When life turns a rather depressing bleak and grey hue…
#1 You didn’t get the memo?
No, I didn’t dammit! What memo? *feels left out of the loop*
/cue late nights in the office
#2 Washing dirty laundry in public
This is my empty laundry bin. There is an equally empty wardrobe a few meters away.
I hate my laundrette with a passion. I have a very limited range of attire so I need prompt and reliable laundry services. Unfortunately the closest one to where I live is anything but.
#3 Red light district
I ran a red light just now while heading to the clinic. In my defence, it was amber when I accelerated. On the way back, I found out that the very same intersection which I took the liberty of speeding through has a red light camera from my GPS.
Yeah, just add that on to my existing summons. π
Oh wait, you’ve already added it. Merde.
#4 Don’t drop the soap
I forgot to pay for my utilities, resulting in my electricity getting disconnected, promptly followed by my water supply. You know how it feels when you’ve soaped yourself up, with shampoo running into your eyes and no H20 coming out of the shower?
It feels like it’s going to be a bad day, that’s what it feels like.
#5 Bills, bills, bills
Related to #4 there’s so many it’s hard to keep track and when you don’t, official looking letters printed on red paper comes into your mailbox. God forbid you have a busy week at work following that – you’ll end up coming home to a dark apartment, with light switches that won’t turn on. No matter how many times you try. Even if you ask it politely.
#6 Fortune reversal
I lost RM 11,000 over the course of one week in New Zealand and Genting. I have a special account for the down payment of my condo later this year and this is what it currently shows. RM 27,461.04. I doubt that would get me anything more than shack under a bridge. It’s a good thing I still have RM 19,000 in cheques which I haven’t banked in.
#7 Shooting blanks
Toothpaste. Empty tubes. You can’t even squeeze a pea, nay, atom sized drop out of it…and just when you need to get ready for work too. I curse myself for not stocking extra toothpaste like my dad does.
#8 Your money hard at work
My ATM card went missing last Friday. I think I might have dropped it somewhere or (more likely) forgot to take it out of the machine due to my haste that day. I cancelled it and went to do a new one – which took me a whole hour. Why? There is one open desk with the bank personnel just sitting there, hard at work doing absolutely nothing.
#9 Plastic surgery
I don’t have a caption for this. Just look at the Outstanding Balance. >.<
#10 Workin’ 9 to 5
(except it’s more like at least 12 hours a day in my line of work)
What a way to make a livin’
Barely gettin’ by
It’s all takin’ and no givin’
They just use your mind and they never give you credit
It’s enough to drive you crazy when you if let it!
9 to 5, for service and devotion
You would think that I would deserve a fair promotion
Want to move ahead, but the boss won’t seem to let me
I swear sometimes that man is out to get me!
9 to 5, yeah they got you where they want you
There’s a better life and you think about it don’t you? π
Now to add a splash of color to your life!
Release all that stress and pent up frustration now! Let your hair down, grab a nice cocktail, and go wild on the dance floor!
There are three parties coming up and I’m going to head down to all of them!
Drop down the rabbit hole and lose yourself in Wonderland! There will be Alice in Wonderland costume shows, dance shows and…wait for it…
Wonderland Maids for you to take photos with!
It already sounds like an ideal party to me. π
There will be an orbit lightshow performance and it’s trance. Nuff said. π
The biggest and the best of them all! There will be a fashion show and after that, you’ll get a chance to dance on the runway. Now that’s not something you can do every day!
Also on the menu is signature cocktails and a chance to get up close and personal (no, not in that way, the bouncers will kick you out) with the international Mixologists and create your very own cocktail!
Encore by HORECA. It’s the new party in town! Admission is free! Click for more details.
Hey, come out and play! π