I just watched the final installment of the Jersey Trilogy by Kevin Smith. I am aware that Jay
and Silent Bob Strike Back is the last one of that trilogy but I could only find a cam (cams are
movies filmed using a camcorder in a cinema – low quality) on it on my network. I generally
don’t watch cams coz its too blurry and I have to squint to see anything. I prefer DivX (DivX
movies are ripped from a DVD – high quality) encoded stuff. The version of Chasing Amy I
watched is a rip of the Criterion Collection DVD. I thought it was a pretty good movie, but perhaps
I wasn’t in the mood to watch a introspective type movie so I couldn’t really get into it. For some
reason, I feel that Mallrats is a better movie. But Chasing Amy does come up with some interesting
questions about relationships. Particularly the one about men wanting to be Marco Polo. It is true
in a sense even if most people deny it. This seems to be a main theme in the Jersey Trilogy. It was
in Clerks (snowball), Mallrats (uncomfortable place) and Chasing Amy (fingercuffs). I didn’t like
Ben Affleck in Mallrats and I guess that carried over to this movie. Now I can’t watch a movie with
Ben Affleck in it without thinking that he’s going to screw someone in a very uncomfortable place.
No, not in the backseat of a Volkswagen. =D
Best line in the movie: Jay saying “Well look at this morose motherfucker…” (I love
The question that begs to be asked: When did Holden (Ben Affleck) become friends with Jay
and Silent Bob? I recalled them being not on good terms in Mallrats.
Questionable decision in the movie: Why did they have Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) smoke in
the diner? He’s not a smoker and its glaringly obvious from the way he doesn’t inhale.