Porridge and chicken @ Kawan, Seremban

seremban porridge stall

I was told there’s this popular chicken rice place that’s only open from 6 pm – 8 pm in Seremban. It’s supposed to serve a mean bowl of pig innards porridge and mighty fine chicken. It usually sells out at around 8 pm so you have to go there early.

kawan seremban

I headed down with Caydence’s family before I had to drive back to KL. The place was packed and the stall was chopping up chickens like nobody’s business. Okay, their business anyway. πŸ˜‰

seremban porridge display

Look at all the pig offal displayed alongside the chicken!

seremban porridge serve

They also serve normal chicken rice but what this stall is famous for (it’s the only stall in Kedai Makanan Dan Minuman Kawan) is their pig innards porridge. It was dished out into bowls and plastic bags for those wanting a pack to go.

seremban porridge chicken

The chicken is pretty decent but I prefer Kee Kee Bentong Chicken Rice.

seremban porridge

However, what makes this place special is eating the chicken WITH the pork innards porridge. It even has some crunchy bits on top to add texture to the congee.

seremban porridge sesame oil

Splash some vinegar and sesame oil on the congee and you’re in for a real treat!

seremban porridge us

There is a reason why this place is very popular in Seremban – their porridge is infused with the essence of delectable, and eating the chicken with a mouthful of hot congee with bits of pork intestines sticking out is a very different experience.

I love it and I don’t even like porridge! πŸ™‚

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