China Seas and China Candy

I woke up really early today and got some breakfast and went to
Bukit Aup with my girlfriend to walk around before she took the
afternoon flight to KL.

This is a picture of us making sad faces at the digicam.

Anyway, she’s currently on a plane flying over the South China Sea
(if I got my geography right). I love you dear and take care in KL. Me?
I’m sitting in my room, eating candy my parents got from their trip to
China that looks like it has been wrapped in intricate colored
wrappings but is actually peanut candy coated with a shiny sugar layer
which makes it look like a wrapper, but is actually not.


Everything must go!


Mmm…half price for everything at the Roberts Hall shop. Too bad
they’re all out of Twix. That’s my new favourite bar, but Mars bars are
pretty good too. I saw a lot of V/Red Bull energy drinks, but I’m too
loaded with caffeine now anyway. I have another IE client meeting
tomorrow, so I’m staying up to finish my stuff.

Wah Kee

Oops…I overslept this morning and didn’t bother to go down to the city
coz the YHA office closes at 1 pm. By the time I woke up, it was already
11:30 am and going down to the city takes around an hour, so it’ll be
cutting it pretty close considering I still need to walk to Hardware Lane.
Thus, I’ve decided to go down on Monday after my classes. Speaking of ski
trips, frostee at
[] is going snowboarding sometime this season
too. He’s a fellow Melbournian (living in Clayton as well), and from what
I gather, is a Malaysian too, though he has been working in Singapore.

Anyway, I haven’t been doing much work today. Lazed around a bit, and
managed to read one measly set of lecture notes. I went out to Wah Kee for
dinner with Adrian and I had a plate of Yang Chow fried rice and another
plate of boneless spare ribs. The fried rice is pretty good, though my
girlfriend’s helper fries up a mean plate of Yang Chow fried rice as well.
Headed down to the Asian grocery to get some Pocky (I like Mango Cream)
and also some dishwashing liquid. Hmm…this blog is starting to get
food-centric again. =D

Scans from the Pocky box with my CanoScan N670U. The Z-Lid feature is
pretty nifty. Please don’t ask me why the scan of the back is shorter than
the scan of the front. I just cropped it wrongly, that’s all.

Cookies and The Mirror Project

I saw this really nice chocolate biscuits at a grocery store today.

Dairy Milk Cookies on a local newspaper

Shortbread cookies with chocolate chips and covered with chocolate.
Usually the local cocoa tastes slightly acidic so I’m not really a big fan
of locally made chocolates, but these ones taste pretty good. Anyway, I’ve
submitted another picture to my favorite pet project. You can view it
[]. This is a photo of a photo. You can’t really see
my reflection clearly because I had to compress the picture down to 30k
in order to submit it. The photo is one from my college days at Inti.
I’m the second seated person from the right. I was the Vice President
of Intima, the college student government body. I remember that I was
out clubbing at the notorious Impiana Disco (now closed) the night
before the photo shoot. I had consumed some recreational substances which I
will not name in this public blog and had gotten home pretty late –
at around 8 am. I tried to take a one hour nap before the 10 am photo
shoot, but it’s almost impossible to go to sleep when the aforementioned
recreational substances has been partaken the night before. I was
in that uncomfortable limbo between sleep and wakefulness when I woke up
with a start and realized it was already 10:15 am! I rushed out with last
night’s clothes still on and pulled on my Intima jersey in the office,
just in time for the photo shoot. Heady days indeed. I wonder where the
rest of the committee are now? I’ve had some wonderful times in Inti
College, Kuching during ’98/’99.

submission to The Mirror Project

Bananas is the Antichrist

I bought this pack of bananas in a temporary lapse of judgment about one week ago. I still
haven’t eaten more than a couple in the meantime. Bananas (the candy kind) are not nice to eat.
It’s hard and crusty and dry. I like the soft jelly type candies, so I don’t even know why I got
these. Must be those voices in my head again.

Proof that candy bananas are evil:

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and

Revelation 13:18

I like real bananas by the way.

The 7 Deadly Sins

Did a late night Coles run with Adrian to boost energy levels (by getting
sugary stuff). Magnum is doing a promotion where they have the 7 deadly
sins as different types of ice creams. It’s supposed to be limited
edition, in that it’s only available for 4 months. I got all 7 different
types and so far, I’ve eaten the Sloth one. Those who know me will
recognize ‘Sloth’ as my sin. Heh. The ice cream stick even has a phrase engraved
into it. The Sloth one goes

Amen brother!

I’ve taken photos of the different wrappers. See them here:








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