SMK Sacred Heart school canteen

smk sh

I thought I’ll do a food review on a school canteen for a change. I reckon it’ll be funny, but it was anything but…

smk sh cafeteria

SMK Sacred Heart has a full fledged (!) old skool coffee shop
operation going on in the canteen. I’ve never seen the likes of it
before. Why, in my previous high school, we only had RM 0.50 fried
noodles, precooked and stuff like that to choose from. This “canteen”
has a full ordering service.


The ambience was nothing to speak of…standard mess style dining
area. The ordering area is like a coffee shop though. Jesus, kids
nowadays. Why, I could regale you with tales of the time when I was
young; when I had to walk bare foot through a jungle trail to get to
school, but that’s digressing. 😉

smk sh food

This is my order – Coca Ice and Iban Mee. “Coca Ice” turns out to be very dilute Milo but at RM 1.20, you get what you pay for.

smk sh iban mee

The Iban Mee was surprisingly good at RM 2. It’s a spicy fried
noodle dish, with a healthy (generous, really) sprinkling of fried
onions on top.

smk sh girls

I was surprised to find a couple of girls in there, since Sacred
Heart is an all boys school (except for Form Six, but they looked too
young for that). I talked to them and got them to pose for a photo and
they told me they are from Sacred Heart, but Jesus (no pun intended),
don’t they look rather young for 18?

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0 thoughts on “SMK Sacred Heart school canteen”

  1. Great article. I never thought about the key benefits of disagreeing! You’re right even though, that people rarely disagree in a very respectful way. If you’re not respectful, chances are that your comment will not be approved or deleted.

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  4. What did you do, just say whatever it is you wanted to make people mad?! You cant just say something like that and not give any backup for it! Youve got to at least give me a reason to think that you know what youre talking about, otherwise, you just sound like some kid with a grudge!

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  6. Thats some great basics there, already knew some of that, but you can always learn . I doubt a “kid” could put together such information as dolphin278 suggested. Maybe he’s just attempting to be “controversial? lol

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  16. Sacret Heart Secondary School ……Wow , i would like to say what’s a memorable days in the past ! I used to study there approximately 20 year ago . Yes , i agree with you , there is about RM 0.50 for a plate of fried noodles and RM 0.20 for a glass of drink in the past days . The canteen look too nice , clean and tidy in the picture compare to what i have in my memory . The teenage girls look gorgeous on they smiling faces . They remind me , it is so good to be young again . :))


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