Party photos from Freedom 360 Penang!

penang bridge

I went to Penang over the weekend with Lainey bff to party in the final Freedom 360 in the series of 4 events all over Peninsula Malaysia! This is the obligatory Penang Bridge shot.

foh san ipoh

We headed up at 6 am in the morning – our plan was to have dim sum in Foh San dim sum in Ipoh before doing a slow leisurely drive up.

dim sum ipoh


northam all suites penang

We stayed at The Northam All Suites – an amazing hotel with a huge living area, couches everywhere, a dining table, full sized work desk, his/hers sinks in the bathroom, a jacuzzi and a king sized bed that can probably sleep 3 people easily!

fame penang

Freedom 360 was held at FAME in the famous clubbing district of Penang. I think the entire place is called The Warehouse, but I just call it the clubbing strip. I’ve been there before in ’09 – had a great chillax session at Slippery Senoritas and Cheryl brought us to Soi 11. πŸ™‚

freedom cool

I remember getting the numbers of several girls though I never called. One of them texted me though. Heh. Other that that, I don’t really remember much from that night. I didn’t drink as prodigiously at Freedom 360 (despite the free flow beer) so I can recall the events a lot better. I remember camwhoring at the entrance coz I saw Lainey do it and it looked cool. I know, it looks crappy now but I swear it looked awesome on the LCD when she took it. T_T

freedom 360 party

FAME was absolutely packed with people during Freedom 360 and I was busting a move at our table so I didn’t take a lot of photos but I got some from the OP:

freedom penang us

freedom penang group

Thanks for an awesome night Angel! I can’t wait for the next round of Freedom 360! πŸ™‚

Are you going?

Heads up peeps! There’s a huge event coming up and it’s gonna be the party of the year. Hell, it’s a veritable celebration many centuries (2.5 or so, but that could just be a figure I pulled out from where the sun don’t shine) in the making.

Kuala Lumpur will be Ground Zero for this global celebration kicking off near simultaneously all over the world from Dublin to New York before hitting our shores.

I’m all set to party like it’s going out of style! In fact, I’ve already done a full dress rehearsal:

start 2

Sit on the porcelain throne before you head out. You don’t want to be rushing to the nearest WC when you’re out and about.


Wiping is important. Do not underestimate the importance of TP after voiding your bowels.


You can never be too rich or too thin…and no one would accuse you of having too minty fresh breath. Brush your teeth!


A clean shave does wonders. You don’t want stubble getting in the way of some lip lovin’.




Pay attention to your underarms. Lather them well with soap.


Wipe yourself clean with a nice fluffy towel.


Get your wardrobe ready.


Iron your clothes. Creased attire is NOT sexy.


Get dressed to the nines. It’s going to be a great night!


Put on your socks…


…and don’t forget them boogie shoes.

You’re now ready to paint the town red black!

There will be internationally acclaimed artists you can groove to during your revelry and merrymaking.

It’ll be a golden celebration in the blackest dark of the night.

Are you going?

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