The Powerstation concert was good. I arrived there at around 7:10 pm
and there were still heaps of parking spaces left. The center wasn’t
really full either, there were about a hundred people already in there,
but they were spread out so I got within 3 meters of the stage.
Powerstation with the MC
Anyway, Powerstation only came on stage at 7:30 pm and they did 6
tracks and 1 encore. I don’t know the track names because I’ve only
heard two of their albums (Legend and UPS). There was an SMS
competition thing at the beginning, the MC gave out a phrase – “psman”
and a cell phone number and the first two people to send an SMS with
that phrase to that particular number got a plane ticket to “I don’t
know where”. I must have zoned out or something coz I really didn’t
catch where the plane ticket was to. I did have a go, but the others
were inhuman, they already sent the SMS before I finished typing. π
One half of Powerstation (I don’t know their names)
Another half of Powerstation (I don’t know their names)
Anyway, the MC introduced Powerstation after that and they did 3
songs followed by an intermission. There was a yellow shirted girl in
front of me who was VERY enthusiastic. Nice, she added much needed
ambience to the dreary crowd. Well, at the intermission, they asked six
people to come onstage to sing any Powerstation song and the best
person will get a ticket to “I don’t know where” too. I don’t remember
much, but there were two who got the most applause (a guy and a girl).
The girl finally got the ticket from a game of rock-paper-scissors to
break the tie because both of them got equally enthusiastic applause.
The six audience members who rendered Powerstation songs for a plane ticket
After that, there was another 3 songs and Powerstation left the
stage. They actually have a pretty good stage presence, really game and
the MC got them to speak several phrases in Bahasa Malaysia which I
can’t remember. Hmm…my memory is failing me. Moving on, they came out
for an encore and that was the end of the show. There was an autograph
signing session after that, but I didn’t stay on. Overall, it was a
good show and well worth the RM 10 (A$ 5) I spent. Highlights were the
enthusiastic yellow shirted girl and the 6 audience members who
rendered Powerstation songs.
Last song