Perth – The City of Lights


I’ve been to Perth several times during my university days in Australia and I am very impressed with the relatively relaxed pace over there.


Nothing beats having some steaming hot fish and chips at the harbor! Make sure you go to the one at Cicerello’s – it’s the original, and the best. Located at Fremantle, it also serves beer if you want something to wash it down with!


Perth is home to The Swan Bells. It was a gift from London according to Wikipedia (O Wise One) and it’s one of the largest musical instrument in the world – you can even ring it and let yourself be heard all across the city! πŸ™‚


Okay, geography lesson time. I nicked this photo from Wikipedia. It has a hover text that says “Perth is located in Australia”. Well, no shit Sherlock! πŸ˜‰


You can also drop by Swanbourne if you feel like letting your dangly bits down. It’s a clothing optional beach in Perth. smirk

However, Perth is not Western Australia. You can’t claim to have visited WA unless you’ve been outside of Perth city proper.


I must admit, I haven’t been to other places in Western Australia though. I hear it grows a lot of black truffles (gourmands take note!) – and you can buy fresh truffles during autumn and winter! These are not just plain black truffles but Black Perigord truffles – the real black gold. Expensive, but delicious!


There’s a cult favorite ice cream store called Simmo’s Delicious Dilemmas in Dunsborough and Margaret River. I haven’t personally tried it myself but Kristine tells me it’s good shit. Probably the best ice cream that has ever done the horizontal boogie with your taste buds.

margeret river

You know all that wine you’ve been drinking that says Margaret River? It’s also located in Western Australia! I would love to visit the vineyards over there to drink the tipple closer to the source!


…and do that I shall! I will visit Kristine later this year – gonna fly AirAsia straight to Perth and visit the rest of the Western Australia region that I haven’t been too. She’s been to quite a few places around the WA region, most of the pictures were taken by her (others nicked from Wikipedia). Thanks for tempting me with all the photos Kristine!


One intriguing place I’ll love to visit is Hamelin Pool – it is home to stromatolites – the oldest living marine fossils in the world. There’s only two places in this third rock from the sun that harbors stromatolites (no clue where the other one is) and Western Australia is one of them!
There is a bit of a mystery surrounding their origin and trust me, I’ll be there to unravel (oh well maybe not, but I’ll go take a look) the fossils.


We’ll go to the Coral Coast okay? I want to go to Shell Beach (formed from shells made from just one type in of animal and the only one of two in the world) and The Pinnacles!


Just look at this photo!

A recent research revealed that taking a vacation has been shown to reduce work related stress by 66%, increase worker productivity by an amazing 92.86% and shaved an impressive 42% off arguments between couples over issues like leaving the toilet seat up. Of course, I pulled all those numbers from where the sun don’t shine but still!


I travel a lot coz I value experiences more than material goods. Life is short, travel the world! I’ll be going to Melbourne end of this month and Perth is next on my destination list – probably August or so. I’ll give you all a full trip report when I get there k?

You can find out more about Perth and Western Australia by following the blog of the Extraordinary Taxi Ride. Or you can just fly AirAsia and experience it for yourself!

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43 thoughts on “Perth – The City of Lights”

  1. I studied in Perth for 3 years! This brings back plenty of good memories. I will see if I can get an air ticket to Perth. Thank you.

  2. Chuck Wong: Nice! I’ve been to Perth a couple of times but I was based in Melbourne. πŸ™‚
    Yeah, I always get nostalgic when I see photos too. Good luck with the air ticket to Perth! πŸ™‚
    KY: Haha! Yeah, it’s not exactly a very appealing picture for the clothing optional beach. πŸ™‚

  3. Hi!
    Enjoy your stay in Perth. Great place. I was there about 5 years ago, visiting my Scandinavian relatives.
    Best Regards,

  4. Negerkung: Yeah, I’ll be going to Perth this year for sure. Got a lot of places to go to. Gonna enjoy life a bit considering I’m hitting the big 30 next year. πŸ™‚

  5. ciki: Yeah the truffles looks awesome eh? WA is the largest producer of truffles, gotta go there and try some fresh ones! πŸ™‚

  6. what a coincidence, I just posted about my trip to Perth on my blog haha. Kaili’s Fish & Chips are pretty good too and don’t forget to go for little creature beer, damn good stuff!

  7. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away” -Anonymous

  8. tribalscreams: True true! Amen to that. That’s why I love to travel! πŸ™‚
    Darren: Nice! Sounds very promising! I shall try it when I’m in Perth! πŸ™‚

  9. Oh man, u made me miss australia already. T.T
    the air ticket to sydney is like 3.5 but to perth is only 249 wtffffff.!

  10. veen dee: Hello Veen Dee! =D
    Well, you can fly to Perth and drive to Sydney or something. Heh! πŸ™‚
    Jess: Haha! Yes, bad shot, it would look more tempting if the models looked better. πŸ˜‰

  11. >WA is the largest producer of truffles
    Is that correct? WA is too hot for truffles. I think you meant Tassie. Had one too many?? he he he.
    Truffles taste like soy sauce. Why is it so expensive? In Europe, there’s no soy sauce, so they have to rely on truffles. Silly French chefs.
    Little Creatures is at Fremantle, the brewery is right over the water. Yeah, so if you take a visit to the crap house, it goes straight into the sea, no lah, just messing with you.
    Perth in general is pretty sleepy. Most shops close on Sunday. No much to do. Go visit the vineyards.
    One more thing, when in Perth, you have to visit houses with BIG-BIG street numbers.

  12. Michael (MIke): Well, I eat fish with tartar sauce if it comes in a bun (like what the cafe in the high school I went to in NZ does) but for fish and chips, I eat it as it is or completely douse it with ketchup. πŸ™‚
    Veen Dee: Haha! Why do I suck? πŸ™‚
    Kiran: Yup, and I love the ones in Australia!Cicerello’s in Perth serves good fish and chips and you can have a beer to go with it! =D
    rocket: Actually, Western Australia grows more fresh black truffles than the rest of Australia put together. πŸ™‚
    I found out that info from Wikipedia.
    It used to be food for peasants though but it really tastes good.
    Yup, I’ll hit the vineywards and Little Creatures. Cheers mate! πŸ™‚

  13. Truffle taste like dogs droppings. Just beacuse it’s expensive, everybody says it’s good. Dude, buy yourself a bottle of Coles brand soy sauce.
    What else is there to do in Perth? Nothing. It’s so boring there, zzzzzz, I fall sleep just thinking about Perth, zzzzz….. Even Burswood casino is so boring, zzzzzz…..
    Visit the house with Big numbers.

  14. rocket: I really like truffles. It’s pretty good stuff and the texture is awesome!
    Perth? Well, my friends are there, the casino is not bad and I guess the best thing is to venture out of Perth into Western Australia to see the sights! πŸ™‚
    Jeff: Cheers mate! I’ll buzz you when I’m about to go. πŸ™‚

  15. mmh, the fish & chips is looking pretty damn good right about now. πŸ™ a liberal dose of chicken salt, some tartar sauce, and we’re good to go! >

  16. on the contrary to everyone’s opinion about truffles is does not taste like soya sauce. I let you taste seared salmon with truffle salt, its damn nice la!
    oh, and cicirello’s fish & chips aren’t the best anymore. they sold it off to some indonesian a few years ago and everyhting is so oily there now. kailis bros is pretty good now.
    lemme know nearer to the date ur coming. if i still got car and free petrol I can pick u up from the airport and play tour guide πŸ™‚

  17. dogbone: Yeah, I like mine with ketchup though, unless I’m just eating the fish. Chips goes with ketchup. =D
    I totally agree with the chicken salt, great stuff!
    Kristine: Okay, we shall have truffles together when I go down to Perth and we’ll go to Kaili’s. =D
    Awesome! Thanks Kristine! It would be nice. I’ll just be going for a couple of days though. I’ll keep you posted on the exact date. πŸ™‚
    Anonymous: Yeah, I learned there is a Penang in Fiji today too! πŸ™‚

  18. Go Cape Le Grande? You have to be there for the sunset. It’s one of those place where you get down on one knee. karlgoolie is not bad this time of year too. You have to visit the MacDonalds there. It’s legendary.

  19. Kristine: Interesting! Okay, I’ll see you in Perth then! πŸ™‚
    rocket: Cape Le Grande? I haven’t heard of it but it sounds very promising! Cheers mate! πŸ™‚

  20. Perth mint too, there’s a real gold bar for you to play with.
    But you have to visit the houses with big numbers. have to do that when you are in Perth.

  21. rocket: Nice! It would be even nicer if Perth mint allows me to take it out. πŸ˜‰
    I know what you’re talking about bro. Heh! It’s legal in Melbourne and I never even went. πŸ™‚
    veen dee: …and Australia awaits you! =D

  22. Why didn’t you go? You have to go, the holiday is imcomplete is you don’t go.
    If you can find a way to slip the gold bar through the small hole it’s yours to keep.

  23. You look more matured. What ? Did you say life is short ? Anyway, in case those crazy frogs wish to build a nuclear plant in Sarawak or near where you live now, you can always fly off to an environmentally friendly place. You are not young anymore. Still a casanova at your age ?

  24. Gram: Yup, life is very short. πŸ™‚
    Nah, not a casanova by any defination of the term. Just a regular guy. πŸ™‚
    I know, hitting the big 30 next year. πŸ™
    rocket: Yeah but there’s the rest of Western Australia, which has a lot to offer besides Perth. πŸ™‚


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