TP Makeover

I was sitting on the toilet bowl going about my business when I happened to notice the backup
roll of toilet paper on the floor. The packaging has changed! To show you all the old and new
packaging, I had to raid the toilet of the floor below (which typically goes through toilet paper
slower than our floor because they have fewer people) because our floor only has the new ones. I
pity the next person downstairs who uses up the toilet paper only to find…NO BACKUP ROLL! I am
evil. =D

The old

The new

Asses? Wrists? Backs? Where am I and what is this place?

More on the chair issue. I’ve already submitted a maintenance request form and I should get my
new chair tomorrow. I have given up on trying to sit on my sofa. It’s not that it’s uncomfortable,
on the contrary, with that pillow, my ass feels like he’s in heaven. It’s just that the books I use
to prop up the chair is small. I do not have a big ass, at least I don’t think so. =D The footprint
of my ass is larger than the books I use so parts of my ass are hanging off the edge. That is Not a
Nice FeelingTM and is liable to cause mild discomfort and a general feeling of ill ease.
Heh. Thus, to rectify this situation, I have swiveled my monitor sideways and as I’m typing this,
I’m sitting on my bed. This is a much more acceptable position, not only to my ass but to my wrists
as well. But now my back hurts coz beds do not have back support. Oh well, you can’t have


Well, I was lazy to head over to the operations office today to get my chair fixed so I made do
with the sofa. After a while, typing became a burden due to the sofa being too low relative to the
table so I just used the keyboard from my lap. One of the good things about having a cordless
keyboard. However, that didn’t work so well coz I still had to squint when looking at the monitor
so I propped up my seat with 2 books and my pillow. It feels much better now. My wrists, not my


Feeling tired of studying, I downloaded and watched Inuyasha episode 65 – Saraba Seishun no Hibi
(Farewell Days of Youth). It aired on YTV (Japan) on the 8th of April, 7 pm. I’ve only watched up
to episode 44 so far, but episode 65 is a filler episode so I figured I won’t miss much by watching
this. It was raw, as in no subtitles. I managed to get the gist of it though. Either my Japanese is
getting better or Inuyasha just uses a lot of the same words. Heh. Being a filler episode, there
isn’t much about the Naraku storyline but it did have a funny scene of Shippo about to be molested
by Inuyasha. =D There are a lot of people who doesn’t like Shippo (the fox demon) but I think he’s
adorable. My favourite character would have be Sango though, she has the best background story and
she looks cool in that Youkai Taijiya outfit.

Mounting evidence that I’m overweight

Man, this is sounds like a script for a bad cartoon. My chair broke when I sat on it just now.
The screws holding the chair snapped on BOTH sides. Someone up there is telling me I need to go on
a diet. That, or I just sat on the chair too hard. =D

The Chair. Red circles showing where the screws gave way.

Close up of the chair. You can see where it snapped.

It drives me crazy!

Nano nano nana nano nano nana nano nano nana nano nano nana

Nano nano nana nano nano nana nano nano nana nano nano na

Nano nano

It drives me crazy

I really love

What it does to meeeee

Sweet, sour and salty

Nano nano

Na na na na nano nanoooooooooooooooooooooo

I have this jingle stuck in my head. It came from the commercials on TV when I was around 12.
It’s those sweets from Indonesia with funky flavors like Hot Pineapple. It’s a testament to viral
marketing that I can still remember the lyrics after 10 years.

Dumb people

Ah…I finally installed Windows XP Professional on my computer. This came with an enterprise
key so there is no activation. At least I don’t have to put up with Windows Me crashing on me every
hour. Seriously, it does not like my system and that’s really how often it crashes. Anyway, I’ve
ploughed through one of the Java books I borrowed from the library and now I’m going to finish up
my Java assignment.

Thought of the day: I have lost faith in the intelligence of the general population.
People are gullible…say something like “SOME FUCKING RICH CORPORATION WILL SEND 20000000000 CENTS
CONTACT LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and people will start
forwarding the chain mail left, right and center. Never mind that there’s no way to track every
email (unless that someone is the NSA). Never mind that this has been proven as a hoax email. Get a
grip people. There is *GASP* no little girl with a hole in her heart/cancer/some weird
disease waiting for your 2 cents to have an operation. There is *GASP* no company tracking
the emails and donating 2 cents to that little girl. If you believe everything you read, I’ve got a
nice island I’m willing to part with for the low, low price of $1000 dollars. And I’ll throw in a
couple of coconut trees with that as well, if you ACT NOW. Please mail me to get my
anonymous PO Box mail address where I can abscond with your money and disappear without a

This is what I’ve been up to today

Finals are less than a month away. I’ve resorted to “counting time” to get my revision done
before the finals. It works like this. It doesn’t matter what time you sleep or wake up, but make
sure that there is at least 16 hours between the time you wake up and the time you sleep again.
Like for instance, I woke up at 3 pm today. That means I’ll have to wait until 7 am to sleep again.
That way I don’t shaft myself by sleeping too much. =D

Cartoon Classics – Superman (No IMDB listing)

JB You’ve Done It Again! I saw DVDs starting from A$3.99 and above in JB Hi-Fi. I’m not
sure if this is a store wide thing though, coz I only went to the Chadstone one. There was a shelf
full of B-Movies going for A$3.99 and I bought 5 of the cheesiest looking ones. Heh. The titles

Murder On Flight 502 [IMDB]

Replikator [IMDB]

Force : Five [IMDB]

Bio-Force I [IMDB]

Cartoon Classics – Superman (No IMDB listing)

B-Movie Bonanza!

Funny quote of the day: Jimmy (after seeing Bio-Force I) – “You mean there is a Bio-Force

A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger. Nor Hatred. Nor Love.

I went to Chadstone this afternoon with Jimmy and got myself a ticket to the first screening of
Star Wars Episode II. I did call them yesterday and they said there were about 180 tickets left.
However when I went in today, the attendant told me the tickets were all sold out. Luckily they
opened up another session, so I did get a ticket. wh00t! Interesting tidbit – Since Australia is
faster (GMT +10) than most of the world and George Lucas wanted a worldwide same day release on the
16th of May, we get to see it faster than most of the world. =D Note the ticket, it says 15th of
May 11:59 PM. *gloat*

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