orange segment. The fruit actually popped in my mouth before I realized I had it in.
Now that I’ve been wearing them for almost a month, I love my Invisalign aligners. It’s virtually invisible and no one seems to notice that I have them on until I take it out right before I have a meal. There are so many celebrities using Invisalign treatment in movies and real life (like Claire Danes in the latest season of Homeland, I believe) that it has become cool to remove your Invisalign aligners before eating!
That’s part of the appeal too – Invisalign aligners are removable so it’s unlike metal braces, which presents a whole set of problems – there are a lot of foods you can’t eat and it’s time-consuming to keep them clean.
I can take them off whenever I want to eat something so I can eat whatever I want without having to worry about food getting stuck inside.
BTW, just to show how invisible the Invisalign aligners are, I actually still had my aligners on in that photo above – you just don’t notice it! 🙂
It’s also very comfortable to wear. There’s a slight feeling of tightness when you switch aligners every two weeks, but you won’t even notice it’s there after a while. I have had two incidents to date when I have accidentally started eating without removing my aligners, that’s how comfortable they are!
I have heard stories from users of regular metal braces who experience irritation and inflammation, but the BPA-free plastic that the Invisalign System uses produces none of those symptoms.
I had three (3) of my teeth extracted in between my second and third set of aligners too. This had to be done due to an existing tooth that’s missing and it’s purely for cosmetic purposes. My experience with the orthodontists at Imperial Dental Specialist Center in Jalan Telawi, Bangsar is top notch – one of the teeth was a bit tricky to remove since it’s almost at a 90 degree angle so it required surgery but they did it without any pain at all!
It just cost me RM 460 for the 3 extractions too; it’s actually RM 80 per tooth but the bottom one had complications and required surgery so it was RM 300. I thought the prices were very reasonable too! It’s great service with awesome bedside manner from a solid team of orthodontists.
The Invisalign treatment is also very convenient! My orthodontist is at a very busy location in Bangsar and I’m going home for the Lunar New Year so I can just get an extra set or two to bring back to my hometown of Sibu so I can just switch to the new set of aligners every two weeks without having to go back to my orthodontist.
Each Invisalign treatment is customized for you and only you! There’s complex 3D software which mapped my entire oral cavity with X-Rays and photos and I could see my teeth and what’s needed to correct my dental issues. The software is really quite remarkable – there’s two sets of treatments I can go for – one which requires the extraction of three of my teeth and one that didn’t but lasts longer.
I opted for the extraction and just clicked and typed in my name as an electronic signature and the order was sent off to Align Technology in the United States!
My extraction is due to a missing tooth I had in my lower left jaw and it’s purely for cosmetic purposes. My orthodontist told me that removing three other teeth will make my jaw look smaller and more streamlined and I signed up! I didn’t even know you could do cosmetic improvement like that!
I also can look forward to perfectly straight teeth after my 41 custom-made aligners are finished. I actually have rather crooked teeth that I’ve never fixed but I have seen that straightening teeth actually make people look more attractive! I notice myself noticing that and that was a huge catalyst for me to decide to go for Invisalign treatment.
It’s just natural for people to be attracted to straight teeth and symmetry in faces. Even babies are naturally attracted to facial symmetry and attractiveness! This has been well-studied so Google it if you don’t believe me. Babies already love me, mothers are constantly amazed when their babies stare at me and smile, I just want them to still look at me when I smile back.
You can have the chance to get a perfect smile too! Check out Nuffnang Malaysia Official Blog for more information, sign-up to participate, and you will stand a chance to win a full treatment sponsored by the makers of the Invisalign System! Read more to understand about how Invisalign treatment works and how it can change your life at Invisalign SEA and check out the official Invisalign Malaysia Facebook page to interact.
Disclaimer: I have received complimentary Invisalign treatment and/or compensation from Align Technology, Inc. in exchange for voluntarily promoting and sharing my Invisalign experience. The experiences shared and views expressed are my own.

One of my biggest challenge is to visit dentist. OMG it looks so pain!!!!!
It’s not very painful at all! 🙂
They have anaesthetic for teeth surgery and you might not need it for Invisalign. I just chose to have it for aesthetics, but it was optional, so I paid for it myself.
Exactly what I was thinking when I saw the first picture: what did you get yourself into, HB?
Too bad I’m already out of the country or I’ll really consider the treatment. From what I’ve just read, it seems that it is cheaper (?) than the metal braces in the market. Ah, about facial symmetry, what you said definitely hits bull’s eye. =)
Yeah, it’s a lot more convenient than traditional metal braces! 🙂
Invisalign is something you can take off for meals (which eliminates a common problem – what you can and can’t eat on traditional braces) so there’s practically no downsides to it. You just continue living, eating and exercising as usual.
I’m not sure if it’s cheaper than traditional metal braces but it certainly is a lot better. I wouldn’t have gone for traditional braces, Invisalign fits my lifestyle better.
I’ve been wearing it for a long time now! 🙂
Not a lot of people even notice, unless I take them off during meals. Invisalign is good in that sense – it’s almost invisible, unlike traditional braces.
Oh gosh. I hate going to dentist and I am still.
I think that’s coz of the “dentists” we used to have to go to in primary school! 🙂
Haha! I still remember the horrific incidents from “dental care” in primary schools that was mandatory. A visit to a modern orthodontist is a very different experience – painless and revelatory. There has been huge advances in orthodontic care.
Looks uneasy to me, hehe!
But also quite high tech la!
It was a little uncomfortable the first time! 🙂
However, I forgot about it within a few hours. I don’t even notice my Invisalign aligners anymore.
Yeah, there has been HUGE advances in orthodontic care – I was quite surprised myself!
Yay! 🙂
I know metal braces cost a bomb, like RM10k for the whole package? So this is something new.. I’ve never heard of this, and it’s good that you share it here.. Oh yes, I’m attracted to beautiful and white teeth too (I have none of the both).. Like when I’m watching TV, the first thing I observe is their nice set of white and straight teeth.. All celebrities and all that appears in the TV has nice set of teeth..
I think metal braces are cheaper cost wise! 🙂
However, Invisalign is a lot more convenient! There are a whole lot of advantages to it compared to traditional metal braces, but it can be more expensive than metal braces. It’s still better though coz you can eat anything you want and do anything you want (sports etc) and just take them out when you do.
I wouldn’t even think of doing traditional metal braces, Invisalign is way better for my lifestyle!
i used to go for metal braces.. it was uncomfy but at last got over it after 18 months.. haha.. but this one sounds so much better than the braces… i think i need it them cos i haven’t been wearing the aligner after taking the metal braces out.
Yeah, I know you had them Rose! 🙂
Invisalign is a lot more convenient than regular metal braces – you can eat anything you like coz you just take them out. Ask your orthodontist about it or join the contest to see if you can get a full free Invisalign treatment – there are 3 to be given out!
I didn’t know what is Invisalign treatment till saw your blog. Would avoid going to dentist if possible coz am a scaredy cat LOL
Hey..Thanks for the WeBoost. It work great when we travel back to hometown
No worries Kathy! 🙂
Glad you liked it and found it useful.
Haha! Yeah, I think coz we all got primary school “dental” so that scarred us for life. It’s a lot different now, there are many amazing new technologies!
Happy Chap Goh Mei to you and your loved ones 🙂
Happy Chap Goh Meh to you and your family Kathy! 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Never tried and dont even think of trying lol! well beautiful teeth beautiful smile! brightens everyones day!
Yeah, indeed it does! 🙂
I never thought of trying it too at first. It never even crossed my mind that I wanted (or needed) Invisalign until I looked into it further. I paid for the extras e.g. tooth surgery but the Invisalign treatment was offered to me and after much consideration, I went for it and I didn’t regret it. I love having straight teeth, it wasn’t something I thought about several months ago.
You can win a full treatment too, there’s 3 to be given out!
good review..im actually really love to read an experience aboth teeth treatment..now ive got my answer why korean celeb teeth look so beautiful.nowdays im always think to get an implant for my teeth since 2 of my teeth facing big problems..but it to scary when i view it on youtube.,and the cost is quite high..is this clinic offered all of their treatment cheeper then other?? **curious**
Thanks Aisyah! 🙂
Yeah, you can do it at this clinic. Imperial Dental Specialist Centre is certainly not the cheapest but they’re one of the best, if not the best. It’s helmed by Dato’ Dr. How Kim Chuan and they’re famous for their orthodontic work.
If you’re concerned about finance options, they have an excellent 12/24 month payment plan with 0% interest. You can find out more about them here:
i love ur review. so detail.
i bet the cost must over than rm10k right? i wanna try them, but the cost seriously OMG. lol. already join the nuffnang contest. hopefully im one of the winner. 🙂
are u from sibu? im sibu-people too. hahha. 😀
What is the estimate price range to do this Invisalign for adult?
How much is the price for this ?
How much is the total for the whole thing?
I used to wear braces when i was young but i stop wearing my retainers once i finish my treatment. Hence my teeth went out of shape a little. I am thinking of getting this to make my teeth straight again so please advise does it effect your speaking capabilities like when you are wearing removable braces? And secondly how much does it cost?
How much does it cost? I mean like (Everything = total amount) ?
Hi, what is the guiding price for the invisalign process?
Hi Janice,
It’s different for everyone, but it should be around RM 20,000 for most people.
i’m not really bothered about the pain but more bothered about the cost 🙁
sigh …