Yup, you heard me right! In fact, I have a photo to prove it. 🙂
Unfortunately, I wasn’t at KLIA to greet Pelé, I doubt I’ll be given access anyway with the mob of people waiting in line to see him. I got the photo from the 100PLUS Facebook page. They’re bringing football legends Oscar and Pelé to Kuala Lumpur for an action packed appearance. Good thing I have an invite to see them on May 29th – this Friday!
Well, if you don’t know who those two are, I guess you don’t watch much football. Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Junior is a Brazilian for Chelsea and also plays for the Brazil national team. He’s a fast rising star, despite his young age.
Pelé needs no further introduction. Born as Edson Arantes do Nascimento, he’s been around for so many years that even non-football fans know his name. He was elected as Athlete of the Century by the International Olympics Committee (IOC) and despite being retired, this Brazilian is still a formidable force, being the most successful league goal scorer in the world with 541 goals.
Thanks to 100PLUS, two of football’s finest, Pelé and Oscar are coming to Malaysia on 29th May in conjunction with their “Stay Thirsty” campaign. 100PLUS has also chosen 100 lucky winners to join them at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre this Friday.
Oscar and Pelé are the first international ambassadors signed by 100PLUS and were chosen to inspire youths across the nation via the “Stay Thirsty” campaign. Through the campaign, 100PLUS wants to encourage youths to strive and push beyond their limits, and hunger to be better.
During their visit to Malaysia, Oscar will be conducting a “Stay Thirsty” Football Clinic for the four Ministry of Education Football League Zone Champions, sharing his knowledge and skill for the sport. YB Khairy Jamaluddin, the Minister of Youth & Sports, will be present too.
Pelé will be sharing his vast experience with the National Football Team. This forum isn’t just open to the 100 lucky winners and the media at the event. 100PLUS is taking this to the viewers at home via a live stream of the event on their official website. This means that *YOU* will be able to participate with the Q&A with Pelé by submitting your questions via Twitter.
I know you’ll have heaps of questions to ask Pelé so remember to log on to the 100PLUS official website for the live streaming of Pelé’s Team Talk on 29th May 2015 at 3:30 pm. Tweet your questions live to Pelé using the hashtag #100plusstaythirsty.
You can also surf over to watch the delayed streaming of Oscar and Pelé live in Malaysia if you missed it or like the 100PLUS Facebook page for more information. I got all of my photos from their FB page and I’ll be at the event this Friday, make sure you log in from your office/home/university too!

wow..wow…what a lucky chap! I love to see them too!! One is a legend while the other is a promising star!
Yeah, you can still watch the live stream! 🙂
It’s on YouTube now, the video is also available on the official 100PLUS website. Pelé had a lot of interesting insights to share, too bad the national Harimau Melaya team didn’t really take advantage of this opportunity to ask him questions but there were heaps of questions from Twitter.
Pele? Wowwwww!!!!! He’s been around like…forever, and he still looks so young, no change…just like before. Dunno Oscar but he sure is good looking!
Yeah, he’s a legend! 🙂
Oscar is a very talented upcoming player. He also plays for the Brazil national team in the latest FIFA World Cup – he was lead when Neymar got injured.
I know of Pele but not the young guy because I don’t follow Chelsea team. How was your meeting with them last Friday?
Oscar also played in the World Cup as the Brazil team! 🙂
He was one of the people I watched (besides Neymar of course) and he really did his best to carry the team when the latter was injured. Very talented young chap.
I grew up saluting this Pele. He is a no nonsense player.