White mx front
White mx back
Contents: MDMA
Dose: 1 White mx and 1/2 Yellow Tp
This is a pill report from a couple of weeks back, which I couldn’t
post before due to technical issues which have now been partially
resolved. The White mx has been tested before
[sixthseal.com] (this is from the first batch) as MDMA and the Yellow
Tp has been saved up by a friend from the end of last year (2002) and
is a good, strong MDMA pill. The Yellow Tp has a round imprint circling
the letters. I took one White mx and half a Yellow Tp together and
effects were strong at T+ 2. It took quite long to hit due to a meal
beforehand and not crunching up the pills before swallowing. It lasted
about lovely 5 hours total, with effects tapering off to a nice
afterglow. Some methamphetamine was insufflated sometime during the
night and I had slight MDMA tolerance from consumption the day before,
but these are still nice pills. Nice strong MDMA. Lovely! π
Yellow Tp front
Yellow Tp back
P/S – Project PM (Pos Malaysia) has been completed! Full write-up tomorrow! π