Mango Tango @ Bangkok


Mango Tango is a dessert specialty shop in Siam Square, Bangkok that found it’s niche in mango desserts. Thailand is famous for its mangos and they certainly like their mangos over here. Mango Tango offers a variety of mango desserts and is a franchise with chains all over the world.

mangotango display

Jia Chui had came here the previous night and she brought me and MDC here coz the Mango Tango outlet was supposedly very delicious – we were not disappointed. The front of Mango Tango has a nice display of fresh mangos and replicas of their mango desserts outside the counter.

mangotango interior

The interior of Mango Tango is divided into two floors with seating arrangements for two and four. Mango Tango is very clean by Bangkok standards and the walls are adorned with phrases proclaiming the benefits of mangos. It has a really nice and cozy ambience.

Mango Tango (130 baht)

mangotango mango tango

Mango Tango is their signature dessert and consists of a halved and partially diced mango served with a side of mango pudding topped with whipped cream and a ball of mango sorbet. It tasted really good – it’s THE must try flagship dish.

Mango Delight (120 baht)

mangotango delight

Mango Delight is a selection of tropical and imported fruits served with huge mango chunks. It’s a great dessert for people who like fruit.

Mango Sticky Rice (100 baht)

mangotango sticky rice

Mango Sticky Rice consists of a scoop of mango sorbet, sliced fresh mangos and mangos with glutinous rice (sticky rice). It tastes surprisingly good – especially the mango mixed with sticky rice…it’s out of this world!

Mango Iceberg (74 baht)

mangotango iceberg

Mango Iceberg is a dish with mango ice cream, milk sago and mixed fruits. It tastes a lot like cold bubur cha cha except it’s full of mangos.

mangotango me mdc jia chui

The Thai sure like their mangos (and pork) and mangos are practically a national dish over here. Check out Mango Tango if you’re in Siam Square – it’s worth every single baht to eat the famed Thai mango desserts.


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