Black and blue (and orange)
I went to chemist tip’s place just now and we interrupted his
girlfriend’s viewing of Die Hard (the movie) to test a couple of
substances. The first test subject is a white MX pill that’s going
around Melbourne lately, word is the pills are good quality MDMA. The
second test subject is the white powder that’s sold as ice.
Substance #1: White MX (pill)
MX pill front – taken on plate
This pill has “mx” imprinted in stylized font on the front. The logo reminded me of the free newspaper with the same name
[] that’s distributed around Melbourne, except the “x” on
the pill is in cursive font. The pill is white with colored speckles,
very slightly beveled edges and a single score down the back.
MX pill back – taken on table
The pill was scraped with a razor and two drops of Marquis reagent
was applied to it. The result was an INSTANT color change to black. I
was surprised by the swiftness of the reaction, it went purple to black
as soon as the Marquis solution came into contact with the pill
scraping. My apologies for the out of focus reaction photos. The
digicam doesn’t like to focus on liquids.
Test result: Purple/black instantly. MDxA (MDMA and MDA (rare) are the only ones that’s common).
One drop of Simon’s reagent and two drops of buffer solution is
applied to another sample of the pill scraping. Instant color change to
blue indicating a secondary amine (ruling out MDA). MDMA is a secondary
amine while MDA is a primary amine.
Test result: Swift reaction to blue. MDMA.
Substance #2: Ice (powder)
A$250 per gram
Methamphetamine or 4-MAR? Will 4-MAR (4-methyl-5-phenyl-2-amino-oxazoline) test positive as a secondary amine?
The powder turned bright orange almost instantly. It kicked the dexamphetamine reaction’s ass in terms of response time. π
Test result: Instant bright orange. Meth(amphetamine). Will 4-MAR react with Marquis? It’s not documented.
The reaction was fast again, straight to blue.
Test result: Instant blue, indicating a secondary amine. Methamphetamine.
Tested it with Robadope for fun. It has a strange reaction – turned
grainy black. It’s probably nothing though, this test was not conducted
properly. π I’m sure that it’s methamphetamine anyway.
Test result: Grainy black (doesn’t mean anything – this test not done properly)
Tell you all a funny thing from last nite. Well, funny to me anyway.
:p It was crashdown day and I had plenty of B&C’s (benzos, beer,
cannabis) and got some food into me after my tweak session. Apparently
the amount of clonazepam I consumed was too much, because 45 minutes
later, realization dawned upon me that I’ve sedated myself silly. π I
was eating a McChicken burger when suddenly I thought “Hmm…I’m feeling
something soggy in my right hand. Iwonder what that is”. I looked down
and went “Oh!” – realized I was holding the half eaten burger in my
hand. Okay, I took a bite and after a second (while chewing somemore!)
I thought “Hmm…I’m feeling something soggy in my right hand. I wonder
what that is” AGAIN. This went on for quite a while, until I was too
sleepy to continue eating and stuffed the rest into my mouth and went
to sleep.