The new KFC Curry Crunch is the latest promotion to hit the menu and
it looks like it’s a winner. I went to KFC last night to sample the
Curry Crunch chicken, which comes with the tagline “You won’t believe
it’s KFC!”. It also mentioned “Try it now!”, so, hypnotized by those
three words, I walked into the KFC franchise…
There was a KFC Curry Crunch promotional girl opening the door and
inviting passersby to try the new KFC Curry Crunch. She’s dressed in a
garish costume, but check out…
…her hat. It has onions, chillis, garlics and all sorts of adornments on it.
The KFC Curry Crunch is being heavily promoted by the KFC staff, as
can be seen by the large buttons they wear with the Curry Crunch
chicken motif on it.
The KFC Curry Crunch display at the counter looks fine too, so I ordered a three-piece Curry Chicken set.
This is what the KFC Curry Crunch looks like – there’s three pieces
of chicken that’s sprinkled with some kind of herb. I went for a
drumstick and two thighs.
Here’s a closer look at the KFC Curry Crunch…the green herbs
that’s sprinkled on the chicken definitely adds texture and taste to it.
The KFC Curry Crunch tastes delicious! I wrote “The KFC Curry Crunch
is the best addition to the KFC menu to date!” in the comments slip the
KFC Curry Crunch promotional girl passed to me…it’s just that good!