Roti Kraft competitive eating @ Hassan’s


My mother always told me not to play with my food.


Kraft is promoting their Burger Kraft and Roti Kraft by setting up booths in mamaks around the Klang Valley. I went to catch the one at Hassan’s coz I have (an inflated) faith in my competitive eating skillz. πŸ˜‰

burger kraft

Naturally, I had to try eating it first for practice so I ordered one Burger Kraft. It’s free if you say the tagline “Kasi satu Burger Kraft“. It tasted good – I had no idea just using a premium cheese slice instead of a normal one would result in such a difference.

roti kraft

I also had Roti Kraft – it’s roti canai made with Kraft cheese and this is the one that’s going to be in the competitive eating contest. I like roti cheese and Roti Kraft tastes quite different.

kraft akimbo

You know how some cheese slices don’t even have dairy products inside? Kraft cheese slices isn’t one of those – it’s real cheese. None of that artificial cheese nonsense here.

embedded journalist

Embedded journalist. Heh! These were some people I met at the mamak and sat with them to hear what they thought about the Roti Kraft. It’s mostly positive and a lot of them wanted to join the Roti Kraft eating contest later. Awesome! I love competition. πŸ™‚


The Kraft mascot came out and made an appearance during the event, greeting people at the mamak and getting them to join the competition.


Oh, how kind of you.


The competitive eating session is divided into male and female matches and the winner will walk away with a Samsung digital camera.

roti stack

The stage is set with stacks and stacks of Roti Kraft.


It’s about to get serious.




I managed to eat 3 Roti Kraft in 5 minutes. The winner ate 4. I was just one short. >.<

I think I was talking to much crap at the beginning about my Dhall Theory (TM) instead of scarfing down the food. T_T


The female eating session came after that and saw a lot of girls positively stuffing themselves for the digicam.

It started out with very fast pacing…

…which gradually slowed as the competitors started getting full.

The female Roti Kraft competition was much more interesting – it ended up with a tie!

female competition

Thus the two winners (coincidentally the ones I sat with during the night) had to do a tie-breaker game where the person who finishes one Roti Kraft in the fastest time wins.

moral support

Moral support/Praying

This is the tie-breaker video. One of the girls nearly had a reversal after eating that.

final two

Congratulations to the winners!


Kalau Keju Mesti Kraft, Kasi satu Roti Kraft!

me eating

I conclude that it is a lot more fun to watch other people eat competitively than to do it yourself. πŸ˜‰

Special Mother’s Day buffet dinner @ RH Hotel

rh hotel

RH Hotel is having a special Mother’s Day buffet dinner promotion at Oriental Bistro with a door gift and a free ticket for every five tickets purchased.

mothers buffet

It is priced at RM 44 ++ per person and there’s a 50% discount for children below 12 and senior citizens above 55 years old.

rh inside

I went there with Faye and KJ since my parents had a church function they had to go to.

rh steak stand

The highlight of the Mother’s Day buffet dinner is a kebab/steak stand where the chefs cook the cuts of meat you want.

rh steak

There are also various types of sausages…

rh slice

…and they even slice it up nicely for you at your request.

rh abc stand

There is also an ABC (a kind of shaved ice dessert) stand for something sweet to finish your dinner with.

rh abc

You can customize the ingredients and toppings you want inside. I had mine with chocolate sprinkles, which is a decidedly unorthodox topping. πŸ™‚

rh eat

This is what I ended up eating…and this is just for starters coz I was REALLY hungry last night.

rh plate

My plate overfloweth. It contains:

rh scallops

Beef tripe and scallops

rh calamari

Deep fried prawn dumplings, beef rendang, calamari

rh chicken

Prime portions of chicken

rh squid

Deep fried squid and braised duck

rh shrimp

Chicken curry and shrimp with mayonnaise

rh fish

Steamed fish

rh side

There’s even a side dish of various cuts of beef and veal!

rh puffs

I was still feeling a little hungry after all that excess so I attacked the pastries counter for dessert.

rh cream puff

I noticed one of the chefs bringing out a new batch of cream tarts so I got some as well. =D

rh dessert plate

This is the dessert plate that I finished the meal with – I even got four (4) scoops of ice cream to go with it.

rh us

I am a rather fast eater, as Faye has been telling KJ. Faye took a video of me eating the entire plate. This is really the usual speed at which I eat, unless I’m with polite company. πŸ™‚

Speed eating!

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