I was talking to Jester on MSN about my bucket list Top 5 Treat List the other day. It’s basically a list of things you’ll like to reward yourself with. Throw creative stumbling blocks like your bank account balance, credit card debt and other emotional baggage out of the window and just make a list of stuff you’ll like to have.
My Top 5 Treat List:
#1 Dinner at Sugar Mill Restaurant, British Virgin Islands
Sugar Mill Restaurant is voted as one of the World’s Most Romantic Restaurants on Concierge.com and is described tantalizingly as “Love among the ruins”.
Located in the Caribbean, this would require a flight to the US before another hop on a plane to the British Virgin Islands. Sugar Mill Restaurant is located in Tortola and offers truffles and other premium items on the menu.
It’s carved from a 17th century sugar mill and the interior looks very inviting with its rough stone walls and romantic lighting.
Who will I be sharing this fine dining experience with?
Jester of course!
Just look at that smile, how can you not help but like her? =D
#2 Go to Sweden and stay at ICEHOTEL for a weekend
I first read about the ICEHOTEL in an issue of National Geographic while taking a dump and it totally captivated my imagination. I think I had constipation for a couple of days after that from all the excitement. That was a couple of years back and I still get animated every time the subject is brought up.
Imagine a hotel build from scratch every year, with drinks served in glasses made of ice and going to bed in an entire room made out of ice blocks and sleeping on a block of ice with a rug to avoid hypothermia.
They even have a section on “How to sleep well in -5 degrees Celsius”! I must experience this.
#3 Buy a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4
I don’t want a Ferrari – it’s just so common its borderline clichΓ©. It’s Lamborghinis for me, thank you. Not just any Lambo either, I want the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4. Just look at the curves on the car and think about the 5.3L V10 under the hood. It reportedly beat the Ferrari F430 Scuderia, the Nissan GT-R and the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 in an episode of Top Gear.
This car is infused with essence of awesomeness.
#4 HALO (High Altitude-Low Opening) jump in the United States
I’m an adrenaline junkie so I’m naturally attracted to things which are likely to cause:
(a) Loss of life or limb
(b) Severe injury
(c) At least the possibility of (a) or (b)
I’ve always wanted to do a HALO jump coz it’s inherently dangerous. It is also very, very cool. Have you watched Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day? Bond was doing a HALO jump in both. The HALO jump is a technique used by the US military to avoid SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) by flying planes high above and dropping personnel at about 30,000 feet.
The really interesting thing about a HALO jump is that you have to breathe pure oxygen for at least 30-45 minutes beforehand to flush the nitrogen from your system. You’ll also need an oxygen bottle during the jump. Basically, you jump and freefall all the way down before deploying your chute at a very low altitude for a maximum terminal velocity experience! =D
I’m talking geek, aren’t I? :p
#5 Get a Dell Inspiron 13
I have extremely bad luck when it comes to gadgets. Two (!!!) of my notebooks got soaked within two weeks coz of a freak thunderstorm that drove rain in ridiculous volumes into my living room. The first was a Dell and it was turned on when the water came in, so naturally, the result wasn’t very pretty. I’m down to my backup notebook which is really slow and I really need a portable and fast notebook coz I like to travel and it’s a hassle to lug a full sized one during my escapades.
The Inspiron 13 might come across as unusual naming from Dell considering the amount of people with triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13) but there’s actually a good reason behind it. It’s 13.3 inches of sleek, sexy hardware running Intel Core 2 Duo processors and Windows 7. The screen is also in 16:9 aspect ratio which I prefer to 4:3 formats.
Dell’s Inspiron 13 comes in different colors (but I want the Obsidian Black if I win k?) and with enhanced wireless which supports up to 802.11n and a built in webcam, it is great for connectivity on the go. It’s very portable at 2.22 kg. It’ll be perfect for videoconferencing with Jester while at the office since I’m in PJ and she’s in KL. π
Psst… use this special coupon code (7ZQVQF2RLZRKW3) when you purchase a Dell Inspiron 13 from Dell’s website and get RM 100 instant cash redemption. You can also call 1800-88-0301 to order. The coupon expires 10th November 2009.
Want to win a FREE Dell Inspiron 13 with all the trimmings? Just write a post like this and send it off to dellinspiron13@nuffnang.com along with your name, email address and a permalink of the blog post before 10th November 2009. Get the full details here!

Haha! Ish!
I should log off when I go to toilet. :p
terence and I are trying to plan a sky diving trip, cost around RM1k for 2 jumps if I’m not mistaken.
well, thanks, hb. we all do the best we can for our kids. Id rather not spend hagph oourbcarriers then we get in a bvleediding fight…. ow…what were we sepaking ove to begin with, love? mpuhg… teaach your kids well. tom God bless.
Huai Bin: Eh, overwrote your comment. That was someone else using my computer BTW. The answer is:
Haha! π
KY: Skydiving for 1k and two jumps? I’m in! =D
Where? Johor?
tom: Indeed my friend! All you need is love and all that right? Having a good time while we can on Planet Earth and enjoying every single moment. I will – even if I was 1/2 the father my dad was to me, I’ll have done well with my kids.
Take care and have a great week ahead, my friend. Be well. π
I was doing a SocialInterview.com question on FB about “Bucket List”. I have it only 2 minutes of thought (no scrap that) – I didn’t think and just typed out my answers.
I also saw this contest on Dell laptops that I was thinking about entering. But a quick check on Dell’s website, I really want the Inspiron 11z, the new slim and small and light one.
Oh well – good luck in your entry.
no, a true halo jump usally involves 30/100 death rate. out of the plane. the c130 is a diversion . you and yout team are lower and slower.to do a pickle barrel target. chances of living the drop, 7/10 ok. but that is the least of yout worries. then you got to land and intregate your self with the locals. 70/30 your doa. ( fat chance, I am 6’2″ and lilley white) still, ya never know… please dont paracuhte, HB unless you have to… I got the busteted metalarsal bones and arthtis to prove it.. still if you must go… I will pray for you , my friend… hey , had shepards pie for supper tonight. ya never know…
leave comment- none except, well- I hope you are well, you and all your family. Shortly, at thanksgiviing, we will eat sweet corn and black eyed peas, turkey, or roast chiicken, ham, potatoes- irish and sweet, might even hoist a glass of wine. ( wait, should be that French, German, Italian, Aussie, Jap, or Malay… wait what.. Malay…) well, I am damn proud to say cheers to you. and thanks. bless you, hb and your family. tom
Thanks for the contest info.
I like your treat list. Unfortunately, I need some dare-devil courage for the HALO jump.
ya know, this was started as a response to the laptop offer. hummm… three usb ports, an optical, …. hummm… no… how bout read a book , like vernes vouge to the bottom of the sea. or around the world in 80 days. or les misirables. or tale of two cities, or gone with the wind, or … and chill, shut up now, tom. but thanks , HB. no joke. our thanksgiving repast will include some crow, this year. but your family will be part of our prayers. no wait … dont hit enter…
now that everyones gone to bed – I read the same ng issue- cool. wishing you well buddy. tom
WinnieKepala: Thanks! π
My bucket list is getting longer and longer…I doubt I’ll be able to do everything even if I lived till 100. Heh!
That Inspiron eh? Will go and check it out! π
tom: Hey thanks for the stats, very useful from someone who’s been in the service. π
I’m not going to be doing a HALO jump during war though, no one is gonna be shooting at me from below (at least I sure hope not!) so the mortality rates significantly increase. I’m doing it for fun to experience the free fall from such awesomely high altitudes. π
I wish you and your loved ones all the best my friend!
Kiran: It would be interesting! I think you need to have some skydiving experience first though, coz HALO jumps are a bit complicated, compared to a normal free fall. I love the idea of having to breath pure oxygen for 45 minutes to flush all nitrogen from your system just coz of the altitude. Imagine the terminal velocity experience! =D
tom: Heh! No worries mate! π
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.
All the best, my friend!
shit! i just bought a new dell online for my dad =((( ahhhh hb if only you wrote this post sooner! *shakes hb wtf
but good luck for the contest i iz pray you win!
Wow HB. You wanna live till 100(!!!)?
The Icehotel is so cool. I hope I’ll live long enough to sleep on a block of ice(Doesn’t that sound pretty odd). π
aud: Alas! =(
Thanks! π
I hope I win one of the Dell Inspiron 13, I need a notebook, my secondary notebook crawls slightly faster than a snail on a good day. :S
Cheers: I want to live till I’m 100 only if I’m healthy and able to jump around and do the same stuff I’m doing today. π
Yeah, it’s a very cool (pun intended) concept eh? There’s several around the world but this is the best. π
i like jestina’s smile too. very sweet.
tzia: Haha! Yeah, she has an adorable smile eh? π
I like the Picture… regards ,
Mr J: Thanks! π
Yeah Jestina very photogenic. T_T
Hahaha both you and her look so cute! *ahem*
chefmel: Haha! I wish. π
It would be nice though. π
eventhough i scared of height but anything about those adrenaline rush i will try… π
…: Awesome! You’re like me then. Give everything the good ol college try! Everything at least once, I say! =D
Cheers to that! π
HB, your taste in cars make feel so square for I been driving a Benz for a while. Being a Vet Doctor it in image.
hahah omg white lambo!!
hahha dell computer (my name lol random)
jestina’s smile how much she paid you!? HAHA JOKING LA!
hahah omg white lambo!!
hahha dell computer (my name lol random)
jestina’s smile how much she paid you!? HAHA JOKING LA!
hahah omg white lambo!!
hahha dell computer (my name lol random)
jestina’s smile how much she paid you!? HAHA JOKING LA!
The last time a lambo drove by I almost jizzed my pants =(
Dell these days do look much more appealing don’t they?
Now they make my macbook pro look a bit dated already. All your fault! >.
Vickie: I prefer BMW to Mercedes. I don’t know when I’ll be able to afford it though. π
I don’t know beamers have always appealled to me. =D
adele archuleta: Jestina ar? I had to pay HER to smile. T_T
Haha! I’m kidding, she’s nice enough to let me use her images without royalties. =D
Ryan: Heh! Yeah, I like the new Dell, very sleek and smooth. I only like black though, I like black for my notebooks. It not only looks good, it doesn’t show as much as say, white, if you get stains on it. π
Wuah good response for Dell! Get your treat list ready! Lol… I think I should charge some fees using the pictures π
Wuah good response for Dell! Get your treat list ready! Lol… I think I should charge some fees using the pictures π
Lol Tziaaa thanks, me lup your smile too *wink
Adele ahem… THanks for reminding me!
Jester: Haha! I will need one for videoconferencing. π
Contra the royalties with dinner can or not? :p
Or my eternal love? =D
i pick 1,2,3 and 5 for my extravagant list too. i had changed 2 laptops too and this is my 3rd since 18 years old. if this laptop is going to be as unfortunate as my previous ones, then i’m definitely getting this inspiron 13
cindy khor: …but what about the HALO jump? =D
Yeah, the new Dell 13 looks good, I need a new notebook actually, would be nice to have this. π
this is a great entry π
wish u best of luck!
Hello Hui Bin,
If i am not mistaken, the coupon code expires on 10th Nov 2009 not 5th Nov 2009.
Hello Hui Bin,
If i am not mistaken,
the coupon code expires on 10th Nov 2009
not 5th Nov 2009 as stated in your post.
ween: Thanks! Heh! I liked writing this one too. π
PakarHowTo: You’re right, the coupon expires 10th November 2009. My bad, corrected.
Thanks mate! π
humm… my treats… well you asked, I assume we are speking of things and not persons… things and not platitudes… just stuff… ok… well ok… here goes… crab leggs with real butter much as I can eat, and related, , a ride or fly to a nice place ( a boeing 747 or the QE 2 either or will be suffificient) to Austrilia and … hey… I get five, ya know… hummm .., chocolate covered cherries for life… and unlimited beer. hey, scratch the crab, gimme smokes. no, milk to add to the cherries… damn, HB you excect me to chosse?!!! the best book, the best movie, well thats easy. I think… I would take my best friend. better be the one you marry. well be careful.
tom: Heh! Nice mate! Those are the things in life I would choose if I can choose more than 5 too. π
Yeah, that’s a tricky bit, marriage and relationships are complicated to say the least.
Anyway, hope everything is well with you my friend! π
Ooh, the dinner, IceHotel stay and HALO jump are good ones. π
Got winner dy ah? T_T
mel: Ya, it sounds fun right? π
atreyu strange: Notchet. T_T
The contest is over though. π