I saw this notice on Pillreports.com
[pillreports.com] today. Photo courtesy of veritas, naturally.
So…who’s going? π The research is being done at my previous campus
(Caulfield). I live at halls in Clayton but my main campus is at
Caulfield (20 minutes drive), though I can take subjects in Clayton. I
know Monash Uni had CADAR but wasn’t aware of active research by the
center. Help out if you can, it would be interesting to see the results
of this study. Here’s the details from the page:
Cognitive Performance and Monitoring in Dance Drug users (Melbourne, Australia)
People who have used ecstasy for over three years required to participate in a psychological study.
Research through Monash University’s Centre for Applied Drug and
Alcohol Research (CADAR) is looking for people over 18 years old:
who have used ecstasy for over three years
who would be interested in participating in a psychological study
We are also testing people who have used ecstasy for less time than
this, people who have used no drugs at all, and people who have used
other drugs (e.g. speed, cannabis etc) but no ecstasy.
Participation will involve around 3-4 hours of your time, and is
open to those able to make it to Monash University, Caulfield.
Participants will be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses.
If you are interested in participating in this research, please
email me at gillinder.bedi@med.monash.edu.au or call on 9903 1149.

After failing final month, I am determined to finish my one particular thing this week. It’s a growth chart for my youngest. Many thanks to the fun challenge!