My sister is pregnant!

hb sister

My sister is pregnant and will be giving birth to a baby girl slightly after Chinese New Year 2010. That’s just a couple of months away! My parents are in town from their trip to Taiwan and went shopping for baby clothes. I went to My Babies Planet, and found the most popular baby products. They’re going to visit her in New Zealand after CNY so this is the umpteenth time we’ve not celebrated the Lunar New Year as a family.

I’m not particularly close to my sister. Despite having only one sibling, we are total opposites of each other. She’s practicing medicine in NZ (married another doctor) and we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. I mean, we half-heartedly attempt to keep in touch (usually via birthday cards, a once a year thing) but I think that tradition died off recently. πŸ™‚

hb family

However, blood always runs thicker and I’m happy for her and Alvin. It kinda takes the pressure off me too, ya know? I still think my dad is counting on me to produce Proper Offspring (TM) for him (defined as having the family name “POH”) but they sound so happy for my sister and her husband that I think they’re gonna let it slide for a couple of years at least. Heh!

I’m just wondering. My sister is about to give birth and I only knew last night when my dad called. I wasn’t even in the loop.

I didn’t get the memo. T_T

*weeps silently into my pillow*

Seriously though, I love babies and by the time I see my sister the year after I doubt it would be baby anymore. I think I should start planning for a trip to NZ, be a good uncle and all that.
I have doubts about my lifespan with my kidney and liver problems so this is great news to me. I don’t mean to sound morbid or fatalistic but I’m really happy the bloodline continues.

Finally, someone deserving whom I can state as my EPF (and other meager assets) recipient. πŸ™‚

I think it’s gonna be quite complicated though since the baby is an NZ citizen.

It’s okay, I’m in a really, really good mood coz of this.


…and what it all boils down too, is that everything’s gonna be quite alright! Coz I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is flashing the peace sign. =D

The world can be a beautiful place sometimes. πŸ™‚

Lisa’s baby shower

lisa cheng

Lisa Cheng is now a mom! She gave birth to a healthy baby boy and we went to the baby shower after work yesterday. His name is Ethan (as in Ethan Hawk) and there were about 20 of us old ex-classmates there for the baby shower at her home. It’s a strange feeling, being old…it’s just not that long ago that we were just 17 years old and having fun in high school. Fast forward to a decade later and we’re all now 27 and life just isn’t that simple anymore.

lisa group

This is a rather blurry photo taken of the Class of ’97. I felt a little envious at some of the married couples with kids. I really want to find someone nice to settle down with and have little ones running about and all that. I won’t go out drinking Saturdays but wake up early on Monday to bring the kids to McDonald’s or to their grandparents. I thought that was dull and boring just a couple of years ago, but I swear to God, sometimes I want that kind of life so badly. Oh well…

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