The Tavern @ GAB


I drive past the GAB (Guinness Anchor Berhad) factory every day on my way to work. I’ve always wondered what goes on inside, being a beer aficionado and all. I was delighted when I got an invite to visit The Tavern @ GAB. The Tavern is an exclusive invite-only pub located inside the factory and the best thing about it is that the beer comes fresh from the factory just beside it. Oh, and the beer is free too. =D


The interior of The Tavern is tastefully decorated and feels warm and cosy. I like the ambience of the pub and there is in fact a real boiler used in the brewery adorning the bar. Nice!


The Tavern has a wide array of beer on tap. The good people at Heineken were kind enough to provide us with a free flow of beer…


…as well as food. I must admit, everyone was wondering – What’s the catch? Free food, free beer, there’s gotta be a catch.


Well, there isn’t one. It’s just a casual get-together for bloggers to eat, drink and be merry.


I had a lot of fun at The Tavern. We were given the opportunity to pour beer from the tap.


It sounds easier than it actually is. The glass has to be angled at 45 degrees before gradually brought up to a vertical position. I poured mostly foam the first time I tried it. I am saddened to report that the girls did much better than the guys.


We were also the very first to be privy to the new Heineken UEFA Champions League game – Heineken Star Final 2009. I am astounded by the game mechanics. I didn’t think this was possible using just Flash. Heineken Star Final is a massively multiplayer game where you sail to Krabi, Thailand on a raft.


It’s meant to emulate the journey from the previous Heineken Star Final destination to this year’s Heineken Star Final destination. You can send messages in (Heineken) bottles to other people playing the game – a very nice touch for communicating in-game.


The rafts are customizable so you can tinker with your design until you find an ocean-worthy vessel adorned with the flag of your choice. I also love the concept of joining fleets – the fastest person to make the arduous (well, not really when you’re sitting behind a computer, but think immersive! ;)) journey in the shortest amount of time wins.


You can join a fast fleet (if they accept you) or create your own fleet. The game is amazingly simple, yet has immense replay value coz a lot of the features have to be discovered gradually. Playing through the entire game takes 5 real-time days (!).


I’ve honestly never played an online Flash multiplayer game like this before. I can just imagine the insane amount of coding that produced this masterpiece.
Heineken is also going around Malaysia in April for their A Night in Rome party. It’s going to be held in four different places – Ipoh, Johor Bahru, KL and Miri. I’m glad they didn’t leave Sarawak out. You can check out the dates at the Heineken website.


Meanwhile, I’m setting sail again in a couple of days.

Just surf over to Heineken Star Final and look for (the fleet, not the blog). The grand prize winner is going for an all-expenses paid trip to Krabi, Thailand to watch the UEFA Champions League live under the stars on the beach. Heineken will be served too, from what I’ve heard. πŸ˜‰


You want to win a trip to Krabi?

Krabi, ahoy! =D

(That’s not my in-game raft, BTW)

Heineken UEFA Champions League – Be Prepared!


Heineken is running an online contest on the UEFA Champions League. However, this is not your standard run-off-the-mill contest where you fill in your particulars and tick a few easy to answer questions. Heineken Be Prepared is actually a fully interactive online Flash game!


The Heineken Be Prepared game has three stages/games – I’ve just completed the first game (Beer Delivery) and found out that I need two other players to complete the remaining stages. I must applaud Heineken for this campaign – it’s very interactive and social, the next wave of online content. The game even has a nice ending video clip to reward you!


The Be Prepared games are not about football (soccer) so you don’t need to be a football fan to enjoy it. There are three games – Beer Delivery, Mexican Wave and Beer Slide, which are all arcade style games. I played Beer Delivery, which required me to memorize a map and then guide a Heineken beer truck to the supermarket.

I’m not good with memorizing stuff so I need someone who can do that as a team partner. Heineken Be Prepared requires three (3) people to play so I need two more players.


The second game is described as Mexican Wave, where someone who is good in DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) type games would come in handy here.

I will be playing the third stage/game – Beer Slide, since it requires a steady hand and fast reflexes, both qualities that I possess (though not at the same time ;)).

I need two others players to complete the games. The fastest combined time wins and the prize is three (3 – so all of us gets to go) tickets to Heineken Star Final, an exclusive UEFA Champions League final viewing experience on an exotic tropical island (!).

All right, in order to do this, the first two comments (please leave a valid email address in the comment itself) will get a chance to play the game with me for the prize. Please leave your email address in the comment and an indication that you want to (seriously!) join the team for this endeavor.

I’m very keen on winning the grand prize. I mean, just look at it – three (3 – so all of us get to go) tickets to the UEFA Champions League Final viewing party on an exotic tropical island!


Please, refrain from drinking while playing the game, since we do need the fastest time to win.

Three friends. Three games. One Prize.


Off to the exotic tropical island! =D

Heineken Chelsea Asia Tour 2008 Malaysia Contest Winners


The submissions for the contest to win a ticket to the Chelsea match on the 29th of July 2008 and the included pass to the Heineken House has been carefully harvested, measured, sieved, filtered, marinated and roasted to perfection. The fermentation process was a little on the lengthy side, my apologies about that, but here are the winners:

Suresh Krishnan-Dass
You’re the very first person to get BOTH of the bonus questions right, which is amazing due to the admittedly vague nature of the photos. Kudos for that! You just won a ticket to the match and the included invite to the Heineken House.

The Blur Queen also managed to get both the bonus questions right. Respect! You’re the second one to do so, congratulations! πŸ™‚

Melvin Raj
Melvin also got both of the bonus questions right, with the additional information that the firm was originally known as the Chelsea Shed Boys. Cheers!

Nurvia Ooi
Nurvia won by pure virtue of speed. The email was the first one in that had all the questions answered correctly. First post award. Congratulations!

This one takes the cake in pure effort and length. She wrote a very lengthy email with educated guesses of the possible answers to the bonus questions. An except:
picture two:
you are standing. the clue is firm.. standing firm? or are you talking about a football firm?

1. Lampard stays firm in Chelsea as I have just read in the newsletter…
2. Chelsea Headhunters, the firm where people formed with the intent to engage in fights and inflict pain with members of firms from other clubs. Riot! Sound like a bit of fun :] I know in 2006 that 2 players received death threats from the Headhunters. I will wikipedia that later to see what I can find.


Congratulations to all the five winners! You each get one (1) ticket to the Chelsea Asia Tour 2008 match at Shah Alam Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at 8:45 PM on the 29th of July, 2008 and one (1) invite to the Heineken House courtesy of Heineken, the sponsor of the contest.

The answer to the first bonus question is The Rising Sun pub where Chelsea was founded (thus the hint “Origin”). The second bonus question with the hint “Firm” refers to Chelsea Headhunters – the football firm of Chelsea.


Judges decisions are final and based on purely unscientific qualitative standards. πŸ˜‰

Thank you all for participating and I’ll be calling the winners to verify their attendance. I want to ensure that all the winners can go, so should any one of them be unable to make it, the ticket and pass will be given to another submission selected at random* with priority given to the first few people who emailed me with the correct answers.


Frank Lampard, Michael Ballack, Joe Cole are all coming for the friendly match against Malaysia. Be at the Shah Alam Stadium on the 29th of July to watch Chelsea play against our national team!

*Fine Print (TM): You have to answer the phone within 6 rings coz I really don’t want to be on the phone the whole day. πŸ˜‰

Contest: Five (5) FREE tickets to see Chelsea FC Live in KL

Chelsea Asia Tour 2008
Chelsea Asia Tour 2008 Malaysia

Chelsea is going on a tour around Asia and they’re scheduled to perform at the Shah Alam Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at 8:45 PM on the 29th of July, 2008. Heineken is sponsoring five (5) free tickets to watch Chelsea LIVE and I’m going to give them away to the first five people who gets the answers to the five questions below correctly.

The winners will also get an exclusive invitation to Heineken House, a hospitality tent where only invited people can attend. The hospitality area includes light finger food, good music and good company. Also present is the opportunity to win some autographed merchandise.

Chelsea Football Club (also known as The Blues, due to their colors) is probably the second most recognizable English Premier League team. They’ve spent most of their history playing in the Premier League and I’ve had considerable success betting for this team in the UEFA Champions League in 2000. πŸ˜‰

chelsea crest

Chelsea FC was founded in 1905 and has thus been around for more than a century, much like Heineken. Their official crest features a blue lion looking backwards and holding a staff. Their home colors are blue but their official away colors will probably be a shade they call “electric yellow” when they play in the Shah Alam Stadium later this month.

Chelsea is a team to watch out for, having ranked the highest in the UEFA coefficient ranking system after the 2007/2008 season. I tend to root for the underdog so I’m always pro-Chelsea instead of Manchester United, which has become rather commercialized as of late.

Chelsea is also noted for football hooliganism during the 1970’s and the 1980’s and the “Chelsea grin” which I first came upon while watching the movie Green Street. My favorite line from that movie was “Do you take…American Express?” before the GSE (a fictitious football firm) jumped in to save the day. I love that film and highly recommend it to everyone who’s interested in movies.

Chelsea is coming to Malaysia to play against a Malaysian lineup in a friendly match for the Malaysian leg of the Chelsea Asia Tour 2008. RM 50 says Chelsea would win, Asian handicap of 1 goal to Chelsea. Any takers? πŸ˜‰


Heineken is Chelsea’s official beer and it’s one of my favorite lagers. It’s a standard 5% alcohol content beer and the interesting history behind the beer is the development of Heineken A-yeast for the fermentation process by Dr. H. Elion in 1886. The good doctor was a student of Louis Pasteur, the very same man who made pasteurization a household word.

This beer has been around for over 100 years and in the good old days of football in England, beer is drunk before, during and after a game. I’m a big fan of Heineken myself and the best I could do is drink it during…




and dinner. Heineken is pretty much a common name in Malaysia, having established themselves as a brand to be reckoned with. Most people would associate a foreign beer with Heineken. It’s kinda like the Malaysian brand name association:

When you have a headache, you take? Panadol
When you want instant noodles, you eat? Maggi
When you order beer, you ask for? Heineken

Contest for five (5) free tickets to watch Chelsea during the Chelsea Asia Tour 2008 Malaysia and the included invite to the Heineken House.

Please answer the following five (5) questions and email it to to win a ticket to watch Chelsea live in KL on the 29th of July.

1. Where is Chelsea’s home stadium located?

2. Who is Chelsea’s all time top goal scorer?

3. What is the official founding date of Chelsea Football Club?

4. What kind of beer is Heineken?

5. What is the official corporate logo of Heineken?

Bonus questions:

hint 1

Hint: Origin

hint 2

Hint: Firm

Terms and conditions:
1. Only email submissions are accepted.
2. Please provide a valid cell phone number with your contest entry for validation.
3. The first five (5) winners will be awarded one (1) ticket each.
4. In the event of a tie, the bonus questions will be used as a tie-breaker.
5. Each person is only allowed to make one (1) email contest submission.

human crest

The human Chelsea crest wishes you luck! Cheers! πŸ™‚



I just happened to check the Monash Exam Results page just now and
saw a link – Semester 1, 2003 Results! Oh, fuck!!! I thought. It was
supposed to come out tomorrow afternoon but sometimes it comes out
earlier. With EXTREME TREPEDITION, I clicked on the link, entered my
authcate password and covered the monitor with my hand. I pulled it
away and saw:

CSE2030 Distinction
CSE3151 Pass
ELC1000 Distinction
GSC2714 Distinction

My apologies to my neighbour for my shouts of “YEAH! FUCKING YEAH!
unacceptably loud volume. I am happy you see, because it’s my last
semester and I’ve been worried that I will fail something and will have
to repeat. Turns out that I don’t, woo fucking hoo, I’ve officially
graduated! =D

Anyway, here are the actual results and the expected grade I forecast after the exam:

Expected: Distinction
CSE2030 Postmortem []
Actual: Distinction

Expected: Pass
CSE3151 Postmortem []
Actual: Pass

Expected: Distinction
ELC1000 Postmortem []
Actual: Distinction

I got 3/3 correct this time. Heh. I didn’t forecast GSC2714 Drug and
Alcohol Use, because hey, it’s something I’m very interested in so I
don’t expect to fail it. True enough, I got the highest mark of all my
subjects for that. Arrggghhhh…just 4 marks short of a High
Distinction. I’m still happy though. πŸ™‚


You see that Limited Edition Rugby World Cup 2003 Heineken Magnum
(1.5 liters) up there? I’ve lugged that back from Melbourne to save for
drinking when I pass everything. Now I’m going to scull that
motherfucker and head out for celebrations! =D

P/S – I will reply all the comments when I come back, I’m too happy
now so I’m going to celebrate. πŸ™‚ My apologies for the profanity laden
post, I’m not usually like that, but dammit, this is great news for
someone who has been worried about failing in his last semester and
having to repeat. Hehehe! =D

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