Yup, I’m going to do two fireworks roundups this year – one in KL where I work and one in Sibu where I come back for the Chinese New Year holidays. Truth be told, there isn’t a lot of fireworks in Kuala Lumpur compared to Sibu, the stock is pretty meagre and the large firework cakes are twice the price of what we pay here.
However, I did want to put on a nice little show for the kids and my better half so here’s what I got:
25 Shot “Your Wish in Flowers” Fireworks Cake
This is a 25 shot compact fireworks cake called Lu Yi Zhi Hua which translates to “Your Wish in Flowers” – very apt considering Valentine’s Day is around the corner and Chinese New Year is coming up.
It’s a pretty decent multi effect cake, heavy with a nice mixture of crackling willow, whistles and beautiful pearl breaks. I thought it was worth the RM 40 I paid.
100 Meteor Shots Shots Crossfire
This is a Saturn missile battery with 100 shots. I got it for RM 20 coz I combined this purchase with another fireworks cake. I wanted to show the kids what a classic firework from my youth looks like – this can actually be fired during daylight or at night since it doesn’t make much difference.
It really has 100 shot but it’s just a whistling effect with a comet tail streaking up into the skies – you can see the array here.
Here’s the video of the 100 Meteor Shots Shots Crossfire Cake.
5 Minute Horseshoe Fountain
I actually reviewed this in another separate post which I put up last week. I had to do a bit of research to find out what this new firework was and why it was called this so check out my writeup on the new Italian horseshoe fountain fireworks this year.
Single Shot Mine
This is sold in a package of six (6) and has six different effects. It’s a non-reloadable pre-packaged single use mine and as you can see, the diameter is quite large (around 1.25”) which can be larger than most high-shot-count firework cakes. What this translates to is a bigger and better aerial break.
This one is a triple effect with report – there’s a comet tail, sparks and a double bloom with crackling willow which is really quite nice for the price. A mine is the same thing as a single/multi shot aerial shell but the effects packed into it are released all at once instead of in sequence. Mines are not that popular nowadays coz it finishes in 3-5 seconds max. I remember having one in 2006 in a mine cake format.
This is just RM 10 each or RM 50 for a six-pack and I thought it’s the best firework you can purchase this year. It’s not chained together like a fireworks cake so there’s no “display-in-a-box” but for the price, the shell is beautiful and the aerial break is quite remarkable. I would get this again if I see it!

LOL .. I remember you love playing firecrackers as in your previous post!! Have a good time and happy new year!
Yeah, I still love playing fireworks!
I left one large cake for my nephew and niece who just came back yesterday – let it off last night, so I only have one more to go and I can do my annual fireworks roundup (no firecrackers this year in respect of my late mom) in Sibu!
Happy CNY to you!
Bet you’re looking forward to midnight, Chinese New Year’s Eve in Sibu – nothing like it anywhere in the country…or perhaps, even the world!
Yeah, we’re definitely the best in Malaysia!
I’m not so sure about other countries like China, but I know Kuching and Miri doesn’t have as large a fireworks culture as we do, not even KL.
It was a lot of fun, I enjoy browsing the items, choosing what I want, ordering and then going to the shops to see what new commercial fireworks are out so I can get a couple at retail prices.
Once I opps-ed and it shoot into neighbour’s house :p
Oh no!
Haha! That’s not too bad over it, it happens pretty often so it’s not a big deal (unless it starts a fire or something). I once started a fire in my neighbors house as a kid and my other neighbor helped me put it out.
I’ve always enjoyed your CNY fireworks reviews. Glad that you are doing two round-up posts this year!
Thanks mate!
Yeah, since I was in KL, I’ll buy a couple if they’re interesting although KL lacks a lot in the fireworks cakes department – there’s just not a lot of choice and it’s expensive to boot. However, the worse bit is that it’s several years old – I’ve seen the exact same cake a couple of years back and it’s retailing in KL for RM 600.
I buy new cakes every year coz with the advances each year, they can pack expensive breaks e.g. Saturn, hearts, into new display cakes while the older ones are just plain predictable.
Fireworks! If it’s not too loud, I like (ok, what am I talking about).. I’m ok with any fire crackers, I like especially the red long one, normally together with the lion dance.. That one ok, coz you know it’s gonna stop once it reaches the peak with a loud *boom*.. I dislike those that goes up the sky *booming* non stop like *fiewwwwwwww, pong, fiewwwwwww pong*, errrr, ok, you can ignore this comment, teehee..
I didn’t get any firecrackers this year!
It’s coz of my late mom, we’re not celebrating CNY so I didn’t get firecrackers (too red and festive). I did get a lot of fireworks though but I like cakes generally (which are loud) but I have been impressed with a RM 50 fountain this year (and I don’t usually get impressed by fountains much). It’s amazing – called London Bridge, I’ll put up the video soon.
The ones I get are the aerial repeaters e.g. they fly up and break, just like what you described…those are the prettiest!
Ooooo, I guess the children are looking forward to your fireworks display.
Yeah, they enjoyed it!
I wasn’t sure if they’ll be scared but they both liked it. I also got them Pop Pop (contact firecrackers) and they loved playing with those too!
Whoooa!!! Boom! Boom! Boom! I watched all your videos and like this 100 Meteor shots which is really new to me! I could not enjoy much as my area has a huge Balai Polis TTDI inside. Each cracker goes up and residents would scream in our community FB. Ouch!!
I really wished I could be in Sibu every year!
always love fireworks <3
Hi, may I know where can I get the fireworks from? Where did you buy yours from? Hope to hear from you. Thank you!
Hi. Can you please tell me where to get fireworks in kl? Planning for a display for the children and families in our community this year.
Hey, May I know where can I buy fireworks in KL during non chinese new year season =)