* frosty *
I had an epiphany while I pressed my tongue against the roof of my mouth. This would make a great Slurpeelicious contest entry!
(but first, a flashback)
The last time I did an entry about Slurpee, I had to walk 1,000 miles to do it. Okay, maybe that’s a wee bit of an exaggeration…I took a boat, and it was only 463 km. The only reason I went there was to drink Slurpee. Seriously. There are no 7-Eleven outlets in Sibu, so the nearest place I could go was Kuching.
I snuck off work early on Saturday (please don’t tell my ex-boss) and took an express (boats in Sarawak are called “express”, not buses) down to Kuching, where Irene picked me up. I was hunting for Mystery Flavor 1 and Mystery Flavor 2 and went to damn near all the 7-Eleven outlets in Kuching before I finally found one that has it.
I went there solely for the Slurpee post and had to catch the boat back the next morning. I nearly missed the cursed express to boot! I calculate that I spent more for that trip than I earned in the advertorial but that’s not the important thing – the important thing is that I enjoyed doing it!
(flash-forward to today)
I only had to walk 5 meters to 7-Eleven this time coz I’m living in Petaling Jaya now, but I still had to…er, brave the rain. Okay, the drizzle! There was a very slight one. Honest!
The Slurpeelicious contest is all about you waltzing into your friendly neighborhood 7-Eleven and taking a photo of yourself in a Slurpeelicious moment and submitting it to Slurpeelicious@nuffnang.com
The Slurpee can be of any size and flavor e.g.
This here is the rare and mysterious Yellow Raspberry scented with Vanilla Melon Slurpee – a concoction produced by mixing Yellow Melon and Vanilla Raspberry. Trust me; it tastes better than it looks. Layered properly, it’s quite a refreshing drink indeed.
The Slurpee must take up 40% of the entire photo size. I’m not sure how to calculate that but I gather:
There’s 6,000 smackeroos in cold (geddit?) hard cash up for grabs if you snag the first prize. To the best of my understanding the prizes are:
First Prize
Cash prize of RM 6,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100
Second Prize
Cash prize of RM 3,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100
Third Prize
Cash prize of RM 1,000 and 7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100
3 x Consolation Prize
7-Eleven Gift Certificate of RM 100
You can opt to furnish an anecdote of your Slurpeelicious moment with your entry like the haiku here:
The Mariner says
Water water everywhere
Not a drop to drink
Had he lived today
Away from the seven seas
He might have wrote this
Land Ahoy, let’s chill!
My Slurpeelicious moment
Be it land or sea!
I’m sure you can do better. Check out the Slurpeelicious contest details to join!

It’s time to check out 7early near Hilton.. Kekeke…
Slurpee? *scratching head* When is the last time I got my slurpee….
I think few years back =____=”
Will think of a storyline..maybe crawl to get the slurpee? heheheheh!
Hmmm…LOL. How many calories is in that Slurpee? That cursed risperidone made me gain 16kgs(!!!) Oh frustration…but I could benefit from the $$$$
HB, you so lucky to have other flavors in Malaysia. Here in states just regular types. What other stuffs in your 7-11 carry?
Slurpee, the original drink that gives u a blue tongue π
ahlost: Eh, why RM 6k? I blur.
Oh, just read the post. 1st prize yeah, hope you win! =D
Elaine: The best Slurpee I had when I was all tweaked out on meth for 3 days, no food no sleep, had a Slurpee and 100Plus. Fucking bliss! =D
Cheers: Risperdal? You know I always wondered if you’re in Malaysia. Risperdal 2 mg can be sold for a neat profit to US and Aussie if you…er, don’t want to take it. I used to but it made me more psychotic than I ever was so I quit taking it. π
Erica: Hmm…a whole load of stuff. What are you interested in? Beverages? Snacks? π
KY: Haha! The original sweet was magic tongue when we were kids. That’s old skool. π
lol. take ‘express’ to kch just for the slurpee and that’s about 3.5 to 4 hrs Sibu-Kch? I hvn’t tried Sibu-Kch ‘express’ yet π splurpeelicious!
jg: Haha! Yeah, and I woke up the next day, classic moment, saw the light shining in, said “Shit!”, hurriedly packed and rushed to the ferry terminal just before the express departed.
The Sibu-Kuching express isn’t that bad but it takes a lot of time. :S
I have at least RM3-4000 worth of unused medications in my refrigerator rotting away. Basically here and there, I found a strip of Xanax under my pillow(!) the other day. A couple oddities and pharmaceutical samples on my computer desk(within reach). My doc kept on piling up on my unused supplies. Too many patients waiting outside to care. π I couldn’t be bothered to argue bcos he’d still insist I take the prescription slip :S
Gee! You looked SOOOOO handsome in the second pic… *shakes head* see what all the nocturnal activities in KL have done to you! Muahahahahahaha!!!!
I still remember pestering my dad to get me those slurpee! It’s so loooong ago and I almost forgot about it!
Ooo.. I just know got such drink in 7_11..=_=”
Cheers: Interesting! I don’t think it’s wise to talk over here, but I think we have something in common. π
Hey, the Rx script is GOLD. You need it to get through tough customs and all that. It’s a good thing! π
suituapui: T_T Is that a roundabout way of saying that I’ve aged since I came to KL? Haha!
Yeah, I guess I have, the late nights have not been kind to me. Late nights working mind, not boozing. π
eiling: Yeah, it’s harder for us in Sarawak since 7Eleven is only at the major cities. Sibu, being a town, doesn’t have one, although we have a lot of 24 hour 7Eleven clones. π
Shirley Snow: Yeah, it’s great, I loved it when coming down from 3 day runs when I was in Kuching. It’s a lifesaver, I tell you. π
hope you are well. I enjoy your writting, HB. I enjoyed the stuff about odd/gross things to eat. Here are some of ours- liver mush, grits, craklins, crawdads, gizzards, pig skins, trout cheaks, umm, potteted meat, jumbo shrimp, she crab soup, rubaharb pie, and pikeled eggs or pigs feet. I would talk about them damn yankees gilfette fish, or pickled herring, but you know. Now excuse me , while I eat my fat back sammich. Gross Drink, that’s actually OK? 1/3 each orange sherbert, Mountaindew, and club soda. ( or vodka, if you aint driving) Thanks, HB. Hope you are well.
tom: Hey tom! It’s good to hear from you again. Trout cheeks eh? There is a Chinese saying which can be roughly translated as “a fish’s head has 18 tastes” – a lot of fish lovers adores picking bits of meat off the head e.g. eyes, lips, cheeks and eating it. I eat it as well, but only for steamed fish, not for any other preparations. I love pickled eggs with some fish and chips. π
Take care and all the best buddy!
well, I tend to be too wordy. but thanks hb, for insight into places where i will most proably never get to go. I hope you and your family are well. What good stuff you write. and pics, those are nice, also. thanks, hb. you do more good than you know . ( ps, the the thing about the the huge shrimp was gross. insectile. it irritated me as I ate my king crab legs. can not be worse than crab legs with butter, right?. Ain’t no worse than aussie mud bugs. or new england lobster. or UK eels. or French snails now excue me, I want to eat my livermush sandwich, otay? hope you are well. thanks, HB
nice!! haha, 40% how to count >.
tom: Wordy is good mate, it gives me something to read. π
Thank you for the insight into your life too. Livermush sandwich eh? Sounds good to me. Take care buddy!
hitomi: Haha! That’s a good question…to which I have no good answer. π
Just make it about 1/3 of the photo, me thinks.
Heh.. lifesaver? I’m doubt…
Shirley Snow: Haha! When you’ve not been drinking for 3 days (yes, it’s possible) the first sip of Slurpee and 100Plus (my combo back then) tastes like HEAVEN! π
It’s mind boggling to think back and see that my record was 7 days (with juice but no solids), but I think I was pretty messed up by the end of that binge. :S
sorry for using part of your poetry, hb:
My Slurpeelicious moment
Be it land or sea!
but stop the car
I hope its land
for i sure gotta pee.
Dumb, I know. but several years ago, me and two friends got stuck in a long line of traffic when a draw bridge was raised and stuck. after drinking, well, lets say lots of slupeees, ( or beer). no place to go for 2 hours and 3 lanes of cars behind us for as long as you could see. When the bridge finally lowered, and we crossed onto the island, you never saw three guys exit a car so fast. one of those dumb moments in life thanks for the memory nudge. tom
tom: Haha! Great one buddy!
I love the end. LOL! π
Hey, happens to everyone, I have pissed in the wierdest places while drinking. :S
Wow.. Tastes like heaven.. Emmm.. I must try when I go kch then.. U make me craving for one now.. :S
Shirley Snow: Eh, little bit of miscommunication here…tastes like heaven AFTER a 3 day run (where I don’t sleep or eat). Nevertheless Slurpees are great for rehydration (and cooling yourself down) from certain *cough* thermogenic products. π
You serious that it’s famous for peanuts? According to my mom, she do not remember any peanut plantation. My mom’s from Menglembu btw. π
Michelle: Yeah, Menglembu is SUPER FAMOUS for peanuts! The thumbs up brand has Menglembu printed all over the front. π
Oh nice, Ipoh family! =D
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