does Penang


Greetings! I am in Penang. πŸ™‚


I woke up at 5 am this morning (!). I asked Wai Ching for the KL taxi number last night and she gave me a number which I took down in my sleep deprived state. I only realized that it’s HER number from the 016 prefix after a while and she sent me to KL Sentral earlier this morning. Cheers for that WC! πŸ™‚


The taxi fare I saved was used to pay for overpriced items like RM 2 bottled water and RM 8 Smints at the airport departure shops. :p


Our flight was cancelled so we got on the second flight out of KLIA. The original flight was scheduled to depart at 9:15 AM but MH 1138 did not 38 (fly up – literal Mandarin pronunciation of the numbers). We were put on the 11:10 to Penang.

shut eye

Jesus, if I knew the flight was going to be cancelled, I would have gone for the other flight instead (the one I’m being put on) and caught a little bit more shut eye.


It was such an ungodly hour to be up and about that even the clerks at the KLIA shops were asleep. πŸ˜‰

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