License to chill

* frosty *

slurpee brain freeze

I had an epiphany while I pressed my tongue against the roof of my mouth. This would make a great Slurpeelicious contest entry!

(but first, a flashback)

slurpee kuching trip 1

The last time I did an entry about Slurpee, I had to walk 1,000 miles to do it. Okay, maybe that’s a wee bit of an exaggeration…I took a boat, and it was only 463 km. The only reason I went there was to drink Slurpee. Seriously. There are no 7-Eleven outlets in Sibu, so the nearest place I could go was Kuching.

slurpee kuching trip 2

I snuck off work early on Saturday (please don’t tell my ex-boss) and took an express (boats in Sarawak are called “express”, not buses) down to Kuching, where Irene picked me up. I was hunting for Mystery Flavor 1 and Mystery Flavor 2 and went to damn near all the 7-Eleven outlets in Kuching before I finally found one that has it.

I went there solely for the Slurpee post and had to catch the boat back the next morning. I nearly missed the cursed express to boot! I calculate that I spent more for that trip than I earned in the advertorial but that’s not the important thing – the important thing is that I enjoyed doing it!

(flash-forward to today)

I only had to walk 5 meters to 7-Eleven this time coz I’m living in Petaling Jaya now, but I still had to…er, brave the rain. Okay, the drizzle! There was a very slight one. Honest!

slurpee 7 11

The Slurpeelicious contest is all about you waltzing into your friendly neighborhood 7-Eleven and taking a photo of yourself in a Slurpeelicious moment and submitting it to

The Slurpee can be of any size and flavor e.g.

slurpee machine

This here is the rare and mysterious Yellow Raspberry scented with Vanilla Melon Slurpee – a concoction produced by mixing Yellow Melon and Vanilla Raspberry. Trust me; it tastes better than it looks. Layered properly, it’s quite a refreshing drink indeed.

The Slurpee must take up 40% of the entire photo size. I’m not sure how to calculate that but I gather:

slurpeelicious contest wrong


slurpeelicious contest right


There’s 6,000 smackeroos in cold (geddit?) hard cash up for grabs if you snag the first prize. To the best of my understanding the prizes are:

First Prize
Cash prize of RM 6,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100

Second Prize
Cash prize of RM 3,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100

Third Prize
Cash prize of RM 1,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100

3 x Consolation Prize
7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100

You can opt to furnish an anecdote of your Slurpeelicious moment with your entry like the haiku here:

The Mariner says
Water water everywhere
Not a drop to drink

Had he lived today
Away from the seven seas
He might have wrote this

Land Ahoy, let’s chill!
My Slurpeelicious moment
Be it land or sea!

slurpeelicious contest entry

I’m sure you can do better. Check out the Slurpeelicious contest details to join!

The Mysterious Slurpee


7Eleven has come out with two new Mystery flavors for their Slurpee machine. Intrigued by this enigmatic campaign, the detective in me (who has read one too many mystery novels in my youth) decided that a quick trip down to 7Eleven was warranted to solve this mystery.

mystery poster

The trip involved planes, trains and automobiles (technically, since I was in KL at that time) and I arrived at 7Eleven to find out more about the two new Mystery flavors. ??? were abounding and they needed answering.


I decided to look into Mystery Flavor 2 while my dear Watson, I mean, Irene went for Mystery Flavor 1.

mystery slurpee

Elementary, my dear Irene!

mystery 1

Mystery Flavor 1 tastes like a grape based Slurpee, which Irene preferred. It has an almost blackcurrant aftertaste and although I can’t identify the exact flavor of this mystery Slurpee, my taste buds tells me it has a hint of citrus as well.

mystery 2

Mystery Flavor 2 tastes like a mango based Slurpee. I liked this one better. It reminds me of the Slurpee I had in the very same 7Eleven outlet that saved me from a moribund state after a particularly dehydrating episode of partying. πŸ˜‰


One man’s meat is another man’s (or woman’s) poison.


Vote for the flavor you like best. I’m going for Mystery Flavor 2.


The two new Mystery flavors is a very interesting marketing campaign by 7Eleven. I don’t even know what the flavors really are! However, the thirst quenching qualities of the 7Eleven Slurpee is still present in abundance. You should check it out if you haven’t had a Slurpee before and if you’re a regular imbiber, the new flavors are definitely worth looking into.


The 7Eleven Mystery Flavor 1 and 2 Slurpee is out now in all outlets and there will be a contest running during the promotional period up till the 5th of October, 2008. Slurpee users are encouraged participate and vote for their favorite mystery flavor amongst the two varieties.

voting alt

The contest forms are available at all participating 7Eleven outlets and the winners will be selected from the winning pool with the highest purchase and correct answers (there are two very easy questions). You have to mail in the contest form with the Slurpee receipt.

Find out more about the contest here.

Guess what the prizes are? 1,000 mystery prizes.

Yup, you read that right. Even the prizes are a Mystery. πŸ˜‰

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