Big Red Strawberry Café

big red strawberry cafe

Big Red Strawberry Café is located in the renowned Big Red Strawberry Farm in Brinchang, Cameron Highlands. The place was packed full of tourists during the long weekend. We went on Sunday afternoon and I couldn’t even take a decent shot without at least two tourists armed with cameras blocking my view. 😉

cafe montage

We headed straight for the Big Red Strawberry Café (the official café of Big Red Strawberry Farm) coz I was famished – we woke up late after sleeping in until 10 am and haven’t had anything to eat since the previous night. The Big Red Strawberry Café mainly concentrates on strawberry products but they also serve a very fresh salad due to vegetables being one of the main produce of Cameron Highlands.

big red indulgence

Behold! The strawberry indulgence (overdose?).
The actual food looks nothing like the photos – this is after all, a tourist trap and they make do with disposable forks and spoons and paper plates instead of the well presented menu pictures.

big red drinks

I had the Strawberry Juice (RM 3.90) while my girlfriend went for the Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie (RM 5.90). The strawberry juice is very sour – Cameron Highland strawberries tend to be small and a bit on the acidic side, but it tasted very fresh. The Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie was better, since the tanginess is diffused by the yogurt.

big red strawberry waffle

The Fresh Strawberry Waffle (RM 5) is a mass produced item made with a waffle iron (I stand witness) and strawberry preserve and jam. It still tasted pretty good though due to the rather frigid temperatures up there. Big Red Strawberry Farm is located on the highlands and the wind chill factor can be quite cold. It’s topped with ice cream AND whipped cream.

big red fried ice cream

This is the Strawberry Fried Ice Cream (RM 3.90) adorned with two Cameron Highlands strawberries. The strawberries they serve in the Big Red Strawberry Café is a bit on the minute side, the big and juicy ones are in the farm, where you can pick your own. It’s good nevertheless, I like fried ice cream – despite knowing my physics and heat transfer it still amazes the inner child in me that the ice cream does not melt while being fried. 🙂

big red yoghurt

My girlfriend had the healthy Strawberries with Honey and Yogurt (RM 3.90) for dessert. Big Red Strawberry Café uses real yogurt (e.g. the very sour kind) and it goes well with the honey (from a bee farm in Cameron Highlands) and strawberries. I pronounce it Heart Healthy (TM).

big red sundae

I, being no stranger to cardiac arrests and strokes, opted for the Strawberry Sundae (RM 5.90) topped with whipped cream. In my defense, it has a plethora of fresh strawberries at the bottom of the sundae…at least a quarter of the dessert consists of fresh strawberries.

big red strawberry cafe us

I think we both felt nauseous after the strawberry themed brunch – I had to eat a healthy plate of Maggie Mee Goreng with a Heart Healthy (TM) cholesterol laden sunny side up egg to counter the fructose and glucose intake.

picking strawberries

The best part about Big Red Strawberry Farm? You get to stroll through the strawberry farm and pick your own big and juicy strawberries. 🙂

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34 thoughts on “Big Red Strawberry Café”

  1. I love strawberry but never been there b4 🙁 Will visit there next year during school holidays. I’m sure my kids will love the place. Cheers !!!

  2. U seem very enjoy to show off your relationship with chicks. Hug hug kiss kiss in almost all the pics uplaoded. As if your are the only one in love.
    I can predict it won’t last for 6 months the longest.

  3. sylvia: I’m sure they will. It’s a nice place for a family vacation unlike the “other” highlands. 😉
    KY: Haha! Plucking strawberries, FTW! 🙂
    TNH: Yeah, but our strawberries tend to be a bit on the small side compared to other countries.
    Tan Yee Hou: Thank you. You wanna go out? What’s your number? 😉
    xin: Yeah, some people get car sick. My gf too, but she managed to get over it after sleep. 🙂
    vincent: It’s just a couple of hours from KL. 🙂
    essentric: I’m pretty sure I’ve posted about it before though, but yeah, this is the one I’m talking about.
    A lot of greens in Cameron Highlands, btw.
    These ones are good for you. 😉
    Sheena Liam: The highland weather is nice, especially higher up and with the wind chill factor kicking in. Refreshing!
    Spek-tator: FAIL! It should be “You seem to enjoy…”, the “very” in that sentence is a dead giveaway of a native Chinese speaker. Work on that.
    Anyway, your usage of “hug hug kiss kiss” is also indicative of your amusing world view. I actually LOL when I read that. This is just a classic affectionate pose with my girlfriend.
    I’m not the only one in love, but I know you’re lacking. 😉
    Me > You.

  4. And i can predict that whatever little bit of actual intelligence that is still contained in that awkward-sized head of yours wont last for another 6 months.

  5. essentric: Thanks Doreen. Do dinner again sometime? Free the week after.
    hoof_ram_beat: Honestly mate, I have to set up a user/pass for you to be the official comment moderator. You da man.
    Much appreciated, my friend.

  6. Dude, not happy and don’t like what you see ar??? Either don’t come back to sixthseal or dig out both your eyes, your choice. Don’t want to do any of those 2, just fuck off of STFU then. I’ve given you four choices, choose 1 man.
    So free come disturb other ppl, go find a girlfriend yourself or be a sad bastard and hug hug kiss kiss your own bolster. Bloody dumbass.

  7. Haha! I love the hug hug kiss kiss your own bolster part. Anyway, it’s the same guy, The Official Troll of, I never banned his IP.

  8. Ha ha, yeh. You are a good person Mr. HB, you don’t deserve to have to frequently put up with stupid, retarded hater bullshit like that anymore. It’s sad..but oh well, what can you do about it? People are morons. And this is teh internetz afterall, TEOL there. 🙂

  9. Thank you my friend. It just gets to me when I’m irritable, but if I’m chilled out, it doesn’t bother me one bit. I just delete it. Takes more time for him to write and it doesn’t hurt the stats either. 😉

  10. So I just happened upon this because the internet is a wonderful place. That food looks amazing! There’s one thing that distresses me though. Why are you picking strawberries from potted plants with scissors?! I grew up in fields of strawberries picking with my thumb nail. It’s bizarre for me to see it done any differently!

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