The words “self harm” and “self injury” has been bandied about a lot by psychologists and teenage cutters obsessed with their own angst. It has also been mistakenly labeled as “suicidal behavior” which is grossly inappropriate since most cases are not intended to hasten the kicking of the bucket.
I propose that this behavior be exploited, I mean, explored as a new avenue for advertising instead. We’ve all heard of tattoos as a form of advertising with human advertising billboards but there are problems associated with that (mainly the permanent nature of the process).
Cutting may be a more appropriate “human advertising” medium for events. This is the Guide to Human Advertising.
Step 1: Obtain a box of old skool razor blades. It doesn’t really matter what brand you use as long as it’s properly wrapped, clean and sharp.
Step 2: You will require a pair of steady hands. This is necessary to avoid transcription errors due to shaky hands. 😉
Step 3: Use the razor blade to carve the name of the event you want to be promoting. It should optimally be short – use initials when possible e.g. “RWMF” instead of “Rainforest World Music Festival” since skin real estate is at a premium.
Step 4: Please allow sufficient time for the blood to coagulate – it is the body’s natural healing system at work here and it prevents bacteria and other Nasty Stuff (TM) from entering an open wound.
I have included a video tutorial on skin advertising – this is for the “Sarawak Cultural Festival”, abbreviated to SCF due to skin real estate issues.
The right amount of pressure should be applied consistently. It is obviously unwise to apply too much pressure (razor blades are sharper than you think) but enough downwards pressure should be present to achieve the desired results. Please direct your attention to Exhibit A (Cleaned and Healing Scar) below.
The S character has too much pressure applied – this would result in a raised scar. The C character would probably result in a scar that is not visible unless at certain angles, while the F carving would be the optimal result for a scar that is not visible at all, unless under direct sunlight in certain angles.
What do you think? The advertising industry is constantly on the lookout for new opportunities and mediums. Could this be the next new wave of advertising? Or will it be relegated to the fringes of society?

S***!!! PHB, you are really insane. Remember to apply ethanol for septic purpose. I hope not seeing such a stunt again in your blog.
Dude, Hail to the King! Classic (I did a similar stunt as a stressed up, disgruntled employee during my younger days)
gosh, i have goose bumps looking at the pictures.
omg omg, blood..*faint*
you are not serious ain’t you??? omg!!! i only would do so to prove i m innocent against baseless accusations, its hurting to be hurt. it scared me to see blood but it proves something true. It symbolizes a life. Don’t hurt yourself! 🙁
are u crazy? why u hurt yourself?
HB. I won’t say don’t do that but I’ll suggest an alternative method for “externalisation”. Go to the freezer, take an ice cube in your fist. Hold it for 5 minutes. Sweet release will come quickly.
dude, what were you thinking?! ‘effin hell! i won’t even think of doing something like that! not even when i’m stoned! and that says a lot! 😛
OH MY GOD! U r crazy!!! u know this going to influence a lot of young children and teenager!! very bad!!
that’s is a very painful way to advertise hehehe
Hey HB… thats as crazy as this:
Check it out!
Feck, this is the typical sixthseal post =) But don’t do it too much!
Dude, you fucked up the S, I suggest a re-do on the other arm!
YingYang: You guys wanted a classic, you get a classic post. Here at, we always aim to please. 😉
But not overboard la…nowadays not like the good old days, have to restrain a bit.
Vince: You’re evil. Seriously. 😉
Reply all the comments later. Gonna take a nap. Cheers!
u are insane!!!
I sensed something wrong.. and now you showing me what’s wrong. Anything, give me a call. 🙂
OMG, yuck!
this reminds me of the album inlay for Slayer’s 1994 album, Divine Intervention, which features a picture of a Slayer fan carving both arms up with the band’s logo. the cut was so deep that the scarring was permanent. the slayer fan was also paid/compensated for this controversial picture.
but yea, like u said, i think this form of advertising will remain on the fringes of society 🙂
Cut “Nandos” on it… Maybe they will give u a piece of free chicken for advertising… There is a guy in Sumwhere in this earth did that and Nandos give him a special “treatement” everytime he visit Nandos…
dude… have you fallen off the wagon? Just checking
*lol* @ mickey mouse bolster cover and bedsheet cover in the video. i think u should submit yr experience report (and future reports) to (body modification ezine) as well. cheers.
Can u hear it?I am calling you…Methamphetamine is calling you.Ice ice baby…
I guarantee you’ll be in heaven and forget everything.
Dude I thought body piercings & kavadi bearers were brutal but this is intense. UTC.
fish fish: Yeah, I used to do a bit of cutting back in eh? I think I posted 3-4 posts regarding this issue and I said I won’t do it again (coz I like having unblemished skin ;)) but oh well.
e: Thanks buddy! Appreciate the support, the good old days eh?
GF: It’s really not as bad as it looks. Doesn’t hurt that much too.
p-t: I kinda like blood. It’s very comforting. My own blood that is, I don’t like other people’s blood.
(=’.’=): Hmm…basically cutting works on the same principal as kuak sa – direct an intolerable pain (say, emotional) to a tolerable pain (physical). I assume that’s why most people do it. Also it goes to shows that everything heals, and when it heals, so will you. 🙂
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
vincent: I’m not crazy. I’m a very sane person. I used to do this all the time, posted photos on the blog last time too.
willchua: Yeah, I wanted to see how people would react to something like this. It’s very difficult to accept things outside your comfort zone for some people.
kutucat: Eh, I didn’t do it for that reason. 😉
I would deny it until my tongue falls off.
But thanks for the tip, yeah?
Externalization. I love that word. 🙂
essentric: I was perfectly sober. I guess the Guide to Human Advertising thing was a pretty lame cover story eh?
Well, stressed out a little, let things get out of perspective a bit, etc etc. 🙂
cbenc12: Well, I would be more worried about the stuff they show on TV than something like this. I honestly don’t see many little kids and teenagers jumping off a building believing they can fly just coz they watched Superman. 😉
Darren: …yeah, but my concept of pain is somewhat different from most people’s. Okay, I’m right handed so the skin on my left hand goes to the highest bidder! Advertising available here! 😉
Painology: Jesus Christ, that’s gross, not crazy. 😉
annant: I’m not insane. Not all people who does things like this are insane. Seriously. It’s more prevalent than you think. 🙂
goolooloo: Thanks Mary! I thought you’ll be going like “I TOLD YOU SO” but I’m glad you didn’t. 🙂
You’re a good friend indeed but we shall speak of this incident no more in public avenues like blogs. I’ll call you. Thanks for the support. I’m okay, really. Just stressed out over a lot of things, not just this. Work related as well. Future. Etc etc.
pamsong: Thanks! Here at, we always aim to please. 😉
kandyman: Yeah, I saw that too. I’m a huge fan of Slayer as well. I even liked Undisputed Attitude, which most fans didn’t like. Abolish Government and all those punk tracks.
AG: Free chicken? No thanks, I would think my skin real estate is worth more than that. 😉
It’s a good concept though, I didn’t know someone did that for Nandos. Heh!
anon: Nope, and to prove it I’m going to take a drug urine test and post it up.
kandyman: Yeah, it brings out the inner child in me. 😉
BMEzine and Erowid was one of the first sites I went to when I started going online when I was 13…on dial-up. 33.6k modems were the fastest speed then.
Methamphetamine: No thanks, I’m not into meth anymore. It seriously doesn’t even tempt me the very least. Try another chemical. 😉
Daryl: Eh, I think kavadi bearers are more hardcore. I would love to try doing that at least once before I die. 🙂
Tattoos, body piercings done in good taste, l can tolerate but this is sheer self-inflicted pain which l don’t like. Of course u dont give a damn what l like or dont like! I’ve seen ur past posts along similar lines and l thought u’ve gone past all that? Was feeling happy for u that u were looking good and doing well? Should l still be?
I used to say I never met a girl like you before, still ain’t got a fucking clue to who you truly are.
I never thought I’ll find someone to be mine, Lord knows I was right, coz you just crossed the line.
Spend some time with me…
I knew it!!! It’s not “Sarawak Culture Festival”!!! It’s “Soon Chiew Fong”!!! A big LIAR la u!!! Stupid instead! Not worth it at all!!!
Request for quotation
Hi I would like to place an advertisement. The size is 5 cm x 2cm on your right hand only. Advertisement to be published 3 times this week in Chinese, Indian, Malay and English. Nationwide please.
Best regards,
i was like, shit am i checking the archives?
Sometimes, you just cannot change something that you used to do. Yeah.. like you claimed, this is small thing compared to what you had done before. I visited you once in Normah but you were sleeping. That’s why you dun remember me. I just hope you will take good care of yourself. No more hurting yourself. Remember this, you are not only hurting yourself, you are hurting those who love you too.
gosh. u have nothing better to do.
by the way, what is SCF stands for?
i can vouch for your sanity hehe.
unless being impulsive can be considered a form of madness lah. =)
chin up dude, if it’s stress (for whatever reason) that triggered this off.
You are back….. this is sumthing diff from the commercialised content you have written normally, no offence, it rocks
I love classic sixthseal post like this!
it’s more disturbing to see someone with the initials KFC on his arm :\
hey, you should get a tongue split 🙂
Another first brought to you by…
Dude, you doing aight? No judgement passed as I can literally punch walls until I fracture my hands when I am totally stressed or pissed off – I know the need to “let go” so to speak – of as in kutucat puts it “externalization”
suituapui: Hmm…well, I’m still on the right track. I would pass a urine test with no problems.
I’m still sober, my friend. I have a lot of stress right now from a lot of uncertainties in several areas in my life. I hope you still are happy for my reintegration into soceity since this is just a one-off post. Cheers mate!
veritas: I shouldn’t be replying this since talking to oneself is a mark of insanity. 😉
It’s me: It’s all about packaging, which I’ve learnt – to make something a little more presentable. It’s rather obvious that this is a thinly disguised post masquerading as a human advertising post. I did NOT lie in any part of the post. I was merely economical with the truth. The video goes:
“IF I’m going to do one for, say, the Sarawak Cultural Festival…”
My friend, where do you think the stress and pressure comes from?
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
Peace, and cheers!
xes: Hello there. I’m pleased to inform you that my right hand is the only available skin real estate now since I’m right handed (and thus I cut on my left hand). However, I regret to inform you that it is a permanent advertisement medium and thus, I cannot accommodate the schedule of 3 times per week. However, I can offer you a lifetime advertisement for the flat rate of RM 35,000. I will do my best to travel nationwide and internationally as well, for added value. However, I am concerned that the four (4) languages would pose a problem with the available size of my right hand. I am willing to do English and would accept advertisements in good taste (no lewd or offensive language). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more detail. 😉
Best regards,
Huai Bin
eugene: Old skool revival for a limited period only! 😉
Choonie: OMG! You did?!?!? I didn’t know you visited me in Normah. When was that? Was it the teddy bear and Ferrero Rocher from Rene incident?
I was kept rather sedated during that period. I can’t even remember if it was an OD or a suicide attempt. The two incidents happened in a very short period of time. Hmm…now thinking back, did Rene ask you to pass the cookies she baked for me through you or did she mail it to me?
BTW, I got back in touch with her. 🙂
Thanks for your concern, it’s no big deal, and I won’t do it again.
Jane: Yeah, I’m quite bored sometimes. SCF is an example.
Irene: Thanks Irene! 🙂
I appreciate the support! I’m alright, really.
LoonNative: Yeah, that’s PART of the reason I did this. 😉
jessy: It’s clots of blood.
Bert: Haha! 🙂 Yeah, I’ve seen a split tongue, surprisingly quite common in KK. I wouldn’t do it though coz it’ll be hard to pass a job interview with a tongue like that.
Ken: No, actually, I’ve done this a lot of times before. 🙂
Skwermy: Yeah, I’m fine now. Thanks for the concern Skwermy! 🙂
I really appreciate it. Cheers!
Stay off the drugs mate! You are doing well. Stress can be relieved by doing some exercise. Take up boxing or something man. Take it easy. No girl is worth mutilating your body for (that is if its over a girl) 🙂 Oh! You back in touch with Rene huh… she is a sweet girl. Time to settle down with a permanent girlfriend no? Take it easy…
i think its better to get a tattoo… but this is cheaper rite? he he…
OMG !!!!! u hurt yourself. please don’t do it again. Take care
hey i used to do that when i was a teenager heheheheh aahhh reminds me back to the fuck up old days when teen angst made me do stupid idiotic stuffs but hey, I turn out okay so no harm done hehehehehe
hey i used to do that when i was a teenager heheheheh aahhh reminds me back to the fuck up old days when teen angst made me do stupid idiotic stuffs but hey, I turn out okay so no harm done hehehehehe
The Bull: I’m not on the stuff, honestly. I would take a urine test to prove my soberiety if need to be. Yeah, I need to have an outlet for stress, it’s been building up slowly but surely and I don’t want to be the next human Krakatoa. I’ve gotta take up some form of exercise.
I like swimming but I’ve been told to avoid it for at least another month due to my double nipple piercings (infection from the germs and all that in the public pool). I’m not very keen on any other exercise but boxing (or something that doesn’t require discipline like traditional martial arts) would be fun. I’ve been thinking about Muay Thai too but I don’t think there are classes over here.
Yeah, Rene. She’s in Singapore though. I agree with you, it’s time to settle down with a perma-gf, but easier said than done. I haven’t met anyone I’m attracted to that’s unattached. All my relationships this year has been with people who are attached some way or another. Fuck.
clementwpy: I wanted to get a tattoo but I’ll have to go to Kuching to do that. I don’t trust the tattoo places over here. Borneo Headhunters is the closest place that I would want to go. I’m interested in getting a UV tattoo too – invisible to the naked eye but visible under dark light e.g. in discos. But then again I don’t go to discos and clubs anymore so I don’t see the point. Besides, I don’t know anyone in Malaysia doing this.
I’ve also enquired about flesh stapling (plan to do it on my left arm where the SCF now is – three in a row) but no one does that procedure here as well.
Balqiz: Yeah, it’s just stupid stuff we do as an outlet of real or imagined negative feelings. I don’t see it as a problem, unless it’s chronic e.g. I cut myself everyday or every month. I don’t do it that often so it’s not a problem for me. Recreational cutter? 😉
Really! HB! I thought the old was over. Although it was a very interesting and controversial blog I still prefer the new blog even if it’s times milder than the old one. Cruelty to animals and yourself is not a way out. Everyone has problems but please don’t take it out on yourself. Maybe you should try boxing and paste a picture of that person you really like to punch… At least that would relieve some pressure! It really brings tears to my eyes to see such sad things happening to you. Take Care.
ow.. why would you do this to yourself, love? 🙁
Like old times…
However get back into too many drugs and il have to come over there and wip you back into shape.
Hmmm…one look at your photos, I felt my skin hurting. Not to mention watching your video. lol..
Anyway, I wrote a post in response of your post. Just a harmless one 🙂
Cheerios mate
cheekybear: Thanks for the feedback! 🙂
Anyway, you misread that post, I don’t practise cruelty towards animals, that post was about an incident a good 15 years ago when I was 12.
I don’t consider cutting cruelty towards myself too. 😉
Hmm…perhaps I should take up boxing or some other form of martial arts. Very good outlet for stress I hear. Beats beating random people on the street up. 😉
Kidding. Anyway, I really appreciate your concern! Thanks for reading. Cheers!
Kim: Well, with hindsight being 20/20, I was just being stupid. I was stressed out about a lot of things (mostly relationship wise). Thanks for the concern, Kim, it’s much appreciated. I’m okay now. Take care! Much love.
Tom: Haha! Well, I’m perfectly sober so I’ll save you the time to come all the way here to whip me back in shape. 😉
Cheers buddy!
Chris Thoo: Haha! Great post. Cheers buddy! :)cheekybear: Thanks for the feedback! 🙂
Anyway, you misread that post, I don’t practise cruelty towards animals, that post was about an incident a good 15 years ago when I was 12.
I don’t consider cutting cruelty towards myself too. 😉
Hmm…perhaps I should take up boxing or some other form of martial arts. Very good outlet for stress I hear. Beats beating random people on the street up. 😉
Kidding. Anyway, I really appreciate your concern! Thanks for reading. Cheers!
Kim: Well, with hindsight being 20/20, I was just being stupid. I was stressed out about a lot of things (mostly relationship wise). Thanks for the concern, Kim, it’s much appreciated. I’m okay now. Take care! Much love.
Tom: Haha! Well, I’m perfectly sober so I’ll save you the time to come all the way here to whip me back in shape. 😉
Cheers buddy!
Chris Thoo: Haha! Great post. Cheers buddy! 🙂
i always do that when i feel bad…it makes my problem go away and i could go to sleep..
I cut initials into my arms when I feel depressed, sad, or lonely. It makes all my troubles dissolve into nothing more than a little bit of blood. I feel like it is my only release, I have been doing this to myself sense I was 12 and now I am 16. Just because I am a cutter does not make me a bad person or a stupid person. I have wonderful friends that don’t do anything wrong and I have a GPA of 3.8. I am plenty smart and a good person. So please people that take the time to read this realize not to shun someone just because they are cutters.
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Thanks for the post
I will use your advice from now on. Jaap
This is a sick page… you’re encouraging cutting? Why? Cutting is an awful addiction that people go through. Pages like these make these people think cutting is OK when it’s far from being OK..
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WTF is wrong with you xO?