Sweet pineapple + Greek yoghurt sandwich with alfalfa sprouts & beans, vintage cheddar and Chiang Mai strawberry on Poppy seed bread

pineapple yoghurt sandwich

I made this vegetarian (it’s almost vegan if not for the dairy products) sandwich for my dear one morning. We went out grocery shopping and I took whatever I thought would taste good in a breakfast sandwich – a sweet start to the day.

I don’t want to toot my own horn but this is one damn good sandwich! πŸ™‚

You will need:

breakfast sandwich recipe

  • Dole pineapple slices (the canned stuffed that comes in a ring for burgers and such)
  • Greek yoghurt (plain)
  • Alfalfa sprouts (I got a mixture of broccoli and alfalfa sprouts)
  • Combo beans (comes with slight sprouts and adds texture)
  • Aged vintage cheddar
  • Strawberry jam (I used a gourmet Chiang Mai strawberry spread)
  • Poppy seed bread

I chose to use poppy seed bread as it goes really well with this. We had 3 different kinds of bread at that time and this seemed the most appropriate choice.

greek yoghurt

The true secret to this sandwich though is the Greek Yoghurt. I got the plain, natural full cream version and the texture of this compared to regular yoghurt is remarkably similar to sour cream. I ate a lot of this when I was in university (alfalfa sprouts too) and loved it – it’s thick, spreadable, and piles on like nothing else.

bean sprouts

I spread scooped about a good *heaping* inch of the Greek yoghurt on one side of the bread and used the Chiang Mai strawberry gourmet jam on the other.

alfalfa beans sprouts

Next, I spread some mixed beans with sprouts on the Greek yoghurt side of the bread (so it’ll sink in and provide texture and taste).

…and topped it off with a healthy handful of alfalfa and broccoli sprouts.

homemade vintage aged cheddar

The last bit on this side before putting it together is adding some crumbled pieces of premium handmade no-preservative vintage Tasmanian Farm True Cheddar Cheese that’s been aged for 18 months. This can be a bit intense so you’ll notice there’s *two different sandwiches* – I spread just a little yoghurt and omitted the cheese for my dear.

I took a pineapple ring (refrigerated) and put it on the Chiang Mai strawberry jam side for the finishing touch!

his hers

It’s an awesome sandwich, if I say so myself. The secret to making it good is that everything (except the bread) needs to be in the fridge so it’s cold. It’s supposed to be a breakfast sandwich.

I like making sandwiches and I consider this fruit and yoghurt concoction with cheese on poppy seed one of my best sweet breakfast sandwiches. I use my love as a taster, she’s an awesome cook, but she’s honest with my sometimes (admittedly) bizarre culinary creations. I’ll know if my sandwich experiments failed.

breakfast sandwich

This isn’t one of them. πŸ™‚

greek yoghurt sandwich

The pineapple ring and strawberry provides a tangy morning juice kinda vibe and the slightly sour thick Greek yoghurt goes well with the fruits and alfalfa sprouts and beans for texture and taste. The 18 month aged true cheddar cuts across with a savory tango on your tongue. It’s a very refreshing start to the day!

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38 thoughts on “Sweet pineapple + Greek yoghurt sandwich with alfalfa sprouts & beans, vintage cheddar and Chiang Mai strawberry on Poppy seed bread”

    • I rate is as one of my best sandwich creations! πŸ™‚

      Secret is in the Greek yoghurt, wonderful stuff, just found some made locally. I used Dole pineapple rings so it’s easier to put in a sandwich (and erm…it’s in heavy syrup so it’s sweet) but all other stuff is organic.

    • Haha! Yeah, it’s one of my better tasting sandwiches. πŸ™‚

      I made her some with unusual ingredients which she didn’t like so I omitted the 18 month handmade cheese and went easy on the Greek yoghurt (not everyone likes it – I love it though) on hers.

      I piled that stuff on in mine and I can eat it from the tub just like that.

      Hmm…I wonder if Sibu has this, it’s made in Johor I think and it doesn’t last too long (no preservatives – has a shelf life of just a couple of days) but I myself never saw the Greek yoghurt in KL until recently.

      I can’t remember if we got it from Jaya Grocer or Ben Independent Grocer though.

    • Indeed! It’s great tasting food that my love does too! πŸ™‚

      I only make simple stuff like sandwiches though. I do cook but she does it so much better than me that I do it on special occasions with my more bizarre creations.

      I think it was the deep fried Mars bars and other candy bars in extra virgin olive oil (used an entire bottle) the last time I cooked.

    • Yup, and I like to think that it’s really healthy too! πŸ™‚

      Well, kinda, most of the stuff is organic except for the canned pineapples – it’s just easier to put the rings into a sandwich and the heavy syrup helps with the taste.

      Oh, I remember reading about Ben Independent Grocer from your blog and we went there (and also to Jaya Grocer) – it’s where we get our bread and other groceries. There’s another one specialty market we go to also, but I can’t recall the name right about now.

      It’s a good breakfast sandwich – easy to make and delicious to boot. I ran out of the Chiang Mai gourmet strawberry jam though. I didn’t know they have strawberries there – it’s organic with no preservatives or artificial flavors, good stuff.

      I saw the very same miniature Thailand gourmet spreads sold in tiny bottles in one of the specialty markets here too! πŸ˜€

      • A balanced diet is the most important. It doesn’t matter if you mix a little of the unhealthy with a little of the healthy. xD Anyway, I don’t think I’ve blogged about BIG just yet; haven’t had the chance to enter Publika all these while but yeah, specialty stores are nicer to shop at.

        I’m surprised to hear about the organic strawberries, though.

        • Yup, we did another sandwich but she cooked today – awesome soup and noodles with lots of pork balls. πŸ™‚

          I think you mentioned it to me once though – might be in the comments though.

          Me too, I didn’t know they even grew them in Chiang Mai!

  1. Chef de Cuisine!!! I like your healthy and delicious sandwiches! How I wished I am your girlfriend to get all the pamperings! LOL

    Why don’t you open a HB Fusion Cafe? I will be your regular diner.

  2. Ehhh! Greek yoghurt! To be honest I never thought of using any kind of yoghurt as a spread in my sandwiches, now this is an idea. i might try it some day with my own sandwiches. πŸ˜€ Thanks for the idea. I’m a sucker for sandwiches but kinda getting bored with my usual tuna and salad version!

    • Yeah, I liked it coz the texture is awesome! πŸ™‚

      I was surprised to find it in Malaysia too and got some to see if it’s the same. A lot of stuff labeled “Greek Yoghurt” here isn’t really the real deal but this is.

      I like eating sandwiches too! I don’t like tuna except if it’s raw (sashimi) though.

      A result of being practically force fed the stuff as a kid. πŸ˜‰

  3. Dear..I always skeptical when you tell me about your weird concoction but I have trust on ur bizarre culinary creations because it always come out to be a real good one. **honest**

    I told you…I can never make a good sandwich as good as you did. That’s why I get very happy each time you make one for me.

    • Thanks dear! πŸ™‚

      You cook much better than me though, am always amazed by your cooking. Will need to exercise dy if eat everyday.

      Noodles are super good tonight.

      I like making sandwiches! I’ll do it always. <3

    • Haha! Yeah, this is the healthy version! πŸ™‚

      I usually use a lot of stuff like pates and deli meat so I wanted to do a sweet breakfast sandwich for a change.

    • Yup, I did that too! πŸ™‚

      Pineapple with some cold cuts are awesome in sandwiches too!

      I love alfalfa sprouts, I can eat them just like that.

    • Yup, just need to combine a few things and it’s done! πŸ™‚

      It tastes good and it’s easy to make too. I just figured it’ll taste good and it’s healthy.

  4. Wooaaahhh.. luckily i just had penang char kway teow for lunch two hours ago.. if not i’ll be craving for sandwich now. Hahaha..

    it’s very sweet of a guy to make food for a girl. πŸ™‚

    • Nice! That sounds delicious! πŸ™‚

      She cooks for me all the time and I like to cook for her too,

      Unfortunately, most of my cooking involves sandwiches, which really isn’t cooking per se.

      …but I love doing it! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, the fruits go really well with the Greek yoghurt! πŸ™‚

      We just went shopping and found stuff that’ll be nice – bought 3 different breads and several other items for this.

  5. i have seen many people posting about this greek yogurt, it’s that good?
    will try my luck finding it in Penang!

    i had pork burger yesterday, and they added pineapple ring on the patty, it’s quite refreshing on the palate!

    you’re always good with sandwiches and errrr instant noodles πŸ˜›

    • I don’t know about the others, I never tried that brand. πŸ™‚

      This isn’t a writeup, we were grocery shopping and I just happened to see this Greek yoghurt on the shelves and bought it coz I enjoyed it in Melbourne (lived in Clayton, which has a number of Greeks).

      Greek yoghurt is awesome, but unfortunately, a lot of the stuff labeled such isn’t really Greek yoghurt. This is a smaller factory that I found either in BIG or Jaya Grocer and it’s the first time I saw it. Tastes right with the right texture.

      I know! I love burgers with pineapples too! πŸ˜€

  6. Did u hear about the guy who tested positive for opioids just coz he ate too many poppy seeds (in cakes). Well, there’s a great alibi;)

    • Haha! Yeah, I did but I always thought it was a urban legend! πŸ™‚

      You can’t test positive for opiates unless you eat a *ton* (literally, it’s something to that effect) of poppy seeds. I thought it was a defective test kit.

      Interesting story though. πŸ˜€

  7. Hi, what I want to say has got nothing to do with this post but I stumbled upon your blog by pure chance and spent slightly more than 4 hours reading through it. That’s the longest time I ever spent reading a person’s blog!
    I just wanted to let you know that you had entertained, inspired and taught me a lot of stuff through the things and thoughts you’ve shared, the life you lived and changed.. I have a blog myself that used to be quite happening but I’ve lost the motivation to blog for quite a while. You just inspired me start going at it again!
    Just want thank you for sharing your life to the world, you made a difference, these 4 hours for me were very well spent!

    I’m your new fan!


    • Yeah, it’s the Greek yoghurt that makes it awesome – thick enough to spread like sour cream! πŸ™‚

      I buy the ones in a huge tub coz I can eat it just like that or with dates (which are in season now).

      You can add cold cuts too – this goes well with honey glazed lamb too!


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