Burger King BK Lamb Promotion

bk asian station klia

Burger King has two outlets at KLIA – there is a large one in the public accessible area and other one adjacent to Asian statioN inside the main concourse. The departure lounge BK shares the space with Asian statioN with a common seating area though I’m not sure if the two establishments are related.

bk lamb promotion

I saw a BK Lamb Promotion for RM 12.90 and decided to order the meal since Burger King doesn’t serve lamb / mutton so I thought it was pretty unusual for them to have a lamb meat based burger. I haven’t seen a BK which serves lamb, so I just had to check it out.

bk lamb meal

This is what the BK Lamb Promotion meal looks like – there’s the Burger King lamb burger (wrapped in a BK wrapper that’s labeled “Special”) with the standard medium fries and a medium coke. I’m not sure if the BK Lamb Promotion is just available in the KLIA Burger King or in other outlets as well.

bk lamb burger

Here’s a shot of the BK Lamb Burger – it’s a long (as opposed to round) burger and the bun looks like the ones they use on their sandwiches. It took longer than usual for the burger to come out (also ordered three other burgers to bring back to Kuching for friends since we don’t have BK over here) compared to the standard menu items.

bk lamb burger contents

The contents of the lamb burger doesn’t exactly look appetizing…there is a slab of lamb coated with thick black pepper sauce, tomato slices and chunky lettuce which keeps on dropping out of the burger.

bk lamb burger bite

It might not look like much, but the taste of the burger is excellent! This is what a proper Prosperity Burger [sixthseal.com] should taste like! I love the lamb meat – it’s a nice change from the usual suspects…the Chicken, Beef, Fish fast food holy trinity.

It’s a great burger, flame grilled BBQ style like most of Burger King’s offerings.



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